Remember that time powerpuff girls predicted third wave feminism by almost ten years?

Remember that time powerpuff girls predicted third wave feminism by almost ten years?

Other urls found in this thread:

makes you wonder what cartoons today are predicting

She's not a feminist, she's just a free inhabitant.

That was an observation not a prediction. You were just too young to realize that's how it was back then too.

Funny how the Nu-PPG have pretty much become that villain and don't even realize the irony of it.

>third wave has been around for 30 years
Are you retarded?

Nigga some feminists are already talking about fourth-wave feminism. You missed the boat by a couple decades

It wasnt this bad back then retards

jeez, it's almost as if you were a kid back then and wouldn't notice that kind of thing.

Yes it was, it just wasn't as noticeable, especially if you were a fucking child.

She got a bod though

Any lewds?

Yes it was. The internet just was not as developed then so it was harder to notice.

It's almost like there's a medium that it eventually spread to that allows idiots from all over the world to communicate with each other with absolutely no effort.

CN won't air the episode anymore because Feminists complained.

The ACTUALLY impressive prediction PPG made was predicting its own future reboot

stupid youngfag

Social media isn't real life.

Does this answer your question?

>they call him professor Dick

That's because it was ALL waves of feminism, third wave just disposed of all subtlety.

Can someone faster than me derail and report this retard thread next time? I just don't have the time these days.

Neck yourself you insufferable faggot

I don't think discussing the societal relevance of a cartoon character is worth reporting right away. If shitflinging happens then you report that but the thread itself is valid.

Caaaaaan doooooo!

This is amazing.

needs moar lewds

Feminism originally was about equality. The sane ones from that group got what they wanted and moved on. The others kept going and became Gynosupremacists.

You never heard of that feminist cult that cut their own tongues out,huh?


Ignore all the other retards replying to you.

You are right, back then they still existed but you could call out their shitty behavior with out being called a bigot and be fired from your job.

Whoops, turns out that was just a book.

TOO BE FAIR, women aren't technically equal still. BUT, the 'group' that is supposed to be fighting for it is full of people who want more then equality. They want to live an easy life where they are pampered but also have total control over people.

Not really, it goes all the way back to the Seneca Falls meeting that it has been Gynosupremacism.

That user's reply is that 'it wasn't that bad,' when clearly it was, as others have pointed out. Being able to call them out on it doesn't mean they weren't just as insufferable. I think you might actually be retarded.

In what ways are women not equal?

Don't you have some Youtube conspiracy theory videos to be commenting on?

Yes, it wasn't as bad back then because back then they didn't have any actual power.

In very minor nitpicky ways. It's still not equal, but it's way fucking better then it's ever been.

Really makes ya think

Although according to Tumblr feminists she isn't brown enough so therefore she has white privilege.

Erin Pizzey was chased off by 1st wave because she dared say that Women commit domestic violence too.

Laura "All sex is inherently rape" Mulvey was shitting out films in the 70s

Sex robots.

lmao I love this retard ass excuse, can't list ONE fucking reason when in reality I can list several of how women are treated better than men

It's the church of women-worsting.

Also know as: "Meteor wipes out all life on Earth, Women most affected."

"Women have it worse than men"
>Men boo

"Men have it worse than women"
>Men cheer

Every Sup Forums thread on feminism ever

third wave feminism is a 90s thing and the modern outlook has clear roots in the riot grrrl movements and the such.

that episode is a criticism a feminist stereotype that already existed for a time.


basically this

>You are a master of evil dick

>Tumblr is a non-issue
Notice how the bogeyman in Sup Forums changed from tumblr to reddit all of a sudden.

>People on Sup Forums bitch about Sup Forums
>no one complains

>no one complains
So those "muh Sup Forums boogeyman!" posts just misses you, huh?

Also, while this is clearly gonna become another "Sup Forums screeches autistically about women" thread, I do wanna say that this episode of PPG was talking about something that already existed. Thinking there was no such thing as third wave feminism is fucking stupid.

Remember when 3rd Wave Feminism forced the writer to recant the episode?

>they didn't have any actual power
They clearly had a strong influence you fucking idiot. People were bitching about this episode when it came out about how it wasn't a good way to teach feminism. You have no idea what you're talking about.

shit, meant for

Nice trips. Also, just ignore that user. He's an idiot.

So Sup Forums since this is a PPG thread, what's your favorite episode of the series?

You'd be surprised at all the shit that was around back then. They were just easier to ignore because the internet didn't exist.

I'd be glad to accommodate.


he was arguing that PPG *predicted* third wave by 10 years

he was arguing that a show from 1998 *predicted* something which has been around since the 1970s

he's the retard, and you need to work on your comprehension

>The state of this post
>The state of this user

>In what ways are women not equal?

Watch someone on Sup Forums accidentally mention they're female and get dogpiled for not keeping it the shameful secret it should be

reddit meme aside, this thread gives some pretty good insight into one of the things women deal with that men don't have to

Lauren Faust apologized for this episode, saying the issue was too complicated for a children's cartoon.

Makes me think

This episode perturbed me so much as a kid, not even courage the cowardly dog reached these levels of uncanniness.

The first two posts are by men.

Why did you fucking remind me?

I forgot how many sexy pear-shaped girls they used to sneak into each episode, now all of my weird fetishes start making sense.

I'd usually just say "pls be my gf."

Wow... he swallowed it.

>attention-seeking is treated as the stupid thing it is
Oh no.

Did the bootleg ppg straight up burn to death with dick? damn how did I not notice this before.
