Ashi brushing her hair over her ear to try and get Jack to notice her

>ashi brushing her hair over her ear to try and get Jack to notice her
>that excited "more?" when jack says her cooking is good.
>asking about his past to basically figure out if it's okay for them be a couple
>gets visibly excited to take off the robe in front of him, and visibly disappointed when he stops her
>coming back to say "bye" when she goes to get new clothes because she want's to see him one more time after turning the corner
>that all around hopeful and sweet personality
>There was a scene where Jack and Ashi stared into each other's eyes for a few seconds not long after their kiss.
>Starts rubbing the goop off of his face but keeps her hand there even after the spot is clean
>Forces him to come clean about why he left, and chooses not to chastise him, but to comfort him and tell him that she'll help him make everything right
>eats the eye candy of jack showering but doesn't stay out of respect to his shyness about nudity
>Says "he never will" in response to aku askin if Jack is dead, implying she plans to guard him as long as she has breath in her body
>That pure happy smile as she's walking down the aisle
She was perfect, why did you take her from us, Genndy. Why did you take her from Jack.
She deserved happiness

Other urls found in this thread:

I've lost track at how many times you've reposted this thread.

Time has lost its effect on us all.
Genndy played us all, right to the bitter end.

Waifu faggots BTFO

It's his first waifu, and she diefued. Go easy on the poor kid, don't you remember yours?

funny enough, Raven was actually my first ever waifu as a kid, Ashi just hit the exact same notes for me, so I guess it triggered an almost nostalgic reaction.

This is what you get. This is what you get for constantly asking me Jack's name. You MADE me do it.

Thread theme

If I had to guess, I'd say 4, not including when I posted it in existing threads.
I should be studying statistics


This is the third of yours I've seen, so you're on the right track.

dumping ashi cuz fuck it








>this is their equivalent of dirty talk

It's sickening and I adore it.

They're so pure it's absolutely astounding.

>Another Ashi Thread

-They will never have children,
-They will never grow old together
-They will never have more awkward moments with each other
-They will never explore the world together
-Jack will never try and calm Ashi down when she gets annoyed at other woman looking at her man
-They will never hold hands
-They will never kiss
-They will never get old enough to be grandparents while they tell their children about their adventures
-They will never die together while their children looks on their grave admiring their love for one another
-Jack and Ashi children will never exist therefore will not be named after her deceased sisters
-They will never train their children how to fight and defend themselves
-They will never have a honeymoon under the cherry blossoms
-They will never admire the beauty of the world without Aku
-They will never look at each everyday and be happy juut to be with each other despite everything that has happened
-Ashi will never experience a life without being abused from her childhood
-Jack will have to live the rest of his life knowing that Ashi will Forever remain a Memory



Delete this. NOW.

You need to leave.



I feel like the Scotsghost would be the only person who could stand to be around them when they were like that.

Of course he would, remember how he went from furious at his girls being turned down to completely overjoyed that jack already has a girlfriend?

>a fucking LEAF

The Scotsman is a bigger Jashifag than any of us.

It's a dynamic I really wanted to see, honestly, if only for a few minutes. Those three together would be a fucking legend.

That was my immediate reaction to the samoorhais comment

user your picture is broken heres the fixed version

Me too. It would have been perfect if he had just left it at

>Whatchoo want LEAF

Undelete this.

fucking delete this you stupid fucker i will fucking kill you

Fuck you user

I would fund a harem anime with Jack as the nervous beta protag

I warned you last time to yamete. Now you will pay the consequences

yamete is japanese for delet this

Samurai. Yes, it is I, Aku. Yes. I am calling to tell you to stay away from my daughter.

Go back to your own thread Aku





>she never got to find out if it was EXTRA THICC after all


Oh, and now I'm sad again.




Wouldnt it have been better if Ashi did die? I mean she was practically Aku himself with all hos powers. if they got married and had children, there'd be 1/2 aku babies to populate future generations

Fuck this shit

Aku dying actually caused what little was left in Ashi to die, too. Anyway, as Jack said (and Ashi demonstrated), you aren't your parents.

Also any demon kids, assuming that bit remained, would be quarterlings.

She lost her powers when they killed Aku
>not wanting a dynasty of superpowered Japanese emperors to safeguard their nation for generations to come


>that massive palace gets awfully cold at night, with only the sound of the patrolling guards for company

Once Jack gets her back that is what happens. They take the throne as Emperor and Empress and any children they have they train to fight, hoping they won't have to but knowing they will be prepared should the day ever come.
Jack's sword hangs above their thrones as a reminder of their responsibility and their family continues its lineage with the knowledge they may one day be called to wield that magic sword.


>Ashi and Jack have kids
>they inherit Aku powers
>one of them becomes evil and starts the whole process all over again

you can't rebuild a palace/village, recover the emperor from malnourishment, plan a wedding, send out invitations, and wait for arrivals in less than a year, and that's being extremely generous.
Jack and Ashi turned that palace into fuck mountain I guarantee it.

>Once jack gets her back
H-how is that, user?

Jack always finds a way no matter how he always finds a way.

Technically propriety demands they'd have to wait.

Same way he found a way back to the past with no time portals and a prophecy destroyed by a demon.

through ashi? ;_;

"It always seems bad at first, but then I find a way."
Hell, that's probably what he was in the middle of doing in that final scene: trying to find a way to reunite with her.


Through persistence and a little bit of luck.

She looked like a fucking monkey.

That's just a caricature of eastern facial structure.


My GOD that ending was good.

I had my doubts cuz a few filler trash in the middle there, but golly gee that shit moght have been perfect.


The ending was perfect.

No it wasn't, it was confusing as hell.


I'm still mad
I will always be mad.
On my death bed I will be mad.
When the seas heat up and the world falls into global catastrophe I will still be fucking mad.
In the afterlife, when I get to the gates of Heaven, St. Peter and his angels will ask me "Are you still mad about Episode CI?" My answer will be yes.
When the race of man is no more and the ruins of man's cities have crumbled into dust, I will still be mad.
Ancient alien civilizations will find the smoldering, volcanic corpse of planet Earth and decode the secrets of the ancient "internet" and they will find this post and so my eternal anger will be brought forth into the far-flung reaches of outer space.
When the last tiny flash of heat in the universe dies and all descends into entropy, my hatred will remain.

I'm still so fucking mad I took the time to write this stupid fucking post and I'm not the slightest bit less mad. I fucking hate you Genndy.

The finale has been pretty polarizing to the fanbase, even outside of Sup Forums

Does anyone have that edit of the ending scene where Jack hung himself?

I actually like that ending better. Makes more sense that he would kill himself for failing to protect the innocent.

Better version

Do people even know what they mean when they say "bittersweet"? It definitely doesn't apply to the ending here. It was downright tragic and confusing as shit.

post more Jashi pls

So was the Sopranos ending, which was also perfect.

Life isn't for you to know... nigger r u doge?

For the first time in her life, Ashi felt sheer, burning anticipation. Sure, she faced hordes of warriors before, she even defied Aku and matched him blow for blow but this... was different. It was not wholly unpleasant, after all, it was meant to be one of the most happy moments in any person's life, but to her it was a whole new world, beyond her wildest hopes and dreams. She definitely did not swallow any, but she did feel butterflies in her stomach, another first she enjoyed.

As she was being dressed in the white kimono by the many servants and looked on by the kindly Empress, Ashi found it hard to not smile. Tended to so carefully and with such love by so many people, she could practically jump with joy, had the clothes not restricted her, as she was clad in a layer after layer of dress. Her hair was done up and hidden under a wig as well, which added good amount to her height. No detail was spared, with flowers in the hair, make up on her face and silks that covered her from head to toe. Ashi definitely enjoyed spoiling her feminine side, hidden under soot and coal for most of her life.

As funny and strange as these customs were, Ashi took it all in, carefully absorbing each detail of life around her. When Jack brought her home for the first time, it was not much to look at, the land still reeling from Aku's blows. It was amazing to see them rebuild so quickly and with such passion that she rarely saw, except when she encountered Jack's many comrades and friends.
It was hard to recall the events of the battle and tell all of it to Jack's parents, the Emperor and Empress. The sacrifice of so many for their sake was painful, and Jack had as much difficulty in recalling things as she did, but they did it in the end. Even if time travel was beyond their understanding, the Emperor and Empress seemed to understand their sorrow. However, Ashi was wary that they might not be quite understanding if she revealed her origin to them.

Go fuck, you shit.

But the love and kindness kept coming. Even her parentage didn't phase them, and they slowly warmed up to her. As Ashi settled into the life among Jack's people, she was faced with many customs and rules, from strange foods and dress to ceremonies and protocol between people. She was even going to acquire a role among them, never imagining herself to be royalty one day when it became apparent that her and Jack's relationship was to be formalized. To be his wife, let alone a royal consort was a privilege, she was told, but it was something that Ashi did not feel was as important as her feelings for Jack, until she learned (quite quickly at that) what marriage meant. It didn't take any time for her to agree and the ceremony was organized.

As she took her first steps on the path to the shrine, followed by a small entourage and under a shade of an umbrella, Ashi witnessed large, cheering crowds that flanked both sides of a long aisle that led to the shrine. People from all over the world, who also looked after Jack as he grew up, she learned. Wherever she went, she encountered people who were touched by him and contributed to this moment. It was hard to not be humbled, even for her, but Ashi maintained her composure and strode down the aisle towards her destiny.

There he was, dressed in black, with the biggest smile she ever saw on him, and a priest standing by. She kept calling him by his future name and Jack didn't seem to mind at all, confusing a lot of people when she spoke of him. Hopefully she would get it "right" and call him by his birth name when it came to the ceremony itself, she thought. Ashi kept her pace and suppressed the urge to break out into a grin, but her heart beat a little faster with each step she took. This was beyond realm of possibility, the bliss after a lifetime of darkness, the only thing she could have done to deserve this was to save the world...

Life being the things in between the sentences.

Dark matter if you will.

She felt a strange pang shoot through her like a lightning bolt. Nothing changed and no one noticed a thing, but the instant she thought of Aku, it got worse. But he was gone, never to return. He left her body even, so why was she...
She felt her knees go weak, but steadied herself on her geta sandals. Again no one noticed a thing and Ashi was too well trained to give away any weakness, but Jack alone did see it, and the smile instantly disappeared. He was perhaps the best warrior to ever walk this world, but his heart was as easy to read as an open book when she saw panic in his eyes. She didn't know what it was, but she suspected...

Fucking is meaningless without love.
10 seconds of kissing the girl I was in love with at the time means infinitely more to me than the hours of sex with girls I didn't have strong feelings for.

You basic bitch.

Jack good human, Aku evil GOD whick Jack wanted to abolish any funking thing. Indirectly his daughters.

It works better when you don't think of them as people... this is some myth doge shite.

Borrowing heavy on the Greeks.


I think it's trying to communicate.

It was pretty deep.

Dope af desu.

You have nothing.

You are a horrible people, but you are people... which is very rare.