What if Clark and Lois adopted Kid Goku?

What if Clark and Lois adopted Kid Goku?

Goku would have got an education and probably a job

Clark would have to kill him because Goku wouldn't have bumped his head and would therefore remain an invader who wanted to fight against Earth for Planet Vegeta and the Saiyans.


That's no longer canon. He was just confused and lashing out, as his parents were good people who sent him to earth so he wouldn't die when frieza wrecked the saiyans.

Why do we keep having these same scenarios?
is it just an excuse to talk about Dragon Ball?

Assuming goku still got hit on the head, Goku would have the same life as Jon Kent

Jon x Goku shota incest

Fuck this.

I remember we once discussed if Goku and Clark had switched places, and the answer was "Goku would be evil because he wouldn't have bumped his head and Clark would be evil because he would have".

Well, I can tell you that Raditz, Nappa, and Vegeta are gonna get fucked.

Is Minus even canon?

He wouldn't become a martial artist or increase his strength past early childhood levels, and he'd never know Ki control so he couldn't do energy blasts or fly.

>so he couldn't do energy blasts or fly.
He'd eventually learn how to do that in an attempt to copy Supes.
After all he learned the Kamehameha just from looking at Roshi do it once and flying just clicked with him at the end of his fight with Piccolo.

Maybe but he was raised by a martial artist so that kind of thinking could be second nature to him, and he has a serious interest in that stuff.

If he was raised as a normal kid in a city by "Clark Kent, the reporter" I don't know if he'd ever think to try.

I will never ever accept Minus as canon.

>" I don't know if he'd ever think to try.
All it takes is one moment of being enamored at being a hero and he'll discover his powers, show Supes and then receive training.

>He'd eventually learn how to do that in an attempt to copy Supes.
That's what I figured
He sees his dad do cool shit and Goku is a saiyan so he is tougher and has higher base ki levels than humans so he tries to fly and ends up doing it after a shit load of training
That would lead him to the realization that if he trains hard enough maybe he can do other stuff Supes can do, after all Goku isn't an idiot he is just uneducated people call him a martial arts genius multiple times in the series so if he had an actual education he could probably figure out how to get superpowers

And if it won't happen in his childhood it probably never will.

In a world where super powered beings are commonplace that would be a rarity. He would have to be cut off from any form of media.

Now thinking this scene needs a KidGoku edit

Would Goku make a good American?

>goku learning laser eye beams and cold breath

Goku/Superman is cliche and has been done to death
Think of something new that can garner the same level of autism

Cold breath probably wouldn't happen. Eye beams though? Yeah or at the very least a regular use of kiai.

Moses and Sun Wukong

Realized after I posted that Goku in this scenario would basically be this guy
Ki based Superman

Motherfucker, goku could learn the god damn evil containment wave. Fuck me if he cant blow harder than a thai prostitute.

You know this is Kid Goku right?
The same Goku that would transform into a giant ape in the full moon?

I think the first thing Supes would do upon seeing that is try to help him control that ability because that's what heroes in comics do.

Saiyans naturally like to fight. It's in there DNA. They need the challenge (the full bloods anyway). They're aggressive, but we know that can be reigned in (either via the head bump or a strong willed woman in there life).

Clark would have no difficulty teaching him or subduing him, given Goku doesn't actually reach a threatening level until adulthood (by that time he should have his powers under control). He was only town level or so around the time of King Piccolo (but then again, Roshi was weaker than him and blew up the moon).

I'd assume he keeps his tail?

Figuring out how to fly will be the hardest for him, but he'd eventually figure it out. He'd likely figure out Ki as well, since that's natural to Saiyans (When they go beserk as a great ape they shot that blast out of there mouths).

Specific attacks though... might take him a while to create. Supposedly, he is a prodigy when it comes to Ki (at least he was back in dragonball). He'd probably be able to create his own version of the KaMeHaMeHa in less time than it took Roshi.

Superman takes Goku to the Justice league.

Learns how to follow Flash's movements.
Learns how to fight like an amazon from Wondy,
Picks up telepathy from Martian Manhunter.
Learns basic martial arts and stealth from batman,
Learns magical techniques from Zantana.

Goku would become overpowered purely from Monkey See Monkey do.

It's 100% canon since Resurrection Frieza

Too bad

Knowing Goku, he's probably never bother coming up with a move, so much as he'd copy something he's seen and impliment it in a unique way.

Goku's actually not particularly known for making things up. Just copying and reapplying.

>It's 100% canon since Resurrection Frieza
How does that make it canon?

>Speed force Goku
Could you imagine that?

It made "Jaco the Galactic Patrolman" part of the DB canon

Assuming they're around the same age, I could totally see Goku butting heads with Damien a lot. Damien would probably be naturally distrusting of him because he's an alien, but also just be pissed because Goku can copy everything he can do and then do it BETTER.

Would Goku become a member of the teen Titans?

Jack was always part of DB.

We need a version with Clark

>day comes you have to take your infant star boy out back and put one in his head
>already had to cut off the tail, so much harder, tears and pain, slowly squeeze trigger
>the star boy lives but is knocked out, tie him down and wait it out
>comes back stronger but nicer

So how would Clark fare against the Red Ribbon Army through Buu?

Would Raditz, Nappa, and Vegeta exist has well?

Who would win in a fight? Jon Kent or Gohan?

they're pretty much a non-issue though, DC has plenty of heroes that could easily mop them up

Gohan knew the Kamehameha

He would grow up super strong, but without any of his Ki powers since that isn't a thing in DC land.
What would be more interesting would be if Superman landed in Dragonball land. A Ki augmented Kent would be downright overpowered.

Clark steamrolls everything up to Beerus who is basically Darkseid levels if we're feeling generous
The difference between the level of bullshit in DC and DB is ridiculous
Superman wins every engagement simply because he is from a setting with an entirely different scale
That is how all "who would win" fights go, you find the guy whose universe has a higher scale that guy wins
It's why I hate those scenarios and prefer "what would happen if these guys teamed up" or hypotheticals like the OP

*both Grandpa Gohan and Goku's son know the Kamehameha




What does he learn from papa Supes?

Frieza blows up Namaak and unleashed Goku (Gohan would still name him that) to the solar bath of Namaak's multiple stars
"I am something you've never faced I am a Super Kryptonian!


>That is how all "who would win" fights go

Unless one of the characters is The God Emperor.

Good luck getting any die hard 40kfag to admit that their Emperor can be defeated by anything.
I honestly think many of them would rather be put to death than admit a character can exist that could conceivably beat their Emperor in a fight.
Even though he was already technically defeated in his own universe.

Heat Vision or really the ki approximation of it

>Kai symbol
>Not Turtle
for shame

GokuClark/Kal El is visited by Lord Beerus who wants to fight him. He uses the Dragonballs to become a Super Kryptonian God

This made me wish he hadn't bumped his head, and we had seen what is was like to be raised by Gohan.

I am not so sure since at times it feels like DBZ is worlds of cardboard.

>any die hard 40kfag
Dunno about that, I find the idea almost cathartic.

The story demands that Son of El Goku jobs to all the villains at some point

Fun Fact in my head cannon Supes looks like that in the 853rd Century because he has stopped metabolizing Solar Energy and instead metabolizes The Power Cosmic as he looked the same in the Fantastic Four crossover where he became Glactus' Herald

So how would you explain the existence of Saiyans in a universe that has kryptonians? Are they offshoots of early kryptonians and they evolved in a different way that to get as strong as a kryptonian they have to push themselves instead of absorbing energy from the sun?

Depends how you magical you think spirit power/ki is, Deadman for instance easily possessed Superman so theoretically a ki blast would affect Superman the same way it affects everything else
Also magic in general exists in DB so that rabbit guy that could turn people into carrots could stop Superman

Right, gimme a (You) went and did it myself

>magically turns Supes into a carrot

Why can't they be entirely separate species
It's not like you need Nemekians to be an offshoot of Martians just let them be two different species

Nah. They might honestly work better as more primitive offshoots of Tamaraneans. They go on one planetary exodus every other month since their planets keep blowing the fuck up. It would be easier to explain them as some offshoot that got separated and evolved/mutated differently several thousand years ago.

Jon belongs to Damian, user.

Yeah, his copying skills were pretty impressive. He'd have great talent to create his own personal techniques if he wanted too. He'd probably look and see what looks the coolest and copy it.

>Trains with the Justice League, even if rarely
Already better Training than he got from Roshi.

I wonder what would push him to go Super in this universe.

Goku is pure hearted.

Villains get away all the time.

Feel like he would hit a wall with Buy seeing as he's predominantly based around magics.

In DB magic and ki are two entirely different things
I would assume ki to work like energy blasts would in DC while magic would work like magic

Because it would make more sense if they were kryptonians

>I wonder what would push him to go Super in this universe.
Doomsday "killing" his adopted father
The ancient Kryptonian warrior art of Torquasm Vo

>Goku grows up emulating papa supe's powers
>his fighting style is now more focused around powerful single strikes instead of ki blasts
>plus his own version of eye beams and frost breath

>ki blasts

If you're following the manga Goku almost NEVER uses ki-blasts. He doesn't like needlessly wasting energy.

>He is giving the fat kid a wedgie

Ok, this is fun.

>Beerus who is basically Darkseid levels

Darkseid is multiversal. Beerus is universal.

>>his fighting style is now more focused around powerful single strikes
I beg to differ

Which is why I added the words
>If we're feeling generous

I think Grandpa Gohan teaches Kal El Goku Ki control and martial arts. I mean he won't be strong as a kid, it won't be until his powers kick in as a teen that he would first go "super"

Everything past Cell Superman would struggle with just

Do we have evidence Ki does not exist in the DC Universe?

>Superman's face
>"Eat the fucking pie, Bruce. Eat the god damned pie"

IMO he's more like Good Vegeta.

You don't have an easy character to point to like Marvel does with Iron Fist but I refuse to believe Karate Kid doesn't use it

>read it in his voice
>it's perfect

Beerus is powerful enough to destroy a universe. Darkseid is powerful enough to destroy a planet. Darkseid is only multiversal in the sense that every incarnation in the multiversal is him and he is them.

>Goku sharing food

Doesn't Jon have a Goku poster in his room?

Superman wouldn't have it in him to kill a kid, he would teach him to be good and shit

He allowed Lex Luthor to kill a Phantom Zone baby and absorbed its power.

That's not what happened. Minus did not contradict the fact that Goku was wild before getting brain damage. Even IN Minus he was stealing Gohan's food, as seen here I know the story is shit and all but it didn't retcon what Roshi told everyone back when Raditz showed up.

More to the point, Goku would still be fairly rowdy, but even without a bump on the head Clark would probably be able to tame him. Getting a wild little monkey kid to behave would be easy for him given what he's had to deal with.

Kid Goku would probably ask why doesn't Lois have a penis and have her butt on her chest.

I remember that thread. Defending his wife's life, Pa Kent gets a miracle shot at Goku's head w/ a sledgehammer. Instead of killing a child or losing his wife, he saves both, and Goku grows up to be a dull, rantipole Superman.

He was still technically sent to Earth to invade it. Bardock used that as an excuse to get him away from planet Vegeta, because he was one of the smartest Saiyens who ever lived.

What if Goku raised Clark?...Would he basically be Gohan?

He was a brilliant scientist

Combat Science is totally science.

>is it just an excuse to talk about Dragon Ball?


Gohan was Gohan because Chi-Chi corrupted him. If Goku was free to train Gohan without Chi-Chi's meddling, Gohan would had easily became the most powerful mortal in Universe 7.