Is he to blame for why marvel comics is such shit? How can we get marvel comics to the way they were between 2000-2010? It seems they shifted to making comics towards preteens and teens. Where does that leave me who's been invested over 20 years following the storylines of these characters growing and evolve, now sidelined and having to see just a bunch of teenage heroes replacing the ones I've grown old with?
I could understand a new generation of heroes, but at least make it natural.
Take X-Men for instance, if they wanted teenage heroes why not use Hope, x-23, QQ, cockoos and the countless characters they had in the 2000's slowing take leadership roles? Did they really have to bring the o5 teens from the past? It's just patronizing me.
Not only that but villains... Why does there seem to be a lack of creativity with villains these days? Rather than develop a long lasting villain that you grow to hate and love like Doom they keep rehashing old villains over and over again? Not only that but it's seems our heroes are spending more time being villains towards each other than being heroes for us.
Marvel would be much better off if they stopped doing crossovers and events and focused on developing long term storylines and characters... is there a way we can change this? Can we write to this fool and let him know that we who've been reading their content and supporting their company for years now feel as if they've abandoned us?
Or am I alone here? I used to buy my floppies every Wednesday but at around 2012ish I started settling for Sup Forums storytimes because I can't justify supporting this garbage. Now I'm starting to even ignore Sup Forums storytimes because it's just saddening now.
Axel Alonso
as a whole marvel was pretty shit in the 2000s as well my man
Speaking of Hope, why can't we get her back? She was pretty awesome. I would have liked to see a Hope & X-23 team up comic.
I don't find calling Laura wolverine natural either. Can we have X23 back too?
Axel is just a symptom of a bigger disease. He's one hell of a political animal. The man is on record saying he dislikes the X-men, so his perfect job was certainly head of the X-Men editorial office. Kind of boss actually.
I had good times in the 2000's I felt comfy there. But either way I think we can all agree that 2010's are garbage.
Why would you destroy probably your best selling franchise?
Hope just showed up in Jean Grey. They murdered an antire town worth of people.
>Is he to blame for why marvel comics is such shit?
He's just a brainless company man.
Most of the problems you're citing have been around for years and years.
I was just about to read that story time. Thanks my man.