

The times certainly are changing

And which one is actually selling more copies? Oh...

Nobody gives a shot about comics boyo. The normies go see the movies.

Man marvel is just the best y'know? I can't wait to see them embarrass all the other studios with the greatest female superhero movie ever made


The funny thing is, I much prefer DC's conservative route purely on the basis that it's not Marvel's fuck everything route. Both are kinda shit though.

>DC sounds reasonable while Marvel is obnoxious, loud, cringy tumblr
Really gets the bolts turning

That black widow one is still funny. Seeing as she still just clique fodder with no real story
And WW has her own movie and is co founder of the JL.

Latina implies that Robbie is a woman

More of a representation of whomever wrote it.

Who the fuck thinks Loki speed dating is something to even mention. Hell he was only doing it to meet one chick there. It wasn't about just speed dating to find bitches.

The one about Batwoman is more like One More Day than the fact that they're lesbians.


So youre saying this was made by folks who dont read comics and only make clickbait because they thought the avengers was a good movie.

And remember when they tried to give Widow some depth in Age of Ultron? And Joss Whedon got bullied off of Twitter because of it?

Black Widow is literally the diversity hire of the team. Law says every superhero team needs a woman, she's the cheapest one they could find who wouldn't die instantly.

Post the CW TV one please


>>Sup Forums

>Marvel be outie

Good to know this was written by a white person that has never spoken to an actual black person before.

>a white person that has never spoken to an actual black person before
Any white person ever?

>heard they were doing a captain marvel movie from a friend
>"oh cool they're gonna do some Mar'vell stuff?"
>Oh you poor poor soul this is current age marvel its Carol, and not murdering alchoholic carol but this shitty new one
my only interest in this is seeing if they'll outright ignore mar'vell and all of that.

>some depth
>the generic "strong independent womyn with nerd self-insert"
I hardly see how that's depth. She was only interesting in Winter Soldier.

I'll never understand why they pick Agents of Shield of all things. It's like trying to make the 2005 Elektra movie out to be better than Catwoman.

Because AoS is actually good

>AoS is actually good

Thats could have worked if they used the deleted scene of her using bruce.

Shes so boring in the MCU. They could have built something but like her books it slides into shit.

Is this the new "BvS was actually good" spicy meme?

really shiggies my niggies

On one hand, I don't disbelieve you because no one believe Arrow got good either
On the other hand, no one believe Arrow got good for a reason
On my foot, I don't care about AoS


Literally not even my normie Marvel fanboy friends like that turd

>"l-look guys we made everyone a minority, p-please buy or books"
>"why is it not working, maybe we should start inserting more minorities?"

>We have more minorities so we're better

I fucking hate the current year. What happened to value being determined by character rather than skin color? I'm cool with that progressive bullshit, not this new "your victimhood status is your worth" crap

AoS is the worst of the Marvel shows, and that includes Iron Fist and Inhumans.

Who made that image? They probably meant well but didn't realize that this unintentionally served as an indictment to how Marvel Comics approaches diversity.

I've never seen it, what's so bad about it? Didn't they just have Ghost Rider?

But Inhumans isn't out yet


DC and Marvel are both fucking shit

Fuck Capeshit movies

DC Comics are actually not bad, kys idiot.


>Supergirl was vague about immigration

Speaks like a respectable person
Speaks like a fratboy and should be punched in the face

>Speaks like a fratboy
You mean speaks like a 15 year girl with ADHD writing on her tumblr

No. Just typical company war shit. It almost seems crafted to make 'Marvel' look bad since the supposed writer is so retarded.

I don't think that 15 year old girl with AHDH would use the words yo and bitches


They do. Ironically of course.

It's exactly what they do.
Trying to sound ghetto is what they like

Fuck off tv
