Ok, so several years after I stopped working on Samurai Jack, I finally knew how I wanted to end the series

Ok, so several years after I stopped working on Samurai Jack, I finally knew how I wanted to end the series.

You ready for this?

Jack dloesn't defeat Aku.

Instead he seduces a piece of aku, who falls in love with him, and then that piece of aku is what defeats aku.

Emmy please

Damn, great cartoons end like *THAT*?

Why can Jack literally only fall in love with Aku

Bravo Genndy

He just wanted to sheathe his blade inside of the Akooch.



Might I suggest that you make this "piece of Aku" the main focus of the story? I probably kill her off at the end just for the hell of it.


Damn those sound like great ideas. If you're still here Genndy, I think you should also rush past the part where Jack gets back. It's really not that important. Maybe a minute scene tops

That's not what happened you autist. Jack literally stabbed Aku to death. Several times.

With all this controversy over the ending, everyone's missing the REAL problem.

Jack freed the fish people so they could live on the surface again, but in the finale, their city is shown underwater. The fuck happened?

I think the issue is he kinda wrote himself into a corner and simply made Aku too strong, there way no way for Jack to beat him without some sort of asspull since we've seen Aku simply walk away right before dying.

>fish people

Literally who?

How do you know they aren't just living both in water and surface? Like a frog.

Aku probably came back after Jack left and sank that shit all over again

>Ashi displays Aku's shapeshifting magic
>Aku turns into a bat
>"Well... guess that's my cue to live. I'LL GET YOU YET, SAMURAI-"
>Scottman blows his shithorn, creating a sort of ceiling that prevents him from escaping
>Aku turns into a snake and tries to slither through the cracks in the walls
>Ashi pulls him back into the fight
"AKUUUUUUUUU. You can not escape judgement. For the evils you have committed, for the suffering you have wrought. Face me, let this be finished!"
>Aku looks around, see all of Jack's friends surrounding them
>Ashi stares at him menacingly
>"Don't bother trying to escape again. Not this time."
>Aku yells in anger and takes on his usual form
>1 on 1 match for the future
>Jack wins, Aku still tries to escape
>Ashi blocks him again
>"Fool! Without me you are nothing!"
>"I am more than you could ever be."
>Kicks Aku towards Jack
>Jack finishes it
>Cue whatever the fuck they may want to do afterwards

And that is how Jack beats Aku with Ashi in the future without some sort of asspull. Hell, you could even write Ashi off and he still beats Aku in the future.

You wanna make it so that he also beats him in the past without Ashi suddenly knowning time travel magic? When his sword absorbs Aku he can burn his trapped essence to create a portal back in time, or the dying Aku/destruction of his fortress creates a ripple in time that Jack can follow Aku through as he escapes back to the past

You want to save Ashi from disappearing?
After beating Aku she begins to disappear, her essence forever linked to him so she can never be without him.
Jack knows his sword can only be used for good, he calls to the Gods for a favor, the only boon he asks of them in his time of need. They understand his need for a reward, bless the sword, and Jack slashes Aku's essence from Ashi's body/soul/whatever in some way cutting the strings of fate that tie her to Aku's fate.

Badaboom, babe.

Dont forget to rush every lose end and the resolution to every interesting character you ever made up until now.

Ittl be worth it in the end.

Yeah but that's not what happened? Jack stabbed Aku several times, Aku died. Ashi just provided the time portal so that the encounter wouldn't end in another "I'll be back, samurai, you'll see! HAHAHAHAHA"

This takes too much time away for ashi to die at her wedding day.


He always wanted to stab aku with his blade

>Jack doesn't defeat Aku

You didn't watch the finale, did you

Jack literally killed Aku. He undid the future that is Aku. Mako gave away the ending years ago.

it's riddled with errors like that. The Spartan shouldn't be alive and looking ageless (never mind that line of "never saw the Samurai again) Jack's parents super recovered from Aku's oppression and they rebuilt cities before Jack/Ashi's wedding so that means Ashi didn't fade away a good year+ after Aku's death.

also the call back to the dog people from episode 2 being alive they out right tell Jack they still live in Dog years.

>save ashi from disappearing
Just don't go back to past and fulfill the themes and foreshadowing that were built up until episode 9