Pinocchio Thread

Who's ready for a live action Pinocchio from the director of the last two James Bond films?

Does anyone want a live action movie about a puppet? Not me

who's that cutie on the right?

Didn't we have a live action Pinocchio movie already?

Yes. Through the 90s and into the 2000s there were at least two live action Pinnochios (one of which starred the fucking director who had to be pushing 50 at the time, the other Jonathan Taylor Thomas) and that stupid CGI movie.

Nobody cared about either. Other than anyone who was justifiably alarmed by seeing someone just shy of senior citizenship run around in a clown puppet costume with a donkey tail and a long nose.


haha, i hope the transformation scene stays in. that was messed up and funny there should be more scenes where boys get turned into animals against their will. it is funny haha

>from the director of the last two James Bond films
The director is the most irrelevant staff member of a Disney production. The movie could be directed by a literal puppet and it'd be exactly the same.

>Implying there's something wrong with an older man playing a kid

It wasn't really funny as lampwick dies in the book from overwork and the farmer just laughs it off.

tf is a trash fetish, m8

Disney isn't going to stop until it's made a live-action ripoff of every one of their animated films, are they?

This is so creatively bankrupt it's infuriating. Investing all of this money into something totally unrejuvenating to the society.

I wanna fuck that puppet

The original movie is too dark and confusing for modern audience. It'd be a complete reimagining with a final battle between Pinocchio and the owner of Pleasure Island and his evil whale.

>Who's ready for a live action Pinocchio


>from the director of the last two James Bond films?

Pic related.

If the puppets were all actually puppets it might be interesting.

We had a live action Beauty and the Beast, but that didn't stop anybody.

Little Otik is always going to be the best live action Pinocchio movie.

I wish they'd stuck to making these things direct to dvd so they'd be easier to ignore.

>Who's ready for a live action Pinocchio

On the plus side, I would like to see what a Disney tier prop designer would do with Gepetto's toyshop. Everything else will probably be shit, though.

why the live action

Didn't we already get a live action movie back in the 90s?

Was it by Disney?

>favourite Disney movie
Hey, news about Pinocchio, this soun-
>live-action remake
Oh…well, this can be either good or-
>James Bond director is doing it

I wonder which poor kid has to get the same shitty treatment like anakin

We already had one, and it was terrible.