FUCK why did she have do disappear? She was perfect

FUCK why did she have do disappear? She was perfect.

Other urls found in this thread:


good riddance

She has Aku DNA so it's understandable she is sort of unhuman.

The priestess actually had the same exact jaw. She got it from her mama.

Yeah, that makes sense. She got her thickness from her mama too.

I'm in love with her. She's strong, she's thicc, she's cute, how do I stop this infatuation over a imaginary creature?

to do a TTGL reference.

Who is this

Makes sense.

A downbeat ending creates the illusion of "mature" writing

Nobody cares about a "mature" ending in Samurai Jack though.

I dont remember seeing her.

You can't

I do want to punch Genndy in the nuts...really I do.

She had too much of Aku's black DNA.

She was even more perfect

>we didint get to see aku killing her brutally after betraying him

She looks like an Aqua Teens character.

Really hot when isn't happening though

The one from the top right looks pretty fine, it goes as character design, i fink. The on the left too.

Yeah, she even tried to scrub it off in the river.


>yfw Ashi and her sisters are just shapeshifting clones of their mother


Who's this girl? I don't remember on the show?

Jack go to bed.

Having Aku's powers allowing her to do kinky fetish shit AND being generally nice and sweet? That sounds like a perfect waifu. I'd claim her if I didn't have one already

She was a plot device.


you mean like every character outside Jack?

Why did who have to disappear? How has everyone been able to post all these OPs without images lately? Is this some new le epik may may I don't know about?

Because Genndy is a hack.

Because waifufags don't deserve happiness.

Let's go:

>Everything the same, but good i.e not rushed.
>Roll credits.
>Post credits scene.
>Jack steps foward in a dark place.
>There's a big light coming from the roof and a big blue man in a suit, wearing red glasse standing in front of the light.
>Jack stares from under his hat.
>"So, mah man... you plan to use this portal to bring back you lil' friends from the future huh? Or was it YOUR past? Hah! Not gonna happen."
>Jack keep staring his eyes are visible now.
>"You see mah man... there's only one man who will use this portal"
>(Portal shows King Jack)
>"And you mah man... Ain't. That. Man."
>Jack draws his sword.
>"If that's the only man who will earn your blessing to use this portal fear not... I'm not here asking for permission."
>Guardian Laughs "HAH! HAH! HAH!" then draws a big katana from his back"
>They charge at each other and start fighting.
>Jack uses his horse cut technique while we hear his toughts "Ashi I'm coming"
>From the sparks of the blades there's a fadeway to a white place (the limbo maybe?) where we see Ashi floating in nothingness.
>Close to the her face while her eyes open slowly.
>"I'll be waiting... Jack"


>while we hear his toughts "Ashi I'm coming"

good riddance

bump for Ashe


Because history abhors a paradox.

You've posted this in multiple threads, and nobody thinks it's good. Give up.