Where are the fucking janitors and why the fuck are there 15+ samurai jack threads active? This is fucking annoying

Where are the fucking janitors and why the fuck are there 15+ samurai jack threads active? This is fucking annoying.

Why can't you just ignore them?

Learn to fucking count, jackass. There is much more than that.
Maybe if you didn't fucking phonepost, you can count more accurately.

Not OP, but for each one you hide, another one is made to take it's place.

It's like I'm hiding threads with literally every refresh of the front page

Can't wait to see Sup Forums following Steven Universe's finale.

>Newfag does not know how Sup Forums works.

I once hid 50+ threads of SJ.
Combined with the other shitty threads, I had about 80 threads hidden.

I'm legitimately curious if they'll let that many SU threads be active at once given their history with them.

>a revival season of a preexisting beloved cartoon ended recently
>not expecting Sup Forums to spam the catalog

Never understood you fags and never will. Comics and cartoons don't limit to a small quantity of threads. They are any kind of quantity as long as they're not made by the same person and intentionally supposed to spam.

It's because there's been a recent trend of moderator support for a limited number of threads, for most instances. People get used to it so when something doesn't adhere to that they get all bitchy, even if there's a completely rational reason for it.