What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Other urls found in this thread:


subtle racism


executive meddling

It would be easier to ask what didn't go wrong.

>Most of the original VAs weren't coming back
>Rights issue forced all the Shen Gon Wu to be renamed
>Can't get the original studio back so the creator hired a cheap Canadian animation studio instead
>3D Xaolin Showdowns
>Yellow Dojo

I'll give the creator props for even bothering with sequel despite all of this but she probably should have left it alone.


at least original creator worked on it...

All of this would already be bad enough, but then you throw in Ping Pong and give Jack a reduced role and the whole thing becomes unsalvageable.

It's cheap, corny and the continuity is fucked up

I honestly thought the voice cast was solid

All that and you didn't even mention the yellow glasses wearing cloned elephant in the room

>bright yellow skin
>ridiculously huge glasses
>that stereotypical chinese accent
>his name is fucking Ping Pong
All he needed was squinty eyes and large buck teeth.

There was no need to further the series, the original had ended perfectly already.


You know what's the worst part?



Good lord....

Someone stop this woman. Give her some dick or something?


I would maybe let most of those things pass
but the fucking 3D xaolin showdowns were fucking cancer holy fucking shit.

Also why was dojo even yellow? This confused the shit out of me.

A continuation of a cartoon that nobody asked for

Between Xiaolin Chronicles and Code Lyoko: Evolution, which is the worse completely unnecessary continuation of a mid-00s action cartoon that wrapped up very nicely in its original run?

well, in polish Huj means dick, so you might be onto something here


Was it even a sequel? Original ended with Wuyu permenantly human and Raimundo as the leader

In XC shes a ghost again and Raimundo is not the leader.

Even before Chronicles, Xiaolin Showdown went wrong in its last season. Introducing more Omi episodes at the expense of everybody else. Too many villain factions who kept fucking with each other at the expense of presenting an actual threat to the main characters. Main villain is a talking bean.