Why do good comics update so rarely?

Why do good comics update so rarely?

i think it's pretty obvious if you're not retarded and gay

Because the author actually spends his time thinking up good jokes? It's not rocket science dude

On the upshot, the last 11 updates have all been in full colour

>Hating on Reginald & Beartato
>using the kill-yourself abbreviation and mentioning reddit
You are one pathetic, miserable cunt.

Do you really not like Nedroid?

You Gotta admit, this one tickles the funnybone

The author only makes a comic when a good idea for one comes to them instead of forcing themselves to pump out mediocre crap on a tight schedule

Isn't the reason nedroid never updates is because the guy who does it is just working on that shitty comic made by the gunshow guy?

because comedy equals tragedy + time, which means you need time to create comedy.

Being funny is actually hard. Would you rather a webcomic update daily with half thought out premises and be considered mediocre with some really funny moments, or update irregularly and each comic is comedy gold?

Fuck you all. Nedroid thread.

Imagine how happy they must have been when the popping stopped and they discovered a treasure of tasty corn all around them

Do you prefer Quality, or Quantity?

>Eww, unpopped kernel.

I just arrived to the shocking realization that Beartato is the main character.
I... I always though it was Reginald

>tfw you hit random and find a comic you've never seen before

It's magical

They're still doing that? I think the world would rather have more nedroid.

They're working on BACK together but KC updates his other comics pretty damn regularly.

are those books any good?

Honestly it works for pretty much anything

Well, they may be the funniest books ever*

Nedroid doesn't update because the guy is doing another project that nobody cares about