DC Superhero Girls coming to Cartoon Network in 2018


>The action-comedy series from producer Lauren Faust (My Little Pony, The Powerpuff Girls) is set to premiere next year on Cartoon Network. Sam Register (Teen Titans Go!, Justice League Action) serves as executive producer. The new series builds on the DC Super Hero Girls direct-to-video movies as well as digital webisodes launched in 2015 on YouTube.


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>went to niece's birthday last week
>the theme was DC Superhero Girls

I really is amazing how big it is just as a web series. An actual cartoon series is going to make it insane.

I hope it's good. SBFF not getting a full series was painful.

Cool, little sad the show isn't gonna use the designs or continuity that's already there though

>No Superman cartoon

Watch them put it in the 7:30 AM slot to kill it. Why is WB so fucking stupid about not taking CN to task for deliberately sabatoging DC shows? If you cultivate a fanbase as kids through cartoons chances are they'll go see your big budget movies as kids or teens

the art style is ugly tho

Why Marvel cannot into female audience?

Maybe on that DC streaming platform? We'll never get anything besides Batman elsewhere.

They got into the tumblr audience and called it a day.

Most of their females are on teams or are legacies. Carol is a fucking train wreck of a character.

I want to believe. That and Supersons

That means JLA is canceled.

>Supersons cartoon
This world is too sinful, user.

whats that lol

To no one's surprise.

Inb4 Faust leave after the first season

Already happen with the horse shitshow and medusa

So is there going to be a new art-style, like in Faust's Super Best Friends Forever?

Because this Harley Quinn design is perfect.

Supersons: The Adventures of Johnathan and Damian
I'd watch that

I don't think the world can handle quite that much MILF user.
Lois is fucking fiiiiiiiiiiiiine.

Supes looks like he's expecting a gag out of the pie and Bruce looks like he see the gag coming and don't want to do it
>eat my wife's damn pie, bruce

So, is the webseries good at all?
I mean, what's it like? Do they do the characters justice? Is there any action?

It's a series for girls about superheroines in school. Harley and Ivy are heroes. It's not the DCAU if that's what you're wanting.

>Green Lantern Jessica Cruz

Fucking finally, I've been waiting a long time for /ourgal/ to appear!
Who do you want as voice actress?

>low budget
>brown girl

It'll be Cree Summer whether you want it or not.

Just check it out, bro, the episodes are like three minute long
IMO it's pretty good, manages to be cutesy without being obnoxious, has some pretty funny jokes, and cool designs
Yes, it does the characters justice, and goes surprisingly deep into DC lore
And yes, there is action


>in school
Got it. I mean, it was obvious from the style and the demographic that it wasn't aimed at me. I was just curious what the show's premise was and if it got the character's personalities down.

>Harley and Ivy heroes
Good. Harley's anti-hero push is unstoppable and not really as awful as it's often made out to be. We might as well try to get more Ivy along with it. The more successful this is the better chance we have of getting more of these characters in other media. It could be good for uping the profile of some quality C-listers and growing a larger following of DC fans in the younger generation.

>I've been waiting a long time
3 whole years, woah!

I hope it get's a good time slot . Little girls deserve to know about Jessica Cruz and Zatanna.

Called it!

(Lauren Faust going to DC to make a female centric DC show. Wish it was Wonder Woman TAS but eh, I'm still interested)

They don't plan to. Superheroes are not targeted to girls, that's what Frozen and Disney princesses are for.

Star Wars and Marvel are for boys to sell toys.

Honestly if Harley has always been a hero I have no problem with it. It's only in shit like Injustice where she does some truly fucked up shit and everyone just lets her off the hook for it where I dislike it.

Ivy should be like Swamp Thing. Not really hating people but not really interested in protecting them either.

This desu, I never watched MLP but I really like her art when it's not overly-cute stuff


Literally a Child Murderer

>The new faust show is DC Girls
Fuck this shit. We want a Superman cartoon.
Fuck you, too, Sam Register. Where the fuck is our Babymetal and Love Live TV Cartoons based on AmiYumi format? When the fuck is Looney Tunes Show 2.0 and not that Wabbit "NEW" Looney Tunes shit.
Fuck the DC-Kids shit, you mother fucker.
And CN, where the fuck is YJ S3? How about the new TD. Where is Gumball Season Six or the remainder of Five? Where is Adventure Time and the upcoming movie? Do you just not care because you keep shitting out these terrible new franchises and TTG friday parties?

Shes a superhero when she stops riding the joker choker and starts to jump on the bat gat.

I've always though it should be a TV show instead of a web show.

I give it 4 months.

Cancel it, please.

I miss Bunker :(

Wtf is this shit

High school happened.

me too :(

I hope it's as good as the webepisodes and graphic novels. Here are some of the best episodes.


I hope this means we get some best boy merchandise

We almost got a Batman/Superman cartoon, but WB was too retarded to synergize.

We haven't gotten a new Batman show since Beware the Batman was brutalized.

Can we have villains like Harley and Ivy actually being villains this time?

no they focus tested and girls don't want villains who are full evil

you have to deal with it

Why did they change a bunch of villains into heroes instead of just making a rival academy for villains?

The current art style and stories are bland as fuck. Thank god they're putting real effort into this finally.

The last movie had exactly that.

>ywn see Faust's Medusa animated movie
>ywn see Tartakovsky's Popeye movie

Fuck Sony


You just sold me on this series.

The art looks like one of those "ELSA SPIDERMAN EMOJI MOVIE PANTIE ATTACK [GONE WRONG]" videos on Youtube

>And CN, where the fuck is YJ S3?
On DC's new streaming service where it probably won't be aired once per Saturday morning at 6 am.

Fuck you're right.
Or those "Johnny Yes Papa" videos.

Ironically, if it weren't for synergy we would've had another Batman show rather than JLA.

Their most popular females are muties so they can't capitalize on them. The Carol push is going poorly


I hope there is more Frost

Reminder that Supergril canonically wears pink panties.


Mattel really needs reevaluate their girl only stance for this line. The Girl Power stuff may be a nice message but it has absolutely no bearing on the way girls play with dolls.

>The new series builds on the DC Super Hero Girls direct-to-video movies as well as digital webisodes launched in 2015 on YouTube.

Yeah I can understand not putting too much guy stuff but Beast Boy, Hal, and Barry should get a couple of dolls just so the girls can roleplay the series properly.

Justice League Action will likely be there as well.
CN only wants DC comedies. But at least Superhero Girls will be PPG tier.

Or maybe they figured out what Toei did with pretty cure. That grown men will buy merchandise for a show targeted towards little girls if you have a few good fight scenes per episode.

I hope Hal and Jessica get to hang out together and they don't just drop him, his design is too cute

>no THICC Supergirl

They do have that, Sinestro is headmaster of Korugar Academy

>That grown men will buy merchandise for a show targeted towards little girls if you have a few good fight scenes per episode.
I got Wonder Woman, Batgirl and Supergirl while they were at Costco.


I like DCSHG a whole lot. Mostly because it's noce to see a positive, colourful version of the DC universe.


will the male heroes of superhero high get more airtime

perhaps pursuit relationships with the superhero girls?

that big barda is really hot

in young justice, superman orders apple pie, and batman orders the devil's food (cake). I think it was supposed to seem dark and gritty (i.e. devilish), but it really just seems like something a chocoholic over weight soccer-mom would order.

I'm glad to see she's getting some work. Will always be a tragedy how Hasbro fucked her over on MLP for not being a yes-man.

>sbff NOT getting a full series was painful.


they squeezed everything out of an obvious gag

I wonder if Bumblebee, Katana, Harley and Ivy are still going to be in it cause they don't mention them.

Get your eyes checked. Two of those are mentioned

To be fair both are comfortish foods.
Bruce seems like the kinda guy who, when he was young, liked chocolate more.

Three of them are mentioned. Learn to count.

I had to, with straight face, return the 6 inch Poison Ivy doll to my local grocery store.
It broke at the waist about 2 minutes after I got it out of the box.
It was loose so I thought it was supposed to pivot. Turns out it was just poor build quality.

Hero of the month Starfire Cyborg is one of my favorite episodes.

I'm surprised that Starfire, Beast Boy, and Cyborg have appeared on the show yet Raven hasn't.

You should have said it was a present for your niece. I did.

Wait until AT&T takes over, they will hopefully make WB and CN play nice

>Bog Iger laughs harder, clutching his sack full of profits

My fav is the one where Frost and Miss M become best friends.

Most of the good Marvel female characters are X-men, and Marvel has refused to capitalize on them for a while.

Nut up and buy your little girl toys like a man, user.

Disney has disney princesses.

Their marvel heroes are for boys.



is that Bunker