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Has it been said that Whedon is continuing the groundwork laid out by Synder or is he whedoning?

wtf i love joss now

Looks like Phil Mitchell fell off the wagon again innit

I don't like Whedon. I especially don't like how Sup Forums is the only place I can call him crap.

Oh Joss, if only you had done this years ago. You would have become a real man and a real filmmaker much sooner.

Can't wait for him to shove a fucking spear through Batman's chest in the last third of the movie

The whole Joss thing is just plain weird. They could've picked literally anyone else to handle it. Not saying it's good or bad, just odd.

What comic is that from?

>"Man, I wish Snyder would fuck off."
>Synder leaves because his daughter killed herself jesus christ
>replaced by an even worse director
Damn, Monkey Paw, calm down.

Why is he holding his right arm like that? It almost looks like this photo has been edited, but OP wouldn't lie would he?


So will this turn DC fans into Marvel fans just to be contrarian or will Marvel fans become DC fans just to be contrarian?

>an even worse director
That's not what Sup Forums said after Avengers made a billion...

Before Snyder quit he brought Wheadon to write a couple of scenes and help with the editing and he's gonna do all the editing and possibly direct some of the stuff that was added. So yeah, expect a faire amount of Wheadoning, though it's still Snyder's movie.

Sup Forums called Whedon shit the second Avengers became a success.

Is he holding a gun?

*Now he's gonna do all the editing

But he is a shit director now that the MCU is huge and popular, try to keep up user

>Leave Autumn Snyder to me

NO longer fashionable, huh?

I don't know. It's a brand new world of shitposting ahead of us and I can't wait for it!

But then he made loads of mistakes in AoU so there's that. Also making one of the top villains of marvel into that... thing that people consider as Quiptron.

>replaced by an even worse director

Keep telling yourself that Snyderfag. I'm sure aaaaaaaaaaaaany day now his movies will be recognized for the masterpieces they are.

I'll never understand the love for those movies.
They are among the worst of the MCU.

I mean, I kinda get it with the first one since it had been built up by the first five movies, but so many peopl still cite it as a favorite.

>will this turn DC fans into Marvel fans
Scientifically impossible.
>will Marvel fans become DC fans
They're fed up with Marvel, so yes?

He better stop trying so hard to flex, he's going red in the face, probably going to make himself dizzy.

>They are among the worst of the MCU.
Again, that's not what Sup Forums said after Avengers made a billion. But then again, live action fags are all casuals.

Oh they're garbage.
But at least he tries to be creative. Terrible movies with a little visual flair have more merit than Whedon's lazy turds.

What's this effect called?

Fucking hell is he still in Eastenders? I thought him and Grant left.

The DChaddening. Although Humphries seems to have responded differently.

>Sup Forums
>not overweight or malnourished.

Apparently the office culture at DC is a but more professional than Marvel.

>not overweight or malnourished
Believe me, user; there are Sup Forumsmrades who actually hit the gym. At least, I do.


HahahhahahhaHhaha at least he can writte humans.

The WRITING is the aspect of Whedon's work you choose to defend?

>stronk independent womyn

So in the end, who was worse? Age of Ultron Ultron, or BvS Lex?

I say Ultron was better just because of the exchange with Vision at the end, otherwise it's pretty even.

Humans don't quip every five seconds.

Lex was Glorious Godfrey. Ultron was nothing.

>Snyder is a great visual director
>filters out the color
>slow mo
when will this meme die

And to think, all it took was one of Snyder's kids offing herself to save Justice League.

Never even implied he was "great," just less bad than Whedon.

Which he is.

>BvS Lex?
BvS Lex is fantastic
You don't know shit about movies, and Snyder movies have better colors than Whedon's.

Their new offices are pretty awesome.

I could understand if you said he wasn't as bad as Ultron, but this amount of shilling is just pathetic

>filters out the color

You're a manchild that needs bright lights and random flashy effects to entertain you, and you don't understand or appreciate the deeper aspects of cinematography, depth, focus, contrast, lighting, and framing, huh? That's a shame.

im worried that Warner believes so blindly in him they will let him to whatever he wants. He really needs someone like Feige to rein him in, otherwise its gonna job hard.
The Chad curse continues

>what is /fit/

>all it took

Oh, yea, because watching some movie based on a comic book is totally more important the life of a daughter...Don't you belong on /r9k/ you kissless, virgin, loser, beta, retard?

>thinks cape movies are le super serious deep art
>thinks Snyder is a good visual director because everything is in black & white
>calls someone else a manchild
wew boy

What's that thing on the right side of his face on the DC picture

Cry some more.

>cape movies should be dumb like me

Not him but Zack's cape movies ARE dumb. This is the guy who decided Watchmen needed a scene where Silk Specter outruns an explosion.

The Netflixverse guy? No thanks.

>thinks cape movies are le super serious deep art
>uses "le" unironically

Kill yourself.

>because everything is in black & white=

Holy fuck, calm down Baby-man.

>Not him
Prove it, marlel shill.

Fuck off roastie

They're dumb, but they try to not be.

I can applaud the effort while hating the result.

>uses "le" unironically
Your either an autist or don't actually know what unironic means.
>thinks muted colors make something deep
I'm going with autist.

It makes sense if you look at who they have locked in for movies already and which of those are available.
Jenkins is busy promoting WW, Wan's filming Aquabro, Reeves is finishing up Planet of the Apes and Ayer is doing Bright for Netflix before Sirens. Whedon was touching up the script for JL and presumably starting to work on Batgirl, he was their best choice outside of bringing an outsider to the DCEU in to finish it.

>thinks muted colors make something deep

>using strawmen

Lmao, whatever you say, baby-man.

My new headcanon.

James Wan is our only hope.


I laughed audibly. Well memed.

>presumably starting to work on Batgirl
Don't remind me.
New 52 Babsgirl was shitty enough before Whedon decided to turn it into a goddamn movie.

>says "unironically" unironically
>says "kill yourself" unironically over capeshit

It could be good. He's at his best when he's making female-focused media, like Buffy, literally the only thing he's known for, outside of the retards that cling to Firefly, as if it was actually good.

>says "kill yourself" unironically over capeshit

Somebody has poor reading comprehension.

Nice maymay image. Did you ask your mom for help picking it out?

why was his Black Widow so shit then

Looking at those chairs, all I can think about is James Bond getting his balls smashed by that guy who cried blood.

She was not the main character

A toothpick.

>Nice maymay image.
Thanks, It triggers permavirgins to no end.

Marvel employees wish they had chairs

He can't do much with a character that had nothing to begin with.


I've just never cared for his character writing, and it's only gotten worse over time.

And attaching him to what may very well be an adaptation of Batgirl of Burnside?
I have zero hope.

Not all movies pander to you. Sorry, user.

No our right, it's next to his eye

A lot of AoU shit was exec meddling. Part of the reason he left.

Holy shit it's better than Marvel's

But I guess DC doesn't have to deal with Ike's penny pinching tactics.

>It triggers permavirgins to no end
Ohoho, really? News to me.

Buffy was literally nothing before he wrote her since the character didn't exist before then.

>Marvel employees wish they had chairs
Chairs are an expensive luxury. They can write and draw their little doodles from the floor.
Those cunts are lucky I let them waste all that electricity to run the lights.
"Chairs." Fuck you and fuck them.

Those cunts are lucky Marvel* lets them waste all that electricity to run the lights.

M-Mozart is that you

Maybe they should've gotten George Miller to do it.

his penchant for tiny girls kicking ass gives me hope we might get cassandra over babs, but i know that's not likely. that said, a movie with a mute asian lead would fit in with warner's oddly diverse dc movies

WB would never go for.
Neither would DC themselves, if they had a say.

Unless they had Miller down for Shazam or MoS2, I doubt he'd up for doing reshoots and a few extra scenes for someone else's film

Please DC hire me

No fucking way this is real

I mean if he messes up Snyder's movie he's going to have to go in hiding because Snyder will destroy him.

Man, do I have bad news for you...


Snyder himself picked him. Who knows?


>"Any advice for DC and Justice League?"
>"Yeah. Call me."

And so they did. And Marvel shills got angry.

Everyone used to rip on Whedon until he went to Justice League

now everyone is
>Oh Joss "The Boss" Whedon I loved his work, I blow his cock, and I feel bad about what happened to him on Twitter! Hope he gets Justice League part 2 because he's incredible!!! The man for the job! Such a great guy! Such a blessing!