So why is he so sad? He just saved the world/universe from an unspeakable hero and is the heir to his Father's Empire...

So why is he so sad? He just saved the world/universe from an unspeakable hero and is the heir to his Father's Empire. He can probably have any girl he wants.

>any girl he wants
he only wants one

He's been a virgin for 70 years or some shit, the dude's desperate

he's sad, but he's happy at the same time

>So why is he so sad?

Because his Mary Sue plot device/love interest no longer exists

No other girl will come close to what Ashi was. Ashi started out as an assassin trying to kill him, she killed an entire army protect him, she was the perfect girl for Jack.

>He just saved the world/universe from an unspeakable hero
That's your reason, it's because he knows Aku was a hero all along.

After all he's been through, Jack won't be able to find happiness with a normie girl

>Aishi, you have Aku's powers
>Oh, that's right
>*time portal screech*
>Jack achieves his lifelong goal in two sentences

What a fucking let down of a series

Don't forget

>Ashi what's happening?
>Without Aku I don't exist


Ashi was his only way to fuck Aku without making it gay.

there isnt a single piece of fucking evidence that says you have to train to reach the level of power that aku has, AND there isnt any evidence to suggest aku isnt just as strong as her. your bullshit TFA argument doesnt work

time travel works however the artist wants it to work. newsflash, it doesnt fucking exist.

>push Aishi as Jack's love interest for 6/10s of the series for the exclusive purpose of her literally disappearing at the finale, unceremoniously
>the amassing of all of Jack's friends, especially the Scotsman, just abruptly ends with no cutback to them, Jack's last word's to the Scotsman was "I'm already seeing someone"

>He can probably have any girl he wants.
Except her.

That isn't the point. It was just blatantly obvious that they rushed the shit out of the episode that they said "Jack needs to return to the past at this timestamp at the latest so we can fit the ending sequence in."

>it doesn't fucking exist.

Neither does good writing when it comes to Genndy

What's with this one guy that keeps calling her Aishi?

Just curious, if the disappearance was addressed after aku died like
>a strand of ashi's hair flickers in full view of her/in audience
>gasps in shock
>"whats wrong Ashi?"
>"i-it's nothing, I'm just glad it's over"
>proceed as normal
>when she collapses
"I'm so sorry I didn't tell you, I just wanted you to be able to enjoy the time we would have before it happened, I love you.."
As an Ashifag I would be pissed at her death regardless, but would this kind of thing made it better for you?

how did Jack's dad clean up so well when he was a white haired half dead old man

if ashi would have disappeared due to time paradox why didn't she die right away and not last months as people travel from around the world

>months as people travel
Add to that the time it takes to rebuild a palace and village, plan a wedding, and send out invitations.

Because he lost the scottsman and all other great characters, they don't exitst anymore. I'd be pretty sad too

I kinda wish Ashi had not been pushed into the series as hard as she was. I liked her, yes, but I just never saw their relationship as very strong.
To display my autism, let me compare it to Zootopia. The total run time of that movie was 108 minutes, and that relationship, while not explicitly romantic, had a lot of chemistry to it. Excluding the first 3 episodes, we had 88 minutes to watch the development of Jack and Ashi's relationship. Was it those extra 20 minutes that made the relationship work? I don't know; what I do know is that I didn't feel all that much emotion past the first 15 minutes of the final episode.

basically gendy's a hack

>final battle
>Jack and Ashi fight Aku in the future
>in Aku's death throughs he opens a portal in time
>Aku dies the potral is closing
>all Jacks friends try to keep it open
>the Scotsman literally holds it open with celtic magic
>Ashi and Jack travel to the past
>Aku is still alive in Ashi
>she throws Jack forward and closes the portal
>Jack lands in the past
>finishes off Aku
>mournes Ashi and his friends