Let's push Cartoon Network and Genndy to make a new season, or a movie fixing the shit out of that end

Let's push Cartoon Network and Genndy to make a new season, or a movie fixing the shit out of that end.

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No. Because no matter how it ends, Sup Forums will fucking hate it and nitpick every little thing.
Making a new season will just be playing puppet with a corpse.

The story is finally done just be glad CN invested in seeing it happen after all these years.

>wanting even more episodes of this badly drawn tripe

this, just be glad it didn't have a much worse conclusion

ppg and dexter's lab are sj spin-off shows anyway

I think the best solution would be to add Guardian to the finale. He comes in close to the end. "You really thought Aku could take me down for good?". Samurai Jack, Ashi, and the Scotsman's war party stand as Aku is dazed from the Robo-Samurai attack. Jack poses and his appearance quickly flashes to Old-King Jack. Because of time travel Jack does not age, but he is in the exact same situation as Old King Jack.

Aku comes to his senses and charges. Instead of realizing immediately that Ashi could make a time portal, it dawns on her after a while. While she makes it, Aku strikes her and the portal shoots across the lair. The war party charges Aku as Ashi and Jack run to the portal. He looks back one final time, it's another Gurren Lagann moment. "What are you waitin' for, laddie? You fought for us. Now we're fighting for you. For a better future." the Scotsman says. It goes from character to character telling Jack to go. A tear runs down his face and the Guardian says as he holds back an attack from Aku "Go kid, you've earned it".

They enter the portal and the rest of the episode resumes exactly the same.

>Letting Genndy rape Samurai Jack even further

Agreed there's got to be some way to bring Ashi back, it's a travesty that she died.

shhh user, we all know the hurt and pain
captcha psychology town, watching last episode i still wasn't ready for his end

The ending is the ending. Whether or not we like it, it is done. Let it be so.

I don't think so
you'd get contrarians saying it was terrible
otherwise it's just trolls starting threads saying shit like "BOOHOO WHY WASN'T IT A HAPPY ENDING?" when that's not the problem
it's a plethora of issues
overall the season was pretty great
the only times I started to think it was getting stale was when at the end of one episode Jack says "now we get back my sword!" and end of the next episode was "now we defeat Aku!"
to think it took him an episode to get back the sword after 50 years of hopelessness
I'd prefer an ending that made the majority think it was amazing, rather than a majority bitching about it
the reason Sup Forums is so jaded over this shit anyways is because they're expecting way too much from cartoons


You should read my Avatar: The Last Airbender/Legend of Korra fanfic.

No, just let it die, it's done and thank god it had some kind of ending, hopefully nothing will try to touch it to "reboot" or "revamp" the show.

If you want a different ending that fits your tastes, go look at some fanfiction.

>It's a "I don't have to be a cook to know bad food" episode

Okay Im going to say something really fucked up...


Bleach's ending was so rushed that it left a forest of loose plot threads unresolved and the fates of dozens of participants in the final battle up in the air. No fucking way was this worse.

Only solution is provide an alternate ending in a boxset

I miss Ashi ;_;

Nah, Bleach (and Naruto)'s endings make SJ's ending look God Tier.

Sup Forumsmblr faggots still reee-ing over the ending. Shut the fuck up and think about something else. Nobody's gonna push Genndy to do shit about SJ, so fucking drop it and move on to something better.

maybe its the plan

How about no?

his involvement is done but he never said the series is over. there will likely be a next season in which he seeks out the guardian in the past go return to the future

What part of "seeks to return to the past and UNDO THE FUTURE" did not prepare you ninnies for this

>tfw i fell in love with a fucking cartoon character just to see her suffer the worst fate a living creature can have
She deserved a better end to her horrible life

Right? Like sure, it's sad, but not everything needs a perfectly happy ending and just because it sucks for jack doesn't mean it wasn't a good ending or the right ending.