People on this board could've had fairy god parents

>People on this board could've had fairy god parents
>They don't remember it

That would mean they're happy now. Which is untrue.

I still have them. These are the perks of being a kissless virgin


No exactly, it's also established that you lose them when you turn 18

>watched my 5 year old brother die at age 10
>abusive father both physically and sexually
>extreme depression and suicidal urges, been in a mental health hospital twice by the time I was 11
>lived in squalor with a emotionally dead disabled mother
>STILL no fairy god parents
It's rigged, I tell you.

Is my poor posture a sign?

God damn user you're making ME sad now.


Were you able to keep the wishes or not? I don't remember that part. If I had, my life would be a lot better.

What happened to the creator of FOP again?

They retconned that in the Movies.

I thought he just created a loophole by making it so he doesn't mentally age

We don't talk about those movies

>People on this board could've been in the Kids Next Door
>They don't remember it

>People on this board could be Skrulls

They were regular kids anyway. The whole series was completly about how children see adults and the world in general, it was only a perspective change. They never hade a huge ass treehouse, it was just how they see thier own small treehouse. There was never a cult of people brainwashing others to like vegetables, it was just how children see adults constantly telling them that vegetables are good for you etc. It was all about perspective change

Unless you are a kissless virgin.

$600,000 IN DEBT
>$600,000 IN DEBT

Did you watch the entire series?

Name one thing out of this show which couldn't be explained with a perspective change and imagination.

>People on this board can be reddit

The ending where they're old and Father is still around with flame powers, all in live action no less


Or worse, a Peter Parker clone.

An event happened which made them feel old and they reflect on it. Maybe they got pubes or a pimple or someone broke out a deeper voice or something which makes children feel old. also shown by life action. On the other hand, flame powers = destruction, this one is obvious.

Fear that everything will be destroyed by an person of authority because they are growing up as viewed by a child with all of that over exxagaration.

Meant to quote

No, it's shown when Timmy loses his god parents (when Norm tried to get his revenge on him) that all things he wished up would be taken away and memories would be wiped. Same thing happened to Crocker when Cosmo and Wanda were taken from him (his fame and good looks were stripped from him).

This sounds like "it was all a dream/purgatory" bullshit theories

>kid gets fairy godparents to make their lives less miserable
>kid will eventually grow up and lose their fairies, losing all their memories of their childhood not being miserable
What's even the point then

And it's not, one of the later episodes shows us that there are teen and adult KND agents, we just don't see them since they're undercover (the only two we see are Maurice and some teen near the end of the credits of that episode).

>5 year old brother
>died at age 10

Don't worry user, I understand.

So what, Nigel just got fucking kidnapped at the end then?

my little user can't be this stupid

i hope you're alright now; as good as possible atleast
I'm sorry you didn't get the fairy godparents you deserved. Try being a fairy god parent for someone else. I know no better cure against the dark, then to brighten someone elses day

Oh fuck you

Not really. Forgetting fairy god parents would mean your entire childhood would have to be wiped from your memory.

I read it this way too

I think about this pretty often.

>not using your anger to become extremely successful and rub it in your dad's face
>not laughing in his face and spitting on him when he asks you if you can spare any of your millions of dollars

You are implying that we wouldn't have used our Fairyversary Muffin Rule Free Wish to bypass losing our fairy.

I thought the point of that was to show kids usually don't need to keep their fairies for as long as a year, hence the Fairyversary. You would most likely have lost your fairies before the year.

Hell, we've seen time and time again that how Timmy and his fairies do things is not at all the standard.

you're gonna loose them as soon as I dox you dumbass

>revealing your fairies to others
Time to say goodbye.

I'm not even sure how shitty your life has to be to get Fairy God Parents.
I don't think my childhood was BAD enough to get fairies, but I also think that if I did have fairies it'd have been a much happier childhood.

I don't remember my childhood.

Not really. It was established even in the first episode that fairy god parents can continue to grant adults wishes if they still had the mentality of a child.

That's what usually got people thinking, Timmy only got his fairies after his parents hired Vicky and started to ignore him (and this was before Vicky was presented as the devil's child). We could easily write off Chester not getting fairies since he seemed happy with his lot in life. But then you start thinking about all the children that might be homeless and poor, abused and severely neglected, I'm pretty sure they're not happy.

>Throws forget me knob at jorgon

>*teleports beind u*

In theory if you could make it to the one year anniversary, you'd be fine. You get a rule free wish an a bunch of magic items that are immune to the magic that makes you forget.


The teens seemed to remember their time in the KND and actively hated them for it.

>The teens seemed to remember their time in the KND and actively hated them for it.
that's only for teens who fled from the KND before they could get decommissioned

it's kinda interesting when you think about it, the whole Decommissioning concept pretty much universally caused nothing but problems for the KND and never really had any real benefit for the organization

No, it was all in one of the characters head who suffered massive trauma when he saw his childhood friends die in a car accident, a car being driven by an adult
He is now in a coma but also in limbo and a time loop

I didn't have one

And he's imagining it in a snowglobe.

who's the fucker who wished for a new universe?