Archer Finale

Final ep. of this season airs in 30 min, anyone got a working FXX livestream?

Where can I find this? There's no episode of this season in pirate bay, nowhere to watch it online, shit is insane

Wish I did.

Anyway thoughts on how it'll end? What's her endgame here?

calling it right now: he's going to be woken up from his coma through some sexual interaction with mother

Kimcartoon if you wanna watch em now but sometimes megas for the episodes get posted

gomovies also has it up in pretty good quality if you want a quick solution

He doesn't wake up this season. It's either more dreamland or something else in his head

A.) Gross and B.) Reed has said in interviews that he's not waking up this season.

To try to use Archer to kill of Trexler. Failing that, eliminate all the loose ends and try to get back to growing the business.

Shit, really?
we hoping for another season of Dreamland or another alternate reality?

What other setting would you like to see for a season?


So he's killing Mother then

A couple anons were talking about it last time but a proper vice cop season would be nice

>sometimes megas for the episodes get posted

I've been saying I want another Dreamland season with a Red Scare and Jakov in some form. An idea in the last episode thread was a serialized redo of the Vice story. What if the next season is context for Archer's war flashbacks?

I've seen it at least twice.

Does anyone know how quick episodes are uploaded to kimcartoon? Usually within a 1-2 hour time span, right?

Imagine, French nun Cheryl! Also, while I'm at it, Cheryl is best girl and Charlotte is best Cheryl.

I've seen it at least once
Truthfully some type of blade runner shit could be fun to see.

Also would absolutely never happen but until the show starts could Archer in a 40k setting work

it's on WEDNESDAYS now? fucking pick one, FXX
and let your shows be longer than 16 minutes!!

also fuck, the season's over already? I mean don't get me wrong, I'm not in love with this season (even if it's really funny), but I don't want it (or anything) to be over this quickly

Blade Runner Archer would be AMAZING!

>he's not waking up this season.
wait what?
first of all why would he spoil the season finale like that
secondly isnt the next season the last one?

Yes. I'd say keep an eye on it at around 10:30 central time

Nope greenlit til season 10

Okay Rhona

Apparently he will also hold coma-grudges against people who screwed him over in his dream.

8 episodes long, each episode is 18 minutes long. might as well not even bother at this point

oh. then i'm okay with one more weird season I guess
as long as it's better'n this one
goes without saying, but his fantasy only has people fucking him over who already fuck him over regularly. so far just mother, as far as i can tell.
at least one of 'em was shorter than that.
always sunny, too. it's fucking weird.


I'm not a big enough fa/tg/uy to properly do this, but I feel Cyril would be an Ultramarine; Malory Lana and Cheryl would be Adeptas Sororitas; and Krieger would be a Techpriest.

Archer meanwhile may or may not be Alpharius.

Somebody help me out here I feel this would be a hillarious concept

Man the way the ratings have been tanking I guess the final episode of the series will be seen by 6 people.

The fact that it's one long story helps a little with that, I think.

Well alright, because it's the finale.

>He's still alive
Well this should be an interesting finale

He didn't kill those people at least.

Many, Barry is really resilient

I'm kind of interested in Snowfall.

Who's ready for Barry to fight with Zerk?

It does fit.

If he was smart he'd posion the antidote.

Archer goes full Scifi in StArcher maybe?

Ooo. Or maybe a western!

He sure can punch good

Krieger would be a techpriest, but he'd secretly be a Slaanesh worshiper.

Reporting in!

>Cyril would be an Ultramarine
Cyril is no where near manly enough to become an Astartes in any universe.

He is at most, some kind of incompetent Arbite.

I'd watch a western. An idea I had the other day was a Gilded Age story. It could have Archer as a Spanish-American War veteran and Cheryl's family scaring black people.

>barry can block bullets
>can't fucking deflect a shovel

No, he'd literally be a Krieger. It fits exactly. Weird cloning shenanigans, biologis fuckery, guilt/redemption complex, facist germanic overtones, body horror

That would explain why he fetishizes cybernetic enhancements more than the usual techpriest.

And why he fucked his radioactive pig.

And why he became married to a machine spirit

Goddamn Dreamland Krieger is CLUTCH.

Of course Archer's Barry would be this crazy evil.

Well, regular Barry ended up being.

You don't follow someone to space to murder them without a bit a psychosis.


>I don't have a flashback for that

Can this show at least kill dream Pam?

I like Poovey actually, just in small doses.

I expected this season would at least kill everyone, since it's dream world.

That's how addictions start user

It would represent Archer going brain dead.

After a week awake, I think he'll get knocked out and wake up in another dream.

Holy shit

>Hair trigger my ass

Best joke of the season.

Fucking hair trigger.

Holy shit pam

>Not even in a parallel universe

Wait, it's a parallel universe? Normal Lana is dead?

>archer said "Fuck"

This completes the whole cast.

>A Krieger Techpriest

FUCKING PAM! Lana is dead.

I think it's implying archer isn't coming out of that coma

Pam cements her position as best girl

& the brother gets married!

>he doesn't wake up


The thing about the Far Future is that Krieger's bizarre obsessions as entirely fitting even in an orthodox Mechanicum adherent.

Dem buggers love dat tech more than life!

I'm sad Poovey lost the harem. Such bright beautiful dreams unfulfilled.

Reed said he wouldn't before the season aired; if you can't do due diligence it's on you.

It wouldn't be noir if it had a happy ending.

I wish I had FXX thus episode sounds cool
It's Heresy but an interesting kind. Like the Soul Drinkers

Will there be another season after this

Final thoughts? I really liked the season.

2 more

It was fun. I kinda want to watch it supercut into one feature length thing.,

I liked it, but if they wanted to do a noir show they should have made it from scratch.

Possibly a movie also, but I'd like to see what Reed and co have in the pipe for a new series.

Could be cool. The story this season has been really cohesive

Those are fighting words, user

>Reed said he wouldn't before the season aired; if you can't do due diligence it's on you.

When is he coming out of the coma then? The show is going to suck until when he comes out.

No, a Krieger Krieger as in Krieger from Krieg. Some Biologis Vat Tech from a Krieger Regiment.

I assume 1 more dream season followed by a timeskip and coma fallout. Or he wakes up in the first episode of season 9.

That's what I meant. Except more mechanically inclined that his brethren

So will it be more dreamland next season or will it be something new

He could always wake up in the following season premier.
You know, like how he started the Dreamland in the season premier.

It was fun ride but I feel like nothing that happened in this season or the next will matter due to it being dream so I am pretty much watching filler.

Isn't Krieg a Forge World?

Why not a Techpriest from Kreig?

damn, i forgot that archer was airing a new season. Now i need to catch up with it.

I think Krieg is a super shitty hive world since its civil war

It's an irradiated piece of crap death world

One impact will be that when he wakes up he'll take all these dream grudges seriously.

oh, so something stupid and unfunny

Just some typical Archer pettiness, more than anything.

I really liked Cheryl in this season. I don't know.