Between these four villains, who would win in a fight, Sup Forums?

Between these four villains, who would win in a fight, Sup Forums?


skub wins

Bill Cipher
He's the closest thing to Mxyzptlk in that four
A near omnipotent reality warper


Dunno top left, but he looks like a randy.
Bill and Aku seem to be on the same level in regards to their powers. They could fuck some serious shit up.
My money's on the Lich. It doesn't look like he'd last long, since his actual powers are not as impressive, and his "main deal" is to kill everything with whatever method is at his disposal. But he can never die, and what's worse is he can just possess any one of these guys or control their bodies on a whim when you destroy his current form. Unless any of these guys are definitely impervious to such things, I think we have a winner.
Plus it would be in the Lich's favor to let himself be killed - then he could just possess Bill and suck the world into a black hole or whatever.

This would be an insane fight.

Aku because the only other 3 don't possess the only weapon in existence that can kill him.

The top left character is Black Hat from a new CN show called Villainous; he's implied to be an eldritch abomination that's killed nearly every hero in his universe.

magic can still stop him, those 3 elemental ladies kept him at bay and I'd say they're not on the level of the Lich

Unless Black Hat, Bill, or Lich has a magic sword forged by gods they literally cannot even hurt Aku.

They team up, take out their enemies, then go out for Chinese as the world(s) burn.

They agree to swap universes to take care of each others' hero problems.

There's still a market for villains and devices for people who want to kill off "pesky heroes" so it's implied they are still around.
Not to mention this doesn't tell us anything about his specific powers, so for all we know it could be a OPM deal where shit is getting wrecked every five seconds.

Yes but they couldn't destroy him is the problem.
Not to mention the guardian would have most likely had magic.

They can hurt him, the sword just stops him from regenerating.

Aku can be hurt. He can't be killed unless the gods do it directly or it's via Jack's sword. The robot mech was able to hurt and maim him but he no sold it immediately and proceeded to kill everyone.

I would post that Black Hat painting that showed off his CN related kills but fuck it I'm listing them.
>Finn the human.
>Sector V (KND)
>Billy and Mandy.

Most of them aren't that impressive save for PPG, unless it was reboot PPG then...

None, their fucking obnoxious fans talk them and everyone else to death and then hopefully shut the fuck up.

Sometimes Aku just likes to be tossed around a bit. Job awhile before bringing the shape-shifting reality hammer down.

Can't the Lich just possess Aku?
Then we'd be really fucked.

The Mandy kill is impressive actually. Too bad it is an unearned list.

Just found it. Hot shit.

>The Mandy kill is impressive actually.
How so? If you bring up her smile she doesn't do that nearly as often as she should and she was eaten by a clown balloon thing.
And before you bring up her toon force fear, BH very likely has the same thing.

>Most of them aren't impressive

I mean, Finn's gone toe to toe with The Lich and won (or at least destroyed The Lich's current body), and was able to (slightly) hurt Hunson Abadeer, *and* defeated Orgalorg kinda. The kid has a talent for beating ancient powerful monsters.

Billy and Mandy have also taken out their fair share of ancient monsters, but usually in funny ways instead of straight up brawls

Aku can't be killed by anything but Jack's sword though I feel like Lich might be able to possess him.

wait this sounds pretty cool

Finn kinda just stumbles dick-first into everything.
It's part of why he's a great protagonist for his show

Source? This does sound really neat.

So he just wiped out any hero in CN's lineup? Is the show affiliated with CN at all, I thought it was a web thing.

God dammit no. An in-joke about the network in the background doesn't fucking count. You have no idea if the actual creators of those characters would ever okay that or say it was possible. It's not earned it's just a joke. The number of people Black Hat has defeated is exactly zero, his "feats" or powers is zero, only the paper bag doctor is shown to have any abilities in those shorts since he makes the tacky shit they try to sell. BH is just a salesman peddling the paper hat guy's stuff.

>Billy and Mandy have also taken out their fair share of ancient monsters, but usually in funny ways instead of straight up brawls
Knowing BH he probably blitzed them as fast as he could. Guy doesn't fuck around.

Also add Steven and the Crystal Gems to that list.

For fuck's sake it's six Cartoon Network shorts but it's not "canon" that he kills all the other CN characters, some CN references just show up in the background as in-jokes. He doesn't kill or defeat anybody. From the shorts you have no idea what kind of bad guy he was.

This sounds like a good point certainly, but his bio literally states he could not find a hero that could rival him.
I'm not joking, he has a bio that says that. Not to mention he has a device that creates the most evil thing you can imagine.

Autismo I know that I just wanna see the picture because it sounds neat.


I would've thought having Death as your pet would count for something.

>You have no idea if the actual creators of those characters would ever okay that or say it was possible
Which is why it's kept to a background in joke. Nothing to get assblasted about, but if you count it as cannon it's a potentially good feat.
If you don't, then BH has literally nothing to stand on making this entire argument less interesting because it basically removes a entire character.

She still lost the election.

Is there a regular version without the edits though? Wanna take it all in myself.

>that's Finn's first sword
Aw that means he got got when he was a 12 year old too.

Well yeah but Grim's a bitch.
Nigga what? Sup Forums is over there if you accidentally tabed into the wrong window.

And makes the kill less impressive more so.
That being said Control Freak is stronger than everyone on this list. He could just spam reboots all day.

Bill is the most powerful but he's also a retard. I'm going with Aku.

>but his bio literally states he could not find a hero that could rival him.

Fine but listing his "official feats" as killing a bunch of characters the writers of those shows had nothing to do with because of a background nod is lame, it's like if I drew my OC donut steel killing Batman, Superman, the X-Men, and the Avengers and talked about how it's canon now they could beat every other character in a Vs. thread. The good guys in BH's universe could be totally lame losers, there's no way of knowing because you don't see them fight anybody, all they do is sell some shit. There's not enough information to say they could kick the Lich's and Aku's asses or any shit because you don't know what they can or can't do except that paper bag guy can invent some shit.

Makes him smarter though. Gotta go for those little heroic bastards when they're young or else they'll be strong enough to save the day and shit.

If he killed the Grim Reaper himself he seems impressive enough, though I guess Grim was a bit of a pussy looking back.

That or Finn went full retard and picked a fight he couldn't win.

It just proves a device of imagined maximum evil can still be overcome.

You want a serious answer.

Black Hat could be a total bitch/wuss or power you have no idea from his five minutes of screentime what his abilities or powers are. You can't even really include him since he's an unknown.

Bill is supposed to be a reality warper but because he was too powerful he became a fucking moron in the finale and two old guys beat him pulling the old twin switcheroo, fucking stupid.

Aku went out like a bitch though he's just got the one weakness so that's something anyway. He turns out his awesome minions carried him for the most part.

The Lich is a fat giant baby or some shit now and less scary.

4/4 disappointing or nothing characters, I'd probably still give it to the Lich though as the least lame despite his downgrade.

Aku was still great all throughout the series, just because he went out like a chump doesn't negate that.


I think it depends if we're talking about trapped in the mind scape bill or if hes free. A free bill would win hands down since he has the ability to bend space and matter to his will. And for the sake of argument if we remove bill from this list I think it would end up being a stale mate between aku and the lich. Since aku cannot die, and the lich is the personification of death.

Grim was also the personification of death, look how well that went

Even if it's canon, it's just a fucking painting
For fucks sakes it's just a cameo
Razz didn't really die in Wonderland
Samus didn't leave her helmet in Volks Corporation
The alternative interpretation is that those heroes were pussies

It's like when people made Kylo Ren debates before The Force Awakens even came out

A far superior and classier villain wipes the floor with all of them.

And Grim was a pansy. Not to mention we don't even know

You raise a fair point with Black Hat's lack of feats.
For the sake of speculation, let's take out Black Hat and say the remaining three fight during their prime.
Aku (during his rule before Jack arrived) vs. Bill (during Weirdmageddon) vs. Lich (in his regular corpse form). Who would win then?

And like Aku and Bill, he was defeated by an old man (Though in Aku's case, the man was only old chronologically.)

If there was a struggle

All style no substance (great villain though)
He literally has no actual power and it's not like any of the other villains are insecure enough to let him get inside their head, Beast is the most fucked out of any of them

Bill had trouble with a wooden shack robot. Couldn't kill some kids either. Keeps getting outsmarted.

Meanwhile, Aku can only be killed by one object and conquers the world. Aku has performed similar feats to Bill including reality warping, instantaneous travel to other worlds and dimensions and Time-Travel.

There is nothing stopping Bill or Aku from just annihilating The Lich and Black Hat instantly or sending them away if they wanted, so I think it would ultimately be down to Bill and Aku, but my money is on Aku.

At least Aku died like a bitch to his longtime nemesis who's trained for decades to kill him. Bill died like a bitch to an old man who wasn't even aware of his existence until that day.

Based on what though?

>one conquers worlds
>one conquers universes


Bill and Black Hat generate endless amounts of fujoshit, Japanese, and South Korean fan art and porn wherever they walk while Aku generates nonstop Ikra lewds and Aku/Blossom deviantart comics leaving the Lich the only character not drowning in nonsensical scads of weird pornography and shipping. He takes it by default.

So Black Hat is a network executive?

Well, it's hard to make an ancient rotting corpse sexy.

Though as a side-note, he would probably considered a fairly generic fantasy villain were he in any other kind of show

>Grim was also the personification of death
No, I didn't mean that the lich was the grim reaper. I meant he is the concept of death personified. Like on a grander\cosmic scale. Where ever he goes extinction of all life follows. He cannot be stopped, only slowed down and stalled.

Best answer.

There is a veeeery small group of people who ship possessed Billy Lich with Prism from AT, mostly seem to be Koreans and Japanese artists. It's all pretty weird but a small amount does exist.

Black Hat would probably just try to talk business

>Well, it's hard to make an ancient rotting corpse sexy.

Excuses, excuses.

If Bill is so powerful then why did he get constantly outdone by an old man with no powers and some kids? Bill's universe was decaying so he wanted to come to ours. He got here, conquered a small town and then got killed. He says himself he is wasting energy just from fighting the shack-bot.

For all we know Bill just arrives in a universe then declares himself ruler without actually doing anything. He is insane afterall. Anyone who knows how big the universe is knows how retarded the concept of ruling the universe is.

You need to show, not say.

Sadly, there's not much art of cute zombie girls. Especially ones with long unkempt hair and blank white eyes

>If Bill is so powerful then why did he get constantly outdone by an old man with no powers and some kids?

Because it was a Disney young kids' cartoon and if Bill had imploded every single character's skull in just by thinking about it crushing their little brains in their brainpans like he should have the millisecond he crossed over they wouldn't have shown it to children on a Disney kids' channel.

Aku though wacky was on Cartoon Network aimed at an older audience and eventually much older nostalgiafags, giving him more leeway to actually get shit done killing wise.

If Black Hat gets an Invader Zim style show maybe he can steal some organs or something (but even IZ on Nickelodeon was never allowed to actually kill anybody).

I'd love to see Aku Vs. a fully powered HIM.

Uncle Grandpa.


Holy fuck.


My nigga Toffee would wait it out and take out the worn finalist

the shack was magical to bill like the sword was to Aku.
Also Bill was cited in destroying other universes/galaxies

LICH . . . . .the Dude is EVIL

>implying Bill and Aku won't team up.
They all almost have the same goals and would get a kick out of each others company.


Can an eldritch abomination posses another eldritch abomination

>implying Bill cares about titles
He likely just go along with it.

The Lich would possess Aku who would possess Bill who would possess Black Hat who would possess The Lich and everyone would be very confused.

This is why eldritch abominations don't fight each other too much bother.

Bill is probably the most powerful because of his reality warping but Aku literally can't die to ANYTHING but Jack's sword/the gods themselves so he probably takes it.

Uncle Grandpa

Grandfather from KnD whould figure in as well, he's a planetary level reality warper at least and has taken an orbital drop without worse for wear.

That's just weird.

No it doesn't.

Why not?


Black Hat. From what we've seen so far, when he's not doing commercials, he's very pragmatic when it comes to his evil and the usage of his powers.

Beast has no powers though

hes just a manipulator who fucks with your head

Best villains always have green, red, black, and white color schemes

>implying the least worshipped god is strongest

Overconfidence is a slow and insideos killer.

Bill has no magic sword forged by gods, he has zero means of harming Aku

Whatever coat-rack, do we have a deal or not?