Can someone give me a rundown of this run? I loved Bunn's Magneto but this book is shit, don't wanna read it

Can someone give me a rundown of this run? I loved Bunn's Magneto but this book is shit, don't wanna read it.
I'm asking because, apparently, it's necessary to read it to understand X-Men Blue/Gold

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I've been following this reading order.

Bunnfag here.
It's not. The run isnt really shit either.
All you need to know is Mags uses Bets to fake his death, he recruits the O5 to "protect" mutantkind by hunting down his former accomplices. Psylocke is going to be teaming up with nuJean so I'm kinda curious how that's gonna work with Bets thinking she's killed Mags.

I wouldn't say Secret Wars in necessary in here.
Though I could also say the same for Extraordinary X-men and IvX.

>Finally merges the Angel and Archangel peronalities
>Shows that Sabertooth's inversion is reverting
>Monet saves her brother by hosting him, slowly turning her evil. She's also fucking Victor
>Gives an explanation for why Elixir is alive after Bendis brought him back without telling how
>Explains why Mystique backstabs people so much and "fixes" her.
>Introduces new members of the Hellfire Club's Inner Circle
>Fears and fallout from the terrigen mists
>Betsy let's Magneto bleed out in the last issue, but he's saved by Elixir and Exodus. He's now working in the shadows
Also, Xorn is back.

Can you recommend Bunn's that feels like the Magneto solo book?
I tried to read his UXM but he lost me in the Archangel arc. Maybe he's better with solo stuff.

Yeah, this reading order serves more than one porpuse actually.
It's supposed to let me follow Cyclops, Magneto and Magik post Bendis' UXM. Which is also shit, but the more Bendis tried to make me hate Scott the more I liked him.

>Xorn is back
Cool, I guess.

Xorn refresher

>man, that cover looks tra-
What, STILL? Jesus Christ, Marvel.

Jesus, I only knew Xorn from the Morrison's UXM. That's a lot.

Did you read Remender's Uncanny X-Force, if you didn't have that context, the arc would probably be lost on you.

I have only read Remender's creator owned stuff. I like his books. I will give it a try and, maybe, then, read Bunn's UXM.

Uncanny X-Force is what gave Remender his "big break".
It's an incredibly good book.
Bunn and Remender are friends, Magneto actually answers some questions for UXF.

Problem with Bunn's UXM is good as a little microcosm within the whole stupidity of the Inhuman retardation.
The book is also misnamed, should be an X-Force book as it's really just "Mags and Betsy do shady shit (with """friends""")".

Blue has had Mags take a bit of a back seat so far, but he's still on his Tzeentchian streak. Bunn is one of the last, maybe the last, disciple of Morrison left at Marvel and he really loves the X. I'll trust him for now.

>Bunn is one of the last, maybe the last, disciple of Morrison left at Marvel

That's good. I did not get a Morrison vibe from his Magneto solo book, but then again; it's a solo book. And even if he's not capable of bring back some glory to the X, I'm already happy for the fact that people at Marvel took the X-books out of Bendis' hands.
And about the book being misnamed: maybe it's "UXM" because Magneto assembled some sort of Extinction Team in the thing?

If you haven't read it already, I recommend Deadly Class by Remender; it's kind of a team book, there's action arcs and drama arcs. A little bit edgy sometimes, but still good.

X-Men thread

You're better off not reading Blue and Gold.
Of any of the other X-books that have started, while we're at it.

That was a reading order made specifically for someone who wanted to read about what happened to Magik, Cyclops and Magneto after Bendis' UXM. I'm not sure I'd recommend doing it that way if you're just going for general purpose "current state of X-men comics."

Starting UvX now.

I know. It was made for me. I /r/ it.

Hopefully Marvel's shameless movie pandering (even to movies they don't own) will get us a New Mutants book with a decent creative team next year.

I'm tired of Marvel.
Blue isn't so bad, but I kind of lost the will to keep up with anything anymore until Marvel thoroughly unfucks itself.

They should bring back Scott and have everybody who opposed him to say they are sorry they didn't listened to him.

The last issue with Creed and Monet is really good.