Why can't the west make any good gay characters like the east?

Why can't the west make any good gay characters like the east?
Considering how progressive the west is you would think they would have at least a few good ones.

> leeron
> good

His saving grace was being competent and having a god tier VA, he was otherwise dull and was yet another example of japan thinking that gay = trans.


Cant have any good gay characters if you're not allowed to have any gay characters at all

though if you can't wait for disney to alienate soccer moms in the bible belt then live action hollywood has had gay characters for years

>A limp-wristed stereotype that's never seen romantically involved with a man.

This is some weak bait.

But Sup Forums says liberals control all mainstream media, why would they care what conservatives think?

What's up Monom/a/.

But you already exist.

>guy who isn't afraid to act gay and focuses on his career and scientific curiosity isn't a good character

Persona 5 proves OP is a liar

It's because they use the gay character as an archtype instead of developing them as a character. For instance, making the character act like the stereotypical, flamboyant, person wearing pink, and sucking dick shaped popsicles. That tells me that the creator doesn't actually know what it means to be gay

cuz Disney's mission statement is making money at all costs so they cant afford to turn off any of their potential audiences
being gay is still a taboo in the south so it damages their "family friendly" image

Persona 4 at least had Kanji, even if he wasnt actually gay

> isn't afraid to act gay

By constantly harassing the main characters? Woah.

I'm not against gay characters having flaws, but the fact that Leeron is an actual pedo is never treated as one by absolutely anyone.

Quick, let's try to figure out if user is talking about japan or the west.

See what said.

Leeron described himself as "neither a man nor a woman" which isn't much better than the common depiction of anime Gay men who simply want to be women or vise versa.

>Blaming conservatives
>For stuff created by a bunch of liberals

Of course a liberal refuses to take responsibility.

Well first we have to distinguish between merely being attracted to the same sex i.e. Homosexual, and being a massive flaming faggot (like how Leeron and Milo act). Or to use Modern Family as an example, Cam (the skinny one) is mostly only gay while Mitchell (the fat one) is very much a faggot.

So a lot of characters (and of course real people) can be gay without being faggots, just like there can be people with brown hair but not have brown eyes. Of course there are people who are both gay and faggots (such as Leeron) but are there any characters who are faggots but aren't gay?

I apologize for bringing it up, but the main character of the Gay Space Rocks show I feel fits that description. He certainly acts like a faggot a lot of the time, but he's only shown attraction to girls.

So OP, do you want gay characters, faggot characters, or gay faggot characters? Because until you make that distinction the answer will differ wildly.

its a situation unique to animation since apparently straight romance is A-OK but gay romance is too adult for children to understand

There's a buffer between created content and what's actually allowed to show.

Steven Universe is actually censored in a lot of countries. Ruby and Sapphire kissing got censored in certain countries, but even more mundane stuff like Pearl being held in a dance with Rose and giving Greg the eyebrow was censored.

You can mostly blame execs for that one, it doesn't matter how 'liberal' your animation crew is. If you wanted conservative animation crews (and I mean actual conservatives, not the American version: alex jones boogaloo), then conservatives should stop taking the piss out of those going to study animation at university.

Or going to study arts at universities
Or going to study at universities
Or going to study

You get the idea.

Leeron is bae but hes a stereotype which is not good representation

because you're not looking hard enough.


everyone saying that he is a stereotype is fucking retarded
yes, he is gay and flamboyant but he has more to his character than


>but he has more to his character than DUDE I'M GAY LMAO

> be gay
> be a mechanic
> be comic relief

That's his entire personality.

>it's another "anime is better than cartoons" thread



Probably because one is natural, where kids can relate to a mommy and daddy, as opposed to two faggots who want to ram cocks in each others' asses?

Japan treats all their gay characters as a joke. They'll be there to make jokes about trannies and sexual harassment and not much else.

The west prefers to just ignore them altogether. But because of that, when they *do* have a gay character, it tends to be fairly jarring and heavy handed.

>become friends with gay couple
>visit them

This show just gets more relatable the older I get.

>People complain about stereotypes in media
>These are all the types of people I know in real life
Where are the cameras?

Surprised Ray hasn't been mentioned yet. He was barely a character when introduced, but became part of the main cast later on. He is one of the funniest characters of the show, in my opinion.

it went too soon

Because the West is too caught up in being 99% understood in a single glance. Either the character is nothing else but a flaming faggots granted token abilities that are completely artificially tacked on and color their personality and decisions in no way or they're just a different 1D trope character with homosex tagged on almost like an afterthought.

The key to fixing this really lies with understanding how to write fleshed out characters in the first place, something that Western entertainment media actively tries to suppress because "stock characters acting out cliche events" is the lowest common denominator and therefore yields the largest return. Actually telling a story involves risk.

Step up your okama ways.

>Because the West is too caught up in being 99% understood in a single glance.

Are you implying japs can't into good character design? Good character design is conveying a character though their design, from their body structure to what they wear. Even more serious animation should have characters that are easily recognisable and memorable.

>"stock characters acting out cliche events" is the lowest common denominator and therefore yields the largest return. Actually telling a story involves risk.

Jesus. Are you sure you are not talking about shit tier anime here? Because even with awful cartoons, more use distinct art styles and very unique characters, as bad as they might be. You can't say the same for the 'lowest common denominator anime.' where the characters are usually walking tropes with the same looks that go with it.

>Japan treats all their gay characters as a joke

Or just stop watching shounenshit. Josei manga/anime is full of down to earth gay characters that aren't just yaoi cliches

Second biggest bro in the series.

they're all bi

Go away Sugar. Don't you have a cartoon to finish?

pic related. Same goes for tranny, brown, and vagina - the trait either consumes their character identity or has little/nothing to do with it.

God forbid you try to make any of the mentioned groups a villain.

Here you go OP, a western gay character who's just as "good" as Leeron.

>God forbid you try to make any of the mentioned groups a villain.
They make the best villains though.


Ware you saying that Courage was gay? And that it was his only character trait?


He was a wafer thin stereotype and the perfect example of why Japan sucks at gay characters.

Winner winner, chicken dinner! These guys are the best animated gay couple.


>implying a large number of homosexual men aren't exactly how he is
The stereotype exists for a reason, user.

>he thinks gay characters aren't allowed in 2017 western media because muh nazi boogiemen
>what is steven jewverse

The idea of a "good" gay character is subjective anyway. You hear it from complaints and criticisms here all the time.

>This character is gay and that fact is only hinted at in the story to the point where you might even miss it
>"Why even bother making them gay then? It's not like it was relevant to the plot or their actions"
>Character is gay and has that be a part of the story or their character arc
>"Wow, stop shoving your agenda down my throat, they're just the token gay character"

Though usually i hear people say the first one is better but there's some merit to the idea that it should have some relevance to the character if it's going to be there. A character being gay can have as little or as much impact as whatever the writer wants.

To be fair, Japan actually has some pretty well written gay characters. Although they can be few and far between. Pic related comes to mind.

Juzo Boys, where you at?

Because when the west make gay characters their gayness because the single defining element of their character
They become flat boring characters with nothing going for them other than being as big a faggot as OP is

>Why can't the west make any good gay characters like the east?
>I don't know who Midnighter is: the post

>We want a gay character!
>We asked for a gay character, not a rainbow-clad caricature of a flaming faggot!
>but we still want the character's gayness to be central to the story,
>That's not what living as a gay person is like, you bigoted shitlord! try it again!

Always and forever
The show was aggressively mediocre but god damn being a juzoboy was fun

I like leeron but Japan is terrible making gay characters, and i say this as yurishitter

So you agree then that the gay angle Bryke went with was stupid and shoehorned

But why are you saying Courage is gay? And even if he was, it's clearly not his only character trait, or even part of them. I really don't understand you user and your strawmen are not helping.

>Semi-estranged from his family, a bunch of poor rednecks from WV, due to his sexuality
>Is a disgraced former minister
>Was married to a lesbian for 2 years
>Competed in the Olympics in a skiing competition
>Is an extremely competent field agent, to the point that only Archer and Lana are arguably better
He's actually a pretty interesting character too.

I love DR to fucking death but in retrospect I'm incredibly disappointed at how DR3 came out in the end.

However, it was one of those scenarios where actually watching something with Sup Forums increased the value of the show, so in the end, I'm happy.

Also Bacon Hands became Bacon Wife, and that's literally all I've been asking for for the last 7 years.

three things
1. Fuck the gay people and their hypocrisy
2. Fuck the media, for always presenting something with bias
and 3. Fuck you

he's saying that the answer was in the macaroni user

>using anime as an example of "good gay characters"

The Japanese treat gays as a joke wherever they aren't seen as gross or freaks. The best a gay character in anime can hope for is light mockery.

I will admit I was late to getting on the Juzoboy train. But when you guys are right, you're right.

Yeah. DR3 was mostly good for its memes. Watching it without the threads would be nowhere near as enjoyable. Seeing all the people who wanted Kirigiri dead get blown out by the ending was great though, even if I'm not sure it was the best decision from a narrative standpoint.

Juzoboy works because he being gay isn't his first trait and being gay is also important to his character.
He was a hothead idiot with absolute loyalty to munakata, but then you notice that his loyalty is actuality love and he's bitter because he can't get out of the closet

I still can't believe such an amazing character came from fucking Danganronpa of all things

Hey, dangaronpa has some good characters, it just that since being a story with such a large cast and that most of them are gonna die anyway is also full of shit ones Ishimaru was also good """gay""" character


Hopeman is also a pretty great character. And not too shabby as an LGBT character as well.

I don't understand this western fascination of gays and trannies and shit. 99% of all the agitation about it comes from people who are not gay or tranny etc, but who make it their business to be offended on the behalf of such people. They are a literal non issue. If every gay, tranny, whatever stopped buying comics and going to capeshit movies know what would happen? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. You would not even be able to tell by looking at sales numbers. Literally all their clout comes this army of self proclaimed protectors and advocates who have taken it upon themselves to give this extreme minority far more attention and power than it deserves. They should be happy media bothers to even acknowledge they exist.

Disney has gay chareceters. Problem is sjws are shit. They degree is politics rather than actual skill. They get hired cheap cause them have useless degrees and so new writers have no fucking clue how to write.

>Disney has gay chareceters.
Literally who? Some background characters in Finding Dory? Some background characters in Zootopia? A fucking stereotype in Beauty and the Beast?

Well yeah because he's not a gay character. He's a character who is gay and that makes all the difference.


Japan has a different culture. Your standards are irrelevant to it.

We get it, you lack both empathy and creativity.

Archer gives him shit for wanting his dick on the regular, because Archer is such a colossal ass. Would not be a thing if he weren't gay. His config file affects his relationships onscreen, so he's a gay character.

That's gay not-porn for dykes to fap to, though.


Have you not played the games? They're fantastic.

You just read shit manga.

Source on pic?

Cant argue with these dweebs

To the majority of this site, the only good gay character is

-No feminine traits
-Sterile and neutered in sexuality

Japan has good stories about gay men. But you wont see it in any mainstream media though like gurren lagann

Thank god for bara

We don't need anymore mentally ill characters, we have Clarence.

Ancient meme

>ever good


Dont be so hard on yourself.

As a shoggoth, I assure you it's rather recent.

It's a matter of perspective then i guess.

Tomoda is the best. I don't think that there is a better gay in western or easter fiction.

You never played Yakuza 0.

Please don't post this repulsive whore anywhere.
Thank you.

Fuck that cuck and his cuckboys

unlike the east the west already had animated buttfucking in a theater release

>but the fact that Leeron is an actual pedo
This is also several thousand years into a post-apocalyptic society of cavemen who didn't have access to technology, and had the barest minimum of resources to survive Fallout style until they got out into a world that is hell-bent on genocide.

They probably married girls off and shit by age 12.


Their tittymonster bazooka girl was 14. 12 was probably fine.

Western animation is crippled by the view that animation is first and foremost funny entertainment for kids. This affects everything from the type of stuff that gets greenlit for production to the expectations of execs and audiences. Everything has to be kid friendly Dave for some cult "adult" films.

While homosexuals have been accepted in adult and maybe even teen media for a long time, there's still been a general sentiment that putting canon homos in a children's show is somehow too much or gay propaganda or whatnot. We've only started to see characters that are gay recently and it's still so new it's all about the progressiveness. Once the novelty of "that's right, canon queer representation" wears off I expect they'll start to become characters like everyone else

Disney's gay characters are either nonhuman, like the gargoyle romancing the goat in hunchback of notre dame, or possibly villainous. Maybe Ratcliffe's make steward whatshisname from Pocahontas might be gay, but he's a joke and a villain side-kick. Pleakley from Lilo&Stitch is trans but also an alien Cyclops. Timon and Pumba are possibly in a gay relationship but it's not canon and again they're animals

Disney has no positive canon gay human characters

Le Fou? He's a stereotype and a lackey of Gaston but not an inhuman or all that bad guy.