Unpopular opinions

Post your unpopular Sup Forums related opinions.
>Wander over Yonder is one of the greatest cartoons ever
>Samurai Jack season 5 was pretty good, but not flawless
>EEnE's final episode was disapointing
>Steven Universe WAS pretty good, but became absolute shit since season 3
>Legend of Korra was better than Legend of Aang
>Gumball is pretty fucking lame

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>>Wander over Yonder is one of the greatest cartoons ever
is it really an unpopular opinion? the only people who talk about WoY express their love, any other points of view never get brough upon at all.

>Wander over Yonder is one of the greatest cartoons ever

OP is not a fag.

like only two or three of those opinions are actually unpopular

>Legend of Aang
get out Euro trash, only thing better about Korra was the waifus

>Wander Over Yonder is the greatest
I agree, but as others have pointed out, is that really an unpopular opinion? Most people who see it love it, if anything, it's underrated

>EEnE's final episode was disappointing
Do you mean the actual final episode or the Movie? either way, I disagree

>SU was pretty good but shit since S3
I've liked and still like SU, Season 4 felt like a slump but I think things are finally getting good again

>>Wander over Yonder is one of the greatest cartoons ever

my nigger

>is it really an unpopular opinion?

It is in the Tumblr community where cartoons with heavy handed real life themes are the norm

It is considered great among those who watched it, but apparently very few people on Sup Forums have. Anytime I mention it in a thread I get replies such as "get out with your shit tumblr cartoon".
Apparently, yes.
Not only that, but I must say that the reason for that is basically Lord Hater. I think he was the most hilarious character I have ever seen, and any episode with him was just better than the rest. It was the only character in many years who made me actually laugh out loud without even expecting something funny to happen. I was really surprised by him.

WOY is amazing

You sure? I've seen nothing but praise for WOY on tumblr.

It was just better. It did everything we did not expect. I was expecting it to be a series just for sucking the dick of the LoA characters, but it was pretty independent and the LoA characters barely had any importance. I really liked how none of it was predictable. The dark Avatar, The "death" of the previous avatars, the amazing characters like Verrick. It was all so amazing.

S2 of WoY was a massive downgrade. Hater's characterization was disappointing and the humour wasn't as strong. Weird how the best episodes were the more heartfelt ones when that wasn't S1's strength - just goes to show how much of a different show it became.

I hardly ever browse Sup Forums these days so I didn't know that there were people here who hated it? Also, I thought Steven Universe was the tumblr cartoon

Weird, I liked Hater's change of character and I laughed more in Season 2 than I did in Season 1.

I also appreciate that Season 2 had less forced morals than Season 1.

>Enjoy TTGO and Clarence
>Gumball and Justice League Action is pretty meh
>Don't understand the love for Green Lantern John Stewart
>Don't miss much of shows in Cartoon Network
>Didn't like Ben 10 after they started Alien Force

I think a lot of mid-2000's shows are severely overrated. I don't think Teen Titans or avatar The Last Airbender are that good. Comedy shows faired even worse.

In general the last 7 years have been pretty great for TV cartoons overall.

>Tara Strong is overrated
>SpongeBob Season 4, 5, 9 and 10 are better than the first 3 seasons
>Sponge Out of Water is better than the First movie
>Steven Universe's early episodes were actually pretty good
>Clarence and Uncle Grandpa were good
>While not a fan of it, Teen Titans Go is not the worst thing on the network
>The Original Teen Titans is bland and boring after the first 2 seasons
>Infinity Train is shit and it feels like people only like it because "muh lore"

I can accept someone who likes TTGO, but I really don't see what there is to like in Clarence. Well, at least it's not Uncle Grandpa.
>infinity train
Wait, it's already out? It didn't seem that good back when I saw the teaser exactly because of what you said. Seems a little too "2deep4u" and I hate that.

I think you confused pulling random stuff out of their ass that made no sense, with being unpredictable

I'm talking about the Infinity Train pilot and the concept of the show, I don't think a full series has been announced yet.

No. The user was saying that people instantly liked it when they saw the pilot of it on Youtube just because of "how she got in the train" lore.

It's the exact opposite, because it all made sense to me. I know it is an unpopular opinion, but I feel like people don't like LoK because the expected it to be just like LoA.

i don't really get the appeal of Wander Over Yonder, am i missing something?

I love it mostly because of Hater, the comedy, the animation and the fun places they visit in the galaxy.

I feel like the show could of been Craig's Magnum opus if he gotten a 3rd season.

have you seen at least tried watching it.

Do it and answer the question yourself.

>i don't really get the appeal of Wander Over Yonder
This motherfucker right here.
>i missing something?
Yes you are. It is not flawless. The series begins kinda poorly, but it quickly grows into something pretty amazing.

I enjoy it because of seeing Clarence going places and having fun. Especially that episode when he went emo.

>Tara Strong is overrated
Fucking this!

>It did everything we did not expect.
You're correct here. We definitely did not expect it to be so terrible.

i mean, i watched about five or six episodes, and didn't really get endeared. maybe i just don't like wander's character, or something about it just doesn't click with me.

Which season was it?

If it was the early Season 1 episodes, then that explains why you don't see what the big deal is. The first dozen episodes don't have much to them.

yeah, it was season one. if you think i should give it a chance, then i guess i will. should i start from somewhere specific, or?

Start at Season 2.

Not the quoted one, but just go watching it. When I started, I just wanted to get on to season 2 so I could see Lord Dominator, but I am really glad that I didn't skip. Season 1 has many great episodes and made the show really grow on me.

thanks y'all, i'll start watching it tonight.


>Steven Universe WAS pretty good, but became absolute shit since season 3
Same. You could clearly see things going rapidly downhill in Season 2.
>Gumball is pretty fucking lame
Have you watched all of it? I find it similar to SU in that I really liked the first season, but everything since then has dropped sharply in quality.


Who fucking cares.

Uncle Grandpa was pretty great, especially in the later half. You can tell most people who complain so hard about it didn't watch more than one or two episodes. UG's voice and the artstyle really work for a premise that takes advantage of being a dumb cartoon for the sake of being a dumb cartoon. I wish more people gave it credit for what it was instead of comparing it to shit it wasn't even attempting to be.

Wander Over Yonder is severely overrated on this board.

Gumball is actually shat on a lot nowadays. Understandably so because this season is slowly making me depressed

>SpongeBob Season 4, 5, 9 and 10 are better than the first 3 seasons

What did he mean by this?

Milo Manara is overrated. I consider both Paul Gillon and Serpieri to have superior art styles.

I don't know, but it's definitely the most genuinely unpopular opinion here

a cry for help.

>>Wander over Yonder is one of the greatest cartoons ever
This is your only good opinion

I wasn't expecting the amount of keks i got from him. ive chucked a few times from his voice acting alone. As for the cartoon itself, the animation was superb and almost movie-like at times. Shame about the third season, it seems like theyd finally figured out the best eps came from the main four cast team ups.

I think WOY fails to get much recognition from this board from the lack of waifu material. Dominator was a huge fucking bitch, but she otherwise didn't get much development.

Samurai Jack has never been good.

drugs are bad


What about coffee?

that's just like your opinion, man

I really wanted to like WoY, but the Wander's overly cheerful attitude and accent got really grating really quickly. I had to drop it after two episodes, but I've heard such good things that I feel as though I'm missing out.

Wander's optimism starts to work against him in some later eps (and he'll start hitting some low points towards the end). Might still not be your cup of tea, but animation wise, the show is a treat.

I've seen SJW blogs shitting on WoY because of Dominator. The same ones used to praise the show until some moment, however.

>>Legend of Korra was better than Legend of Aang
that watched both

>Wander over Yonder is one of the greatest cartoons ever
That's not an unpopular opinion at all whatsoever, and it's definitely a hidden gem amongst the trash that we've been given for the past few years

>Samurai Jack season 5 was pretty good, but not flawless
This is bait

>EEnE's final episode was disapointing
Are you talking about the movie? Because I'd agree the ending and how quickly the other kids suddenly championed the Eds just because Eddie's brother was being a huge dick felt like a copout

>Steven Universe WAS pretty good, but became absolute shit since season 3

>Legend of Korra was better than Legend of Aang
The fuck is Legend of Aang?

>Gumball is pretty fucking lame
It's not as shitty as the other shows Cartoon Network has peddled out since it began airing, but it's suffered the seasonal dip in quality like most other shows that run for long

You know how the Sonic Boom cartoon is really good because the show constantly lampoons all of the shit that the fans hate about the Boom universe? Wander Over Yonder has that good a level of writing despite the shit that's actually happening not being all that great.

Cartoons these days are on the whole better than cartoons when I was a kid say (1990-2000). I would never be on a cartoons and comic board about the shit that was around when I was a kid. Also I hate comics.

Is this really an unpopular opinion?

Cartoons are better now because kids largely don't watch cable TV anymore and studios need to expand the demo beyond mouth breathing children.

Well it's unpopular here (at least going by vocal popularity). I don't know if it's unpopular in general.

I didn't really care for Avatar: The Last Airbender that much. I can see why people like it, but it never really struck with me. It's always been a "meh" cartoon to me personally.

I also feel the same way towards most "good" modern cartoons like Rick and Morty, Gravity Falls, and Star Vs. They're alright, but nothing I really enjoy personally.

>unpopular Sup Forums related opinions
That's not an unpopular opinion.

And unpopular opinion is saying Wnder Over Yonder is absolute boring tripe when it's concentrating on anyone but Lord Hater and Peebles, something the creators themselves probably realize considering the growing focus on him, and the introduction of Lord Dominator, a character whose sole reason of being is give the greatest evil doer a character arc.

Wander and that horse alien I can't remember the name of are boring characters.

That opinion is actually fairly common for Sup Forums.
Try again.

>I hate comics
How can you hate an entire medium? There's not a single comic you lile?

>enjoy TTGo and NuPPG
many nostalgia fags and 90's pedos only enjoy 90's PPG is cause of the kids and rape art

WOY was pretty bad

Really? I like the newer episodes of gumball more than the first season, it feels more meta.

I haven't watched a lot of Season 5 though so I can't vouch for that.

>EEnE's Final Episode
Season 4's, Season 5's, or Big Picture Show?

I get the feeling this will be unpopular, partially because it's been discussed to death, but I wanted to get it out there. Jack S5 episode ranking:

2 > 3=1 > First half of 10 > 9 > 7 >= 8 > Second half of 10 > 6 > 4 >= 5

8/10 overall, no episodes as a whole below 6.5/10 but Ep.3 is the last to get 9/10 or higher, not that I don't recognize many small issues across the season. I think the final visual and the moral it went with saved the kinda poor way the 2nd half of the finale played out.

i liked it just because i wanted to fuck Sylvia

Heres an unpopular opinion for ya
I still love SU the same way i loved it a year ago.

That's exactly why it's bad, in my opinion. It's style of humor is very similar to Teen Titans Go, yet for some reason a lot of Sup Forums appears to like it where the latter is near-universally hated.

Villainous is shit because it looks like a fucking grimdark AU

>Legend of Korra was better than Legend of Aang
Come on man, the only reason you could think that is because of the more "mature" atmosphere, which in the end was just a gimmick. Don't fall for it

>The Original Teen Titans is bland and boring
Sigh... yet another typical Sup Forumsntra-
>after the first 2 seasons

I don't understand why people hate Ben 10 when was the best cartoon airing on CN

TTGo has extra baggage because it's a "lol-meta" adaptation of source materials with very different tones. Gumball gets more of a pass because it's an original work that's changed organically as it aired.

Because it features some of THE biggest writing failures ever seen in ANY media.

I respect your enjoyment of WoY but I must disagree

except girl power fags

You are right
Many of those opinions are unpopular

He meant that he has a severe case of autism

Legend of Aang is the Euro's title for Avatar, the Last Airbender

I think people like the older show better because it was, you know, good and shit

Dominator is overrated and not that attractive to begin with

Only disagree with you about EEnE. Everything else is pretty spot on


Patrician. Best artist to ever draw the female ass.

I thought WoY was annoying and dumb. A cartoon with an obnoxiously annoying main character where he acts annoying and obnoxious and all the other characters get punished for being annoyed at his annoyingness: the TV series

it only got hyped because Faust

>Well, at least it's not Uncle Grandpa.
you talking shit about UG?

name some examples, it has been a minute since I saw the show

Good taste

Especially with the weird mowhawk/sidecut hybrid she has for hair

I thought Wonder was obnoxious and only watched it for Dominator.

>tfw I think uncle grandpa is better
it reminds me a bit like chower

>EEnE's final episode was disapointing
If you're talking about Big Picture Show, No. It really wasn't, it was the perfect sendoff to a great show, it allowed the show to die with grace, which is more than can be said of a lot of other cartoons.

>Legend of Korra was better than Legend of Aang
I thought this was an "unpopular opinions" thread, not a "wrong opinions" thread. Jesus Christ, I know people in real life who say this because they know it makes my blood boil.


>Samurai Jack season 5 was pretty good, but not flawless

How is this an unpopular opinion?

At least know that I agree with you.
I stand with OP, although I wouldn't refer to The Last Airbender as the Legend of Aang.

That's an Ok opinion to have. Some people aren't into Anime, you're simply not into Cartoons.
Greater than or equal to? Well, which one is it?I just feel like I've outgrown the type of humor it's going for

>SpongeBob Season 4, 5, 9 and 10 are better than the first 3 seasons
This is what I find the most insane.

>"Adult" jokes in kids cartoons usually aren't that funny.
>Animaniacs was made by people who hate cartoons.