So now that the dust has finally begun to settle can we address this?

So now that the dust has finally begun to settle can we address this?

That bottom pic is from Birth of Evil, it's right before he goes off. Can't you use the actual pic from the episode?

Doesn't really make any difference. They obviously dont look as they should (top pics)

>it's right before he goes off.
That's his fucking dad.

They got better

So his dad recovered from being a hunchback abused slave (which lasted 15 years) and also gained his youth (somehow) so he could look the same as the time Aku returned?

Wasn't the bottom his great-great grandfather and the top his father?

I remember the pilot episode his father does say great grandfather.
And I'm pretty sure the 2 samurais from Birth of Evil and the pilot are two different guys.

Wherever ashi took them was not the past. Japan being rebuilt that quickly? All of jacks friends and mentors the same age? His parents? The time skip to his wedding?

I don't know what it is, but it's not the past. Gendy is a master story teller especially through visuals, and all these visuals are just fucking WRONG. So, he's either the worlds largest hack or this was on purpose.

If only user. You're giving Gendy too much credit when it comes to writing.

Yeesh... even Hirsch didn't screw up his show's timeline this badly!

>Aku faked his death and left the samurai to fuck around in a pocket dimension
>this the true and real ending

Genndy is a hack, news at eleven.


jesus christ how horrifying

>hurr everything needs to be exact because I'm an autist

Here's your answer you faggot, black hair dye, eating well, and make up.

Now kys

Kay? So just use the pic of what they looked like

>That's his fucking dad.

Are you legitimately retarded or did you just think "It's right before he goes off" is in reference to Jack and not "Right before Jack's dad goes off to the pit of evil" like one?

>THIS ending was why gendy wanted to bring Jack back

Is he a retard

never watched this show. is it in any way influenced by the conan movie?

>gendy fans calling spot on criticisms "autistic" as usual


Yeah because we really needed the fucking Emperor and Empress who have all possible resources to look young be depicted as haggard and old during Jacks wedding.

If you have a problem with my explanation then argue against them sperg. Why is it impossible to believe? Do Jewish concentration camp victims look like skeletons the rest of their life? No because they're fed and regain their muscle and fat mass.

Man I'd sure love me some of dat Japanese fountain of youth magic

Are you sure? It's made out of natto and futanari semen. That's fermented soybeans, and not the good kind for you baka gaijin.

They dyed their hair

Alternatively, they have black hair because they're Aku in disguise and he couldn't imitate them perfectly.

>Jack comes back from his tree moping
>"Father? Mother?"

Jewish concentration camp victims didn't regress in age the second the war was over you fucking retard. And even if the emperor had access to makeup that made him look the same as he did when Jack was fucking 5 years old, all of his friends wouldn't have that luxury too.

Just call it what it is, an inaccuracy, instead of literally making up shit to defend your favorite hack Gendy like an autistic manchild.

Hair dye. That shit exists way back in the 1600s, and the Edo period lasts in the 1600s-1860s. Makes perfect sense.

>muh dyed hair! XXXDD

Can we stop this meme already?

>the hair is the only inaccuracy

Hey nice meme

>The pocket dimension is programmed to slowly shit on jacks life.
>Ashi going poof is only thr beginning

Trying a little too hard to fit here friendo.

Nope, keep getting mad at cartoons though. It's very mature.

didn't this guy look the same after 50 years? I forget

Very nice Reddit! I see you are learning our ways. Stick around you may learn a thing or two champ.

>no rebuttal

I accept your concession of defeat. Now please stop shitting up the thread.


No he grayed.

>call everything a meme
>call others reddit
Nice projecting reddit.

Decided to check the ending just for you spergo. They don't look "like when jack was 5" they look like old people eating better and with access to hair dye.

Have an autism attack about something else.

Maybe ashi used magic to deage them or make them healthier and dyed their hair or some other bullshit

After Jack liberated his father from the mines, it took him several months on horseback just to find and travel to Aku's location. In that time, his father, who was mostly suffering from severe malnourishment and fatigue rather than just old age, began his recovery. His mother also had a few good meals and got some decent sleep after years of stress, which can do wonders. And she wore a wig to the wedding.

cool, now go compare them to their appearances in the first episode when Jack was 5 autist
Also keep in mind all of jacks teachers that literally do not age a single bit.

>years of stress

She lived as a Buddhist monk on top of a mountain not a stressed out schizo, either way she was a hunchback when Jack made it to her.

>a few months is enough time to cure malnourishment and torturous slavery

Yeah just drink some soup and put some band aids on it'll all be better ;)

Honestly the time skip should been 25 years. Enough for the cultists to make their plan and for ashi to grow up, enough for Jack become depressed, but not so much we are questioning why characters are still alive / able to fight.

>the one who doesn't care about the exact appearance of characters is an autist

Kek, Ok ((special)) guy. But really I'm not wasting a second more on this. Enjoy being Chris Chan levels of angry over nothing.

Here, have a pic from the actual episode.

What? Aku hasnt expanded past the tiny island of japan before getting rid of jack. Even on opposite extremes (which is improbable) it wouldnt take more than a few days on horseback.