Samurai Jack Episode 11 Thread

Samurai Jack Episode 11 Thread

Okay, we got two days but what do you guys think the next episode will be about? 10 was cool but I know 11 will be amazing

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Hopefully I kill myself by then

farting dragon wakes up and it turns out it was his dream all along
Jack, Aku, Scotsman
he just brushes it off as something weird and then lets out a HUGE FART
and proceeds to do so for the rest of the episode

Nice bait.

11 looks like it'll be much better than 10

You know, the scotsman had better girls available for Jack than fucking shitty Ashi.


could they turn giant or grow cocks?

We're probably gonna get the dream this episode, Jack vs. Guardian baby

I hope they make good on that foreshadowing and have Rick show up.

What I thought would be a cool epilogue after Episode CI is if we got to see the Samurai Jack that got sent to the future at the end of the episode end up in an Aku-less future, and he would see monuments of himself depicting him as the hero who destroyed Aku.

But time travel doesn't seem to operate with multiple timelines in mind.

celtic magic

fuck, you're right

>Episode 11

And their is a higher possibility that without Aku they might have still been able to exist in some form after going back to the past, what with her birth not being related to an alien talking dog or to someone who definitely doesn't exist.

I missed the part where Samurai Jack was this...

>Episode 11
In a perfect world...

It's too bad this revival season couldn't have been 13 episodes, just like the original 4 seasons.

No. And that's why they're better

>Being this much of a faggot

Anyone get the last one of these?


Thank you so much, user.


No problem.

Long ago in a distant land, Aku, the shape-shifting master of darkness, unleashed an unspeakable evil! But a brave samurai warrior wielding a magic sword stepped forth to oppose him. With help from his allies and blessing from deities, he was able defeat this ancient evil once and for all. Through years of hard work, the past has been built with hopes never to encounter a foe such as Aku again. Now the heroes must always be alert for the present to lead the way into the better and brighter future...

>MC selfishly sacrifices the existence of friends just to fuck with the main "villain" and change things against everyone's will so MC can be with waifu.
That sounds very familiar, like there's an anime movie with that theme.........

i'm curious, in that last panel, isn't that the same tree that jack shows Ashi when he;s trying to show her that Aku is evil? was there any significance in that?

The bleeding guy from XCIV makes me laugh every time.

You really had to twist some words just to get that anime reference out

Jack realizes that Ashi's sacrifice helped to keep the natural beauty of the world safe from Aku which was ultimately what she wanted. Also the leaves are in the shape of half of a heart.

It's some bs symbolism, you know, literary crap.

Too bad for Genndy having symbolism and literary elements do not necessitate a good story. The Scarlet Letter had a million symbols (the author sure crammed them down your throat), doesnt mean it's not still a shit story.

Jack starts his quest to get back.
Back to the Future.


>Aku was not the only one of his kind
>He may be gone... but the threat still lingers.
>Hope hangs by a thread.
>Bleak as it seems.... I am not alone
>For over 50 years, I have battled my foe...
>Fro countless eons... he has fought his

>Doomguy is actually immortal Jack in the far far new future


Wasn't what I was going for, but that sounds amazing.

God Doom was beautiful. When are we getting the next one?

I ain't id, my man. I wouldn't know

I'll tell you this much though. DOOM is 24 years ripe for some good, gory, rip-and-teary Sup Forums material, and even for those who bitch about season 5, the fact is undeniable that Genndy would be perfect to deliver it to us.

Now i hate this fucking thing

thanks to this shit we summoned some kind of meme magic and samurai jack ended just like gurren laggan

I want art of doomguy and samurai jack kicking hell aku ass.

Is that request?

Yes. seconded.


Doomslayer and Jack

Homu's well over the cuckoo's nest, but she hasn't erased anyone. Yet.

Thirded from the guy with the original idea. Fuck yeah.

Next episode is 22 minutes of Genndy masturbating and ejaculating onto the screen.

Doomslayer has a magic sword too.

The mission line "take back what is your" is nice story telling.

would watch for kino

It is, though it's in bloom an the shape is different - it's in the shape of half a heart.

Samurai Jack's lack of continuation for so many years is just rights fuckery.

Chapter 3 is held back by stubborn players.

I also wanna see that


does anybody have that picture of Aku in the Episode C box?

If doomguy actually tried to fight aku he would get slaughtered tho

Too bad cool voice cyborg has the magic sword now

Do you remember how Jack said that Aku let a single tree stay in the middle of his devastation to remind people of what they lost and go full despair? And them later we discover that the tree was standing there since Jacks time?

Jack and the tree have paraleles, both are from a time before Aku, and both are the only ones in the middle of the devastation to remember it.
In the same way that Jack in the lonely tree, all the other trees are the lives of the people that he saved, by destriying Aku. The sacrifice that Ashi did, and Jack completing his mission ensured that the tree and all the forest will still exist on the future and flourish.

I thought it was pretty obvious with the last shot.

But we loved it?

Much more accurate.


Alright. I'll get ti done after uni today

Never getting to see his love again but still soldiering on to keep face that he is level headed. Every night he cries himself to sleep with the head scarf from the wedding. Never forgetting the small time of happiness in his long life
