Why did daron make this poll? What does she have planned?
Star vs the margin in this poll
Marco and Janna episode?
She's deciding who will win the Marcobowl.
None of the girls would like Marco if the show took place IRL
Killing off whoever wins
To crush our spirits.
And to warn us that gypsies should never be trusted.
Is that projecting I sense?
Her plan is that she had no plan and this was just a ruse to troll her fans into thinking she has a plan.
She's either killing off the winner or the loser. Good thing Jackie is neither
More Marco for me then.
I'm not really surprised that Ponyhead is the least liked. She has exactly 0 redeeming qualities.
If I say no, you'll think it is. If I say yes, you'll still think it is.
The margin between pony head and Jackie really isn't that big though.
I'll take the crass girl with attitude over the enabler with no personality
That's why she's so fun. Characters that are shitty people are the most fun to watch.
Pretty much why It's always sunny has been around for 12 years
>Creator polls the fandom to find the superior waifu
I know how this storyline ends
>Janna is in first
>Jackie isn't last
>She has exactly 0 redeeming qualities.
She has killed a man. That's a redeeming quality in my book.
There's hope after all
What did she mean by this?
No Hekapoo.
The superior waifu is the one (You) the viewer love the most.
That must be why Star isn't included.
It's a race for second place.
What do you think the most degrading weird sex thing Star would go through with without feeling bad about it afterwards. What's her upper limit.
You mean Marco's sloppy seconds?
Sex with Jackie
How degrading it must be to get with a plot device. But hey, at least she's hot
fucking more then three but less then seven guys at the same time.
letting a dog lick her but not fuck her.
>Jackie is only a little bit higher than Ponyhead, the least favorite side character
Anybody know if there's a part 3?
>she says she doesn't want it
>he does it anyway
>she likes it
this pisses me off so much
People hate her for rabid shipping reasons. A popular pass time on tumblr is shitting on her for fun.
>The wrong waifu won
This some AU Star?
Show Star would never "not want to be a bother".
I can smell the weeabo from this picture, it's over 9000.
That's just how women are.
That's being a cute japanese girl 101 user.
Think of it and let your rage seethe to a slow boil.
Who /toff/ here?
Moon prequel stories
And then they resent you silently for doing exactly what they told you to do.
Except when they're not and instead start disliking you because you didn't do what she wanted
>implying Ms. "strong independent warrior princess" wouldn't get off on that stuff more than anything
so god damn true
>She has killed a man
in Reno, 'cuz he got close to B-fly.
Next slut to join the enchilada harem
What we need is more Monstar beach antics.
Think of how cuddly she'd get when she steps out of the water.
Our writefriend says he's working on it
That's not Star though.
Maybe she's just curious? Everything doesn't have to be calculating.
calliefags not welcome
>"Who, Marco?"
>"I don't have a crush on him!"
>"I don't..."
>"We're just friends..."
Have you ever hugged a wet snake? it's neither cuddly nor comfy
And what we got out of all that?
That she was a bigger bother.
You guys know she's 14, right?
When are you fags going to watch the show again? What time and date for new episodes so you don't make shit threads.
Take your stupid droopy-eyed retard and fuck off
I must disagree with you user.
Nowadays women are starting puberty at ~12 or so. She's basically halfway to sexual maturity anyway, what's the harm?
I'm very kidding just so there's no misunderstandings
Your typical 14 year old girl.
Go Janna!
s3 when?
The entire website was founded because Moot was mad that they banned talking about lolicon anime from Something Awful. 14 is ANCIENT compared to the hordes of dude here who want to bang five year olds or just straight up jerk it to 3D CP
Tell that to the creepy man-child that groped her internal organs.
Thank god somebody remembers from whence this place spawned. Not many do, anymore.
I hope Janna wins the Starbowl.
Aaah the good ole' days of ZOMG TEH REI!
Everybody wanted to do this 14 yo.
>where do you think you are user?
Janna will be unable to contain her inner gypsiness and will attempt to steal the bowl beforehand thus disqualifying her entirely from the race.
Good riddance!
So Anons and Femanons(if any) alike. It has dawned upon me an idea, something of horror, for me to write. I will not say about what, and I will not say much else, but I will answer some questions if you wish.
It is time for some horror in these threads.
"Do you feel the tremors that shake our very existence?"
Is it Star vs. Tremors?
>there were people
>in these threads
>1 month ago
>that genuinely believed everyone wants Jackie to end up with Marco because there was a brief 3 week circle jerk on Jarco
Glad we're out of that phase.
Also I type 150 WPM, will I be hired tomorrow for a data entry job or is that too slow?
No, tremors would be like cute fluffy germs compared to what will happen in this.
I do, but saint patrick bateman protects me and makes me feel safe again
I wanna see the peasants of Mewni have a Bolshevik Revolution and kill all the nobles but star is the only survivor and goes on a journey to get back her throne, becoming more and more cold as she is confronted with the reality of the world.
That sounds like it could be interesting
That is a good idea, but this will feature a more hopeless, futile attempt at anyone at all surviving. And while revolutions are nice, that's small.
Insignificant even, compared to the measures that this fic will feature.
Eh, I don't really think horror meshes well with such a cute and colourful series. Except as a one time joke purely for shock purposes.
Case in point that fanfic that tried to mix Saya no Uta with with Star VS.
Of course that author's is a hack anyway so there's that.
Fishing for replies on Sup Forums, obviously
Trust me, this will work out beautifully. And you are right, it is cute, but what is the opposite of cute? Scary. And we need such unique material anyways.
Imagine Rasputin with real magic!
Oh wait.
Hungry Larry was pretty spooky all things considered
God, don't remind me. That shit the bed so hard.
And I've read too much to just drop it now.
People will do anything for (You)s
Well here is the special edition, i guess this is the last edit I made.
How's this?
I can't draw tigers for shit sacngfhsakhgs sorry.
Do it, drop it, it can't be saved and won't be reedemed in any possible way no matter how long you follow it.
He has no grasp whatsoever of the main characters' personalities and just writes them however he wants. But it was the overexposition that got to me.
Let it go.
Wow, that's actually really good.
We definitely need more warrior Star.
This is excellent. Marco's hoodie is a really nice touch.
But what the hell is that thing in the bottom right?
Hey! The shotel strong attack bypasses the shield guard!
smells like lavender
>jackie doing barely better than ponyhead
Also, if Hekapoo was on that list what would you say her percentage would be?
Over 9000
Above PH and Jackie, but below moon and janna.
So this is canon, right?
what is even going on?
That's kind of the appeal of the Ludo/Star roleswap AU, with less Marxism. Star is abandoned by her family for reasons and begins her quest to steal back the wand. Imagine if Toffee or Eclipsa took her in and taught her how to be real evil.
He was spooky in no small part because of how completely harmless he looked when he first appeared. The constrat worked perfectly to make him more menacing.
Also he had some creepy sociopath-youve-just-invited-in-your-home vibes.
Star uses the spying spell to peep on Marco in the shower.
Star's watching Marco in shower using all-seeing eye
i think
not so sure either though
Isn't the spell a two-way deal? He would notice probably