What's even the point of exposing the top of his scalp anyway...

What's even the point of exposing the top of his scalp anyway? The helmet would look so much better if it were totally closed.

He's gay, and that's what gays do.

Well it broke at the end of 2

Heres hoping it gets a visual rework

It's a hairmet. It's specifically designed that was so it doesn't mess up his perfectly feathered hair.

Maybe since he doesn't have powers anymore, he isn't as hardy and can't survive in space without a full suit, necessitating an outfit closer to his Kree uniform.

James Gunn wanted to give him the mask but wanted to make him not so threatening, Andy Park removed the helmet and left the mask and Gunn liked it.

Supposedly the helmet made him look more threatening/evil or some shit, and the hair sticking out make him more casual or some shit I don't know.

>What's even the point of exposing the top of his scalp anyway?

Young children can understand he's a human, not a robot.

He has really nice hair

The cover/fringe thing on the back would've just reminded casuals of Darth Vader. It's understandable.

Really hope there's a scene of him with a new helmet in the next Guardians movie that takes the piss out of kylo ren.

Early concept art showed him with the helmet, and a much more militaristic/mercenary look in general

My theory is they wanted the mask's appearance from the comics but didn't want him looking too much like a soldier/mercenary which the helmet would do since he was supposed to be a thief in the movie. They removed the helmet and kept the mask as they changed him to his trenchcoat look which works well in the movie, in my opinion.

I wish they'd kept it the old way in the comics, though.

Far left of my pic I think is the coolest he's ever looked.

while I get what they are saying about the look of the full helmet clashing a bit with the characterization they were going for, but he barely wears the full mask in either movie. It is mostly just for any of the big action beats or when he is in space for a few seconds, which would honestly make more sense for all of his head to be covered up.

The gasmask soldier look works for "bitter, tired veteran" DnA Quill, but now that comics Quill is an adaptation of "handsome rogue" MCU Quill, it doesn't really work anymore.

I think you definitely see that evolution in the concept art

I wonder if they were doing the concept before Gunn was even brought on

He wasn't really tired or bitter by the time of DnA, that was kind of the point of his role in Conquest

Honestly, this look would be right at home in a Star Wars movie.

DnA wrote Conquest

Not the Star-Lord mini

The outfit on both Rocket and Quill looks better here than what we get in the final movies. Why didn't they go with this?

But that's literally the outfit Quill wears at the beginning of the first movie. And Rocket is wearing blue in the second.

If you look closely, in that picture Rocket looks like he's wearing an austronaut suit it has a colar, and sleeves.

Quill switches to a shorter jacket likely for more ease of movement. Can't really stunt around when you've got a heavy leather duster flapping behind you.

That pic looks like a Hot Toy.

It's a Hot Toy, isn't it?