What the fuck is wrong with DC movie fans?

What the fuck is wrong with DC movie fans?

They call them Junket-Whores for a reason, get pampered by the movie company so that the pampered critics get an early viewing and give a glowing review of the film

Paranoia brought about due to inadequacy issues.

>marvelfags get accused of shilling
>they get triggered
Like clockwork.

Idk, saw some critic say some shit about how Snyder actually hates his mother irl, then when people pointed out that his mom died years ago and he talks about how much he respects her, she doubled down and was like "hrr it was just a joke".
People are being dicks about this shit, dude.

That was Whedon, user.

No look up Lindsay Ellis on twitter. I guess she's not a critic though.

>Twitter screen capsid literal who's
What the fuck is wrong with OP? Is this Sup Forums?

I don't wanna dive into this discussion too much because of but oh well.

Because there's a large audience that enjoys the movies but feel some cognitive dissonance because the critical community and another large contingent absolutely despises it.

Since people now seem to believe your opinions are either right or wrong, they either "change their minds" and align with the hivemind, or become upset and insist that it's everyone else who's wrong.

That's the internet now. It's a nonstop argument about things with no solution. "I like this movie!" "No you don't!" "Yes I do, and so do you!". That's all it is.

>dc fags get called fags
>they double down and act even more faggy

>it's an anti-DC thread
>DC haters are the butthurt ones
>especially if it backfires
It must suck to be a marvelfag.

Remember to hide and report twitter screencap threads.

And filter all tripfags.

Im not even a marvel fag im a bland movie connoisseur and dc and marvel are the biggest producers of such things

they're retarded it comes with the whole "DC fans" part

Of course.

Lindsay is such a piece of shit outside of her videos, it's crazy.
I love her essays but when I check her comments anywhere else she comes off as such an asshole.
I remember an exchange on her twitter than went something like this:
>her: "hey I made a video about why the beauty and the beast is not about stockholm syndrome"
>someone: "alright, but I still think it's a toxic relationship because it started with abuse"
>her: you're being a jerk

>YouTube scum hate DC and different opinions
News at 11

DCfags have gone full callout culture tier

Ok but for real. Regardless if you are a fan of the brand, DC movies haven't been good since 2008 with TDK because the executives have tried their hardest to replicate the success of that one movie, and Snyder, who has the writing skills of a teenager isn't doing it any favors.

Shame, because I REALLY love Snyder's directing skills. Not much right now since he took the Bayformers route with loud incoherent action scenes, but the man has a good eye.

I wish the DC fans were honest and demanded better instead of eating the garbage they gave them because they feel insecure.

I just can't comprehend people who get excited for movies. All it is is comics watered down and repackaged for mass consumption.

It's like getting really excited for someone bringing a case of shitty Keystone Lite when you have a fridge full of good beer already.

Every time something good happens in a comic someone goes "I hope this gets in a movie someday!". Like the comic is right there in front of your face.

the fuck are you talking about nigger
where did I mention DC?
Also can't blame them, DC outside of the cartoons is garbage

Nice copypasta, Marvel intern.

Nice Trump support too.

>reddit formatting and opinion

Into the trash it goes.


DC and it's retard fans are a cancer that needs to be eliminated

>I wish the DC fans were honest and demanded better instead of eating the garbage they gave them because they feel insecure.
I see a lot of other fans like myself who do point out the flaws in the movie. Maybe you just see what you want to see.

Lest we forget the brigade of Marvel fans who sent death threats to some critic who gave Avengers a bad review 5 years ago.
This isn't limited to DC fans or Marvel fans, it's pretty indicative of nerd culture in general.

>the brigade of Marvel fans who sent death threats to some critic who gave Avengers a bad review 5 years ago
Tell me more.


how I accuse you of acting like a retard then you call me a marvel fag I say no im not and that Im just experienced when it comes to bland movies somewhere along the line you see me as defending marvel when the entire time I was insulting you

or all the DC retards who did it with Dark Knight and DKR and literally every other DC movie

I call this the Dan Slott Syndrome: user needs to read the opinion of some nobody in Twitter and treat it like absolute truth.

>I'm so mad that I forgot punctuation

>uses the formatting hes arguing in his own rebuttal

>Still trying to make it about DC
Why? What are you doing? I'm saying that nerds in general are pretty shitty on the internet. All of them. Forest for the trees, my dude.

>and/or the DCEU
Bullshit. All you need to look at is the reception to WW. There is no bias against the DCEU or DC properties. If there are consistently critical statements made about Snyder they were made for the exact same reason anons on this board and across the internet when he was announced as the director of MoS, and that reason is that he is not a good filmmaker. He is a talented cinematographer at best, but his reception of consistently critical reviews isn't an indicator of bias. It simply reaffirms his being a poor filmmaker. David Ayer is not a bad filmmaker, in fact the lengths the guy goes to to prep casts and productions is incredible. SS was a turd do to behind the scene meddling however. Now you might hear me knocking Snyder's movies as well as SS, and be inclined to accuse me of being a Mouseposter, but hear me out. The great press WW has been recieving has me thrilled, and frankly what I've seen of the Aquaman solo does as well. I want a DCEU I can love, but I have been unable to enjoy what we've gotten so far, not because of bias against Snyder, Ayer, or DC, but because to me the movies we've gotten thus far have not been good. Now taking it back to my original thesis, I think there are a lot of DCEU fans who company war so much, that the same movie they'd call a turd if it had Marvel in from of it, they instead defend like their life is on the line when it has DC in front of it. I'm not willing to do that. I love these characters and think they deserve better than what we've gotten thus far. I am hoping Wonder Woman is going to be the restart button that excluding JL will mark a shift to a DCEU comprised of movies I really enjoy, because since Day 1 one, what I wanted more than anything was movies about my favorite characters I could love. The only thing that kept me from being able to was the quality or lack there of of those given to us. I don't think I'm reaching too far off the ledge thinking the critics feel similarly.

Another nice copypasta, bro.

>I see a lot of other fans like myself who do point out the flaws in the movie.
I do see discussion, but I see even more defensiveness to the point of making liking DCEU into a political statement. It's ridiculous.

>Lest we forget the brigade of Marvel fans who sent death threats to some critic who gave Avengers a bad review 5 years ago.
Marvel fans keep eating their bland shit that stopped being amusing a long time ago, but I don't see them constantly being as insecure like that. Your example sounds more like an exception than the rule. Just look at how everyone hated Avengers 2.

Not trying to shit on DC, because I enjoy their properties a lot when they're done right. I'm just tired of the constant defensiveness and insecurity over bad movies.


when I was making that I knew you would regard the point of the post to go straight for punctuation congrats ya got me but not only am I not going to use correct punctuation im going to end the conversation


Weird. It's almost like that a reasonable length of time to actually right something like that out for the first time. You accuse it of being copypasta though, so please. Demonstrate where it has been posted before.

So DCEUfags are the IGN of comic book movies?

>I don't see them constantly being as insecure like that
Just take a look at any thread about how shit many MCU movies have turned out to be. Or any Fox/Sony thread.

Post them all. Prove you're a true marvelfag.

I thought it was just Sup Forums joking around. Maybe they are tulpas created by kinoposting just like when baneposting crashed an airplane.

Why so mad DCuck?

jurassic world was mediocre but watchable

>im going to end the conversation
Pic related.

>it's not copypasta, it's autism!

Are people really this insecure? Yeesh.

User banned in 3, 2, 1...

this is what happens when you give those retards a safe space like that fucking reddit and those stupid fucking DCEU threads that thankfully only show up rarely

only DC retards they have some kind of fucked up persecution complex

>Just take a look at any thread about how shit many MCU movies have turned out to be.
But they're not blatantly bad, they're just mediocre at worst. People watch them and forget about them after a month. DCEU are case studies on how not to make a movie. Those are the most interesting aspects of them.
>Or any Fox/Sony thread.
Come on user, no one likes them either because they don't expect anything from them. We got some mediocre to good X-men movies for every Fantfourstic. And Sony gets hate all the time. All the damn time.

But DC fans need at least a movie property to be good because they just have a single studio.

Also you still sound insecure.

>mousefag learns a new word
>will use it in every post for the next years
Mom and dad are very happy.

I though you were leaving, ChickenBoy?

>it's not copypasta, it's autism!
Buddy, if you can't read comments longer than a tweet or a meme, that isn't my fault. Personally I'm not afraid to be verbose. If that is autism in your book, fine. It's autism. That's not what you initially dismissed it as, which is why I'm still waiting for evidence it has been posted and reposted elsewhere and often though. You want to dismiss something as pasta, then you ought to be fucking prepared to prove it.

>they're not blatantly bad, they're just mediocre at worst
>no one likes them either
How insecure. Nice new pasta, though.

Because your posts are so important, right? Insecure, I told you.

Underage pls go.

>mousefag learns a new word
It's like you do this on purpose, like you want your side to look bad and, yes, extremely insecure

DChad here. I'm going to the gym. When I come back I want to see you marvelfatsos sperging a bit more on why DC threatens your life.

>How insecure.
I don't care about those movies. I'm just pointing out the general perception they get.

>It's like you do this on purpose, like you want your side to look bad
How insecure.

>Getting this bum tickled because their movie wasn't given a raving review.

Dude I actually typed an equally long reply to this but instead of clicking post I clicked a link to some other board. :/
So I'm out lol.

maybe that's the point maybe there really is no one retarded enough to be a fan of DC so they pretend

There's no need to start projecting.


DCCucks still blindsided by the downward spiral of a soulless corporation like Warnerbros. Marvel beat you and DC has been scrambling ever since.

That would make absolute sense maybe 5 years ago, but I find the present world far too stupid for that to be an actual possibility.

June 2nd is going to be amazing

Well it turned out being pooinloos on Sup Forums, so clearly there was a language barrier that ended in this clusterfuck

sure people are stupid but no one is THAT stupid


They wont listen man. You know this. Theyre to far gone.

Do you picture DCEU fans to be literally shaking when we criticize them?
Because I can't help to have that mental image of them.

I mean, it's not like you're proving the point and showing your kind isn't just Sup Forumsermin faggots who want to keep making company war threads and go spit plenty of derogatives and infantile attacks at people who are at this point tired of you guys shitting on anythin you don't like.

Or do I have to remind you that you're doing the same shit than in the GotG2 thread? Or like all the movie threads on Sup Forums, then complain about "muh quality" on Sup Forums? There's no hate against DC, and you know it, but your autistic dicksucking for Hack Snyder keeps you blind.

But come on, give me a retort that's in less than 5 sentences and call me shill, mouseketeer, whatever.

>what the fuck is wrong with internet zealots
Gee, I wonder?

I miss the Zack Snyder that wasn't trying to be smart.
300 and his remake of Dawn of the Dead were all fun. Hell. even Watchmen as flawed as it is has few problems than his current work since the characters were previously written by someone else. But since Sucker Punch his work really hurts.

>Because your posts are so important, right?
Don't recall ever saying anything like that. I'm just not a fan of bullshit, and it has a particular scent that seems to be coming strongly from your general direction.

>this is a professional movie critic
That is a flat out retarded thing to say, what the hell?

Sorry, user. I would have really liked to read it. Thanks for the effort though. Points to you. Also means I get to ignore the dipshit trolling the thread since he isn't you like I presumed, so thanks for that as well.

The problem is that people defend Synder when he has a TON of flaws. I mean how many times do we need to bring up the "Underworld" b-rated movie color pallet or how he drags his feet with the plot at the beginning of the movie?

Also superman still cannot fucking act

Reminder that DCfags are subhumans and should be rangebanned.

Why bother. They're just going to go "those aren't flaws you're an idiot shill".

In two weeks they'll go full "fake news" tier.


basically this every time someone mentions DC


This is not DC fags, and you know it, this is pretty much the indian Sup Forumsaby Snyderfaggots who fuck with any movie thread, those are the guys who should be purged.

>N. Spencer

Company wars robbed any enjoyment I have of discussing cape movies here. The best threads in years were the LOGAN threads because the movie existed on a bubble.

>Well it turned out being pooinloos on Sup Forums, so clearly there was a language barrier that ended in this clusterfuck
Haha, what? I can believe that but I really wanna know the whole story.

What happens if Wonder Woman ends up with mixed reviews overall? Because I'm picking up a lot of "the plot and tone is messy but the cast, action and humor are good". It seems most critics are praising it in comparison to BvS rather than as its own thing.

He's not trying to be smart. All Snyder is doing is looking at the comics that revitalized interest in DC in the 80's, the comics that likely got him into DC, the comics that were meant to "reimagine Superman for a modern audience" and trying to bring that same thing to the screen. BvS was the same with TDKR.

The problem is he missed the boat by about a decade. Reconstructionism reached the movies and now audiences don't want to take superheroes seriously unless it's literally as stripped down as you could possibly be like Logan.

Wonder Woman and Aquaman are going to be successes because they're just playing it straight like the Marvel movies do. They're not gonna try and recontextualize the characters for a modern audience. Just enjoyable action films, which is all a Hollywood movie can hope to be these days.

It's just hilarious because the few people who enjoy GG know they are going to cape shit.

It's like WAR. Everyone knows it's fake. Everyone knows it's got stupid story but it's just fun to turn off your brain and have fun watching it with your family, friends, kids, parents, etc. That's Marvel.

DC is like if someone took WWE and tried to make it serious and throw Christ imagry everywhere (which btw is college freshman level symbolism) and then dim the lines and use only blue and orange lighting while the rest of the stage is dark.

Like, I appreciate you trying to do something new and do a spin on it but it's just repeatedly failed again and again.

And when you rip on Marvel cape shit for being capeshit know one gives a shit because we all know it's capeshit

Someone checked on social media who was posting shit about "capekino", or "based Snyder", turned out it was pooinloos every time

War was supposed to be WWE but my phone is being a dick right now

>throwing shade
That's how you know not to value someone's opinion.

>He's not trying to be smart.

>DC fans ripping on Marvel movies are basically the same as those people who have to ceaselessly point out WWF is fake
Seems accurate

This. It's not even all DC, it's just the DCEU movies that attract this level of autism.

The best is when there are multiple DC fans arguing but the IP count is really low

But there's not even one random song and dance number in BvS!

Pretty much this. DCEU is to DC what Vanilla DmC is to DMC fans. That would be if DmC had actual fans who passionately defend it as a political statement.

>Nolan movies were better, get love
>Nolan makes shitty movies, people shit on it

>Snyder makes 1 or 2 decent films, it gets largely ignored
>The rest are largely shitty for one reason or another
>This fool doesn't understand why they're shit on

Superman killing people is wrong, period. This isn't fucking Injustice. Abstaining from 99 percent of his history and realizing the reason why people liked the character is directly against why you like character and then subverting it with Christianity and not understanding why people shit on you for ruining a character has nothing to do with other people but person making it.

Then they don't trust anything else he touches and it automatically drags them down.

Suicide squad being cut together by a bunch of youtube level artists made but it was shit on for being 'sexist' when really it was just mangled by repeatedly bad edits of the same film which made it incoherent and badly realized.

That is kind of dichotomy we're talking about.

And you want these films to be judged in vacuum when it isn't realistic, people judge marvel movies against their own movies, not even Dc's movies, and while they may have let some of them pass on brand alone, more and more people are shitting on fatigue it has caused.

They're not being unfair to snyder, he is a hack. Nobody outside of Dc fanboys are ever going to trust him after MoS and Justice league is just a victim in a long line of waiting victims that DC/WB's own mismanagement has brought onto themselves.

It's a joke you fucking humorless autists.

>What happens if Wonder Woman ends up with mixed reviews overall?

That will still make it the highest rated DCEU movie.

That happens with almost every movie then when everyone's free to review other critics bring it down the earth.Fans should pay more attention on when the actual embargo is lifted.