Is this the most universally loved comic ever?

Is this the most universally loved comic ever?
What makes it so good?

>nice artstyle
>funny dialogue
>relatable humor
>a lot of imagination
>that unexplainable quality that makes you >connect with the characters and hold them in your heart
>comfy atmosphere

Pretty much. Also dinosaurs and aliens don't hurt.

Because it was smart and aware without being smug, self-satisfied, or lolsorandumb

It was cute and very heartfelt in many ways too.

The author also fought hard to be able to draw those beautiful, massive Sunday spreads at a time when newspapers were compressing comic space to squeeze more strips onto every page. It really made a difference.

It was never corrupted by licensing.
The end.

You'll never believe it but I know Stupendous Man's true identity.

I have good memories of buying a big strip book at my school book fair as a kid. Best buy I made as a kid. You can't beat the combination of fun and funny. Love how it was never dumbed down for general audiences and didn't care to pander.

This. Also, no niggers

>Is this the most universally loved comic ever?

only if you're on reddit

Shit b8

not even giving him the satisfaction of a (you)
good lad

It's not wise to insult C&H here.

If only there were more 100% agreed-upon rules for Sup Forums.

imo peanuts is probably better and I think it just gets less attention because it's older and so doesn't have the nostalgia factor calvin and hobbes has for most people on this board.

C&H is still incredible though and I have massive respect for Watterson refusing product tie-ins/cartoons.

Anyone who likes C&H should check out the old Sunday strips from Gasoline Alley. They have that same spirit.

Universally as in everybody who knows about it likes it, it's probably up there. Universally as well known worldwide, I doubt it. I don't think it's that well known internationally.

>Implying Hobbes isn't a brother.

>it just gets less attention
What? Peanuts is way better known worldwide than Calvin & Hobbes.

Pretty much this.

i think they just deal with different stuff.

there is not many inocence involved in peanuts, its a more mature series and deals with deep problems.

i can still enjoy peanuts today as it was back in the day, but C&H its nostalgic by default, it makes automatically dream in better times.

peanuts is way to real, and you dont want to always have your feets on the ground know what im saying.

I think C&H edges out Peanuts due to the quality of its art. When Watterson let loose he was pretty damn amazing.


It's a immensely great strip, but you can't really compare the two just because they exist in the same medium. That's like saying F8 of the Furious is more popular than Jason Takes Manhattan. They're both the eighth entry in a film series, but not exactly comparable.

I respect Peanuts for what it is and what it has brought us, but I love C&H more.

I like when people make this comparison because it is a good example of how two things can be so similar yet different. I do not dare to state which one is deeper because they both go to and come from totally different places. Peanuts is about the infinite childhood of a self perceived born loser while C&H is pretty much the opposite. I think of them as different views of a similar camp.


Exactly my friend.

C&H has been all three of those plenty of times