Wonder Woman has 8.0 on imbd

>Wonder Woman has 8.0 on imbd

It's OGRE Marvel is FINNISH

Should get really great reviews, like Ghostbusters.


Go shit up >Sup Forums

>DC has a good movie
>Marvel is in trouble.

> dceu only makes good movies when it panders to tumblr

im ok with this. enjoy

sauce? who?

BvS did too, beofre it came out.
Drones will be drones.

Pirates of the Caribbean 5 started with almost a 9, it's still 8 on IMDB, that should tell you everything you need to know about trusting IMDB.

>Marvel is FINNISH


>trusting IMDB
Or any other movie critics website. Tools.

>a website where people only vote 1 star or 10 stars

I still had no idea people cared about IMDB in this day and age, hell, that was the same website that made a Sup Forums like effort to make The Dark Knight beat The Godfather in Best Movie Ever Made back in 2008.

This. Ban Sup Forums cancer today.


You mean the same website that get's spammed with 10/10 reviews with every DCEU release before it even comes out and when it actually gets released the score drops significantly?

No reply for you

>Wonder Woman has an 80% chance of breaking a billion on fivethirtyeight.com

It's OGRE Marvel is FINNISH

>Wonder Woman comes out
>is good
>everybody realizes "oh, well I like a DC movie, that means I must not hate all Marvel movies!"
>Marvel announces it's cancelling all future movies
>"With the recent release of Wonder Woman and its positive critical reception, we have been officially defeated in the war that is making lots of money off of movies made for mass consumption."
>Disney announces it has sold Marvel to Time-Warner for negative $100,000 because Marvel as a brand is now worthless because DC released a well-received movie

Screencap this.

*must now hate

Mabel is dutch. It's all greek now. Thanks Sonny.

I'm pretty sure BvS had above 9 because DC friends raid the 10

It doesn't matter if they tell you shit taste like chocolate, you need to taste it to know if you like it