How do we fix Sup Forums?


shut it down

FORCE all live action into a general.

Because throwing it into Sup Forums would be way harder.

Sup Forums sucks but all the suggestions to fix it suck worse

Remove live action, as simple as that.

>he actually thinks these threads will do anything

Still suggesting a /cog/ - Cartoon and Comics General board.

Mods still delete these threads even if they're "Hiro approved"


It's not in the rules, so they belong deleted. If he cares so much surely updating them is no issue?

Oh wait.

>/cog/ - Cartoon and Comics General board
Make this happen. All of these threads are horrible.




>"if it's not on the rule page, fuck you we do what we want"
>"owner of the website has no say over the rules"

what the actual fuck

capcha: calle calle

The solution has been, at least since 203 or possibly earlier, to just purge the entire mod staff starting from the upper levels. Hiro really should've done it himself when he took over rather than letting moot's friends act as a shadow government, that screencap really shows the level of contempt they have for their new boss.

Get rid of these fag mods who think Lady and The Tramp is a rule 1 bannable offense

Bring back 30 second timer on images
Remove live action
Ban generals

The problem is the lack of Sup Forums content, Wednesday is the only regularly active day on here because of new comics being released while every other day is completely up in the air regarding what there is to discuss.

Make a board for animation in general, regardless if it's Sup Forums or Sup Forums.

A board for content creators in general could work better. /ic/ is a mess.

I dunno, I like to talk about animation regardless of country of origin, but whenever there's a thread saying post quality animation webms, if someone posts something from Japan, at least one little sperg shows up and screams about it.

Ban Batman hate threads. Hate threads should be generals, i'm tired of the same 5 autists making 20 threads a day about a character they don't like, those threads kill slow pace storytimes of non-capeshit. That's my biggest problem with the board over the manchildren.

We need /ca/ for cartoons and western animation
/cpsht/ for live actions and capeshit comics and cartoons and Sup Forums for comics that are not capeshit.

Sup Forums is already one of the worst interest boards un Sup Forums, filled with manchildren that think everything wrong with the board its Sup Forums Sup Forums or Sup Forums

>people still think board splits are a good idea
Yeah because it worked so well for Sup Forums, /vp/, and /vg/

Stop calling people you don't like Sup Forums

/vr/ is a good board though, a board strictly about comics (no adaptations) and one for general animation would be great IMO because then the topics can breathe some more

I dunno, I'm not saying get rid of Sup Forums per say, I just want somewhere to talk about animation without someone going "REEEE ANIME GET OUT" or "REEEE WESTERNER GET OUT." Like, why can't we appreciate animation regardless of country of origin?

But these meta threads are completely pointless since nothing changes

Let us discuss our fart fetishes without getting banned

>Yeah because it worked so well for Sup Forums, /vp/, and /vg/

It did, /vp/ is clean as fuck, /vg/ works as intended.

Also Identity system like Sup Forums would be great.

This guy gets it.
The fact this thread's autosaging right now only proves it.

>Also Identity system like Sup Forums would be great.
I half thought you meant flags for a second.

Ban waifu threads
Ban Samurai Jack threads
Have a monthly thread about upcoming comics and cartoons.

Take away all live action.

It was fine when there was only a couple movies and tv shows every year. But next year there will be like 20+ Sup Forums related shows and another half-dozen movies at least. I would rather see it all moved to Sup Forums rather than make a capeshit board, but whatever gets them out of here.

1) The topic of the board deals with a medium that has a fuckload of anthropomorphic characters in it, just giving some random guy off the street the responsibility to judge what is or isn't furry is dumb. Allow it to the same extent as non-furry art.

2) This is a board on an adult website, adults like to discuss the subject matter in an adult way. Allow soft-core pictures of Sup Forums-related characters and at least clothed/non-suggestive loli/shota images since a large amount of Sup Forums characters are kids. As well as LINKS to pornographic images.

3) A mod should remember that he's there to enhance the experience of the users, and not to be the punishing hand of the lord (or whatever they're imagining they are when they masturbate with one hand and delete posts or ban people with the other); moderation shouldn't adhere to the letter, but the spirit of the rules. There IS room for interpretation as long as it results in users having a good time.

Dedicated superhero board for all capeshit related stuff.

Kek, no, but the point is that while Sup Forums had some serious and realistic shilling (JIDF, stormfront, etc) and Sup Forums is irrelevant and has no real shills (like Sup Forums and Sup Forums have), we do have a big problem with autistic manchildren giving themselves (you)s, the profile of the kind of poster Sup Forums makes fanboys one of the biggest reasons why this board it's so shitty

Fucking terrible idea. The only reason it 'worked' for Sup Forums is because Sup Forums moved insanely quickly with 30 fucking generals at a time.

And? some of the best boards are slow boards.

We'd have tons of cartoon generals. There's already 5 regular ones on /trash/



Indeed. And banning them from Sup Forums wouldn't slow down the board much since all the fast ones are in /trash/ now anyway.