
>Ronnie sat there in his ill-fitting suit as a jury of peers looked at him with a mix of pity and disgust. "I love my cat, your honor," Ronnie remarks to the judge. "And cats don't know that you are blasting them with day old chili gas." The judge stops him. "Mr. Filyaw, your cat was black. Now she is white. How do you explain that?" Ronnie slams his hands on the table. "I get very damp! My undercarriage is mostly talcum powder!"

Can someone expand on this? Do fat sweaty people really put talcum powder on their ass to avoid dampness? We're approaching the summer season and there's a lot of leather chairs in this part of town, this could be valuable information.

I don't know of any, but there are probably a lot of poor country folk who realized that if you can put talcum powder on a baby's bottom to keep it dry, you could do the same for yourself and not go through as much laundry

Shit causes cancer yo. Look it up

Of course, but they don't know that. Not until it's too late, of course.

So, exactly why does Ronnie have to fart on the cat? can't he just fart out the window or something?

Could it be Needles got out there to hide from Ronnie's farts?


As a fat sweaty person, I can understand his desire to put talcum powder on his ass to keep it dry. Ass sweat smells terrible.

Its vengeance for all the time Needles farts in his face.

The Ronnie loves to fart on his cats.
It brings him much joy, and keeps the cats in check, lest they grow haughty and rude.

>As a fat sweaty person

I get the chub rub bad. Before work I pretty much put baby powder and aloe vera vaseline between my thighs. I've occasionally done it on my ass as well when I think I might be hot.

When my breath in rancid I'll take a deep breath and slowly exhale in front of my dogs face just because she always decides to yawn in my face.