A lot of straight characters were written to be gay sooner or later...

A lot of straight characters were written to be gay sooner or later, but my question is has a lesbian character ever turned straight?

Tell me now or my buddy shoots you

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Not that I know of, but the shitstorm would be amazing

No one has ever gone straight after going gay in the comics. Hopefully Iceman will be the first.

Do look up porn of 'lesbians' taking dick for cash just like me, OP?

No,the porn isnt what I like(depends) but seeing a girl who munches on carpet all her life become confused when she sees a cute boy is so rare that its become a treasure if done well

The problem here is sample sizes.
In cape comics it's hard to establish new characters meaningfully into cramped universes and openly homosexual characters are rare because the acceptability hasn't been there very long when the bulk of chars is several decades old.
So there are few open homosexuals with enough time in comics that such a step would mean anything and what few there are would cause an outcry because you took one from half a dozen or so out of the sum. Naturally that has much more impact than retconning one of hundreds of characters gay.
But I think this discussion just denies the existence of bisexuals.
A character might decide to broaden their palette without going exclusive, I think.

Well I'll be lurking because I too would love to read something like that.

happens all the time in real life

Tell us how you come to your hypothesis

how can a penguin fire a gun if it doesn't even have thumbs?

Heaven or Hell, Friendo?

Somebody please post "monkey with a gun"


Not the same thing, but I thought you might find it interesting

In Rick and Steve, one of the characters is a crotchety old gay man with HIV. He sleeps with a woman and discovers that he may be a little bit bisexual.

It doesn't really have an impact on the plot, since he has a boyfriend and both of them are free to sleep around. But it was pretty unique.

Hellboy, Box Full of Evil.



There has to be some story out there about a lesbian who finds herself falling for her childhood male friend.

She had a lot of girlfriends, but then married Black Panther, a male.

in comics and cartoons? not that i am aware of.

in other media?

Now THAT I want to see

I don't think so, the backlash would be immense

It's such bullshit. Straight character now gay? Perfectly reasonable and encouraged. Gay character now straight? All of a sudden there's a damn lynch mob on your doorstep.

And the concept is such a novelty too,it would be an interesting take

I can only think of a male character
In American Dad
Supporting cast
Francine's hairdresser, who allegedly lost his touch after he 'decided he wasn't gay anymore'

I dont think so as making any LBGTQASDFG character in any form of media change their sexuality is tantamount to changing a characters religion. The only time I've seen this done is afterwards, where the character decides their bisexual, but never straight. Expect a lynch mob outside your house within a day if you try it.

Though I do think it has potential, especially lesbian ones. Lesbian relationships have the highest percentage of domestic abuse, 34%, and rape, 25%. It could be interesting seeing a lesbian character leave an abuse relationship and find out shes straight. I wouldn't recommend it as you'll probably attract the ire of angry LGBTQA, who get pissed when you mention same-sex relationships have higher rates of domestic abuse and rape than same-sex marriages.

I hope I can make a story I have that involves that into a reality someday.
It involves magical girls and gang violence!

But if a gay man loves/marries a woman and stays monogamous, does his sexual orientation even matter anymore?

what do you think would/will happen if/when they pinpoint the environmental cause of gay and filter it out of the environment like when removing lead paint and leaded fuel pretty much torpedoed street violence?

Once you're in the friendzone, you can never leave broheme.

Wait a damn second OP. I do remember one fanfic accompanied with art that turns not only a lesbian character straight, but a gay character straight as well. They got so much shit for this but they kept trucking on because the whole thing was fueled by frustration at yaoi fangirls turning straight characters gay.

aspaceformyheart.tumblr.com/post/48443641220/part-1-table-of-contentsHope you like Homestuck.


Nah son, sex isn't that simple. What makes a person gay or straight or whatever is the result of a few million, virtually untraceable variables.

Why are the gays so crazy?

Why would you do that? Lesbian characters are a treasure.

Depends on who you ask. Some might say that it's because they are disenfranchised by a heteronormative society, while others might that their craziness comes from toxoplasmosis which is also what causes their homosexuality in the first place.

It would require an all-controlling Big Brother type surveillance system that monitors peoples every move and then calling them in for psych evaluations to find the root causes and attempt to stop them. And maybe a religious sort of fear or avoidance put into them. Like putting it on the same scale as murder or walking through a marsh in socks.
This has been done in the past but it also led to hating people, so I'm not sure if that would count as a solution.
Seems like and interesting setting for a story.

I wish it would happen one day the most likely chances of that happening is in anime and even then it's not that common.

Personally I just wish it's a masculine guy that turns a lesbian straight, that's my fetish.

Looks like I'm bullet-free.

Be the change you want to see in the world.

I got it. There's a sorority/cult of outdoorsy tomboy lesbians for generations. They all became so because they were chosen by Hunter Goddess of the Lesbians, Diana. There's a whole underworld in the modern world full of these Cults that are constantly in competition. We're focused on the main girl a gifted young initiate. Confident in her lesbianism and skills her world is shook when she finds herself increasingly attracted to a young man. Now she must struggle with her attraction because were she to give in it could mean her powers and her entire way of life coming to an end.


>Exclusively Lesbian Pornstars
Stupid fucking Lily Cade. Is it so much to ask to see you penetrated by a meat dick?

Got anymore names? Lesbian pornstars that do lesbian-only are always the best
>Malena Morgan

I remember seeing one casting couch style porno that had a lesbian couple that had one bi and one lesbian girl having a threesome with a man and the lesbian girl taking the dick and saying that she might be bi afterwards. I don't even care if it was real, it did it for me.

Post it


Sarah Rainmaker from Gen13 in the early 90's basically said she was a lesbian in the first issue, but later drunkenly made out with a male teammate.

If I could find it I would have posted it. My google-fu is not strong enough.

That's all I got.
You have any ideas?

Theres always the tomboy butch who questions her sexuality once she and the childhood boy who was her first friend but lied to her about moving away and broke her heart comes back to her life again

Wait did he move away or not?

Oh yes he did. Scuse me

good shout

What if the gay character became bi instead? Is that cheating?


Post it on Sup Forums

>But I think this discussion just denies the existence of bisexuals
>implying bisexuals are real

/lgbt/ pls go

Boyzu ravu is PURE and CUTE! Het is boring and forced. Also making a gay character become straight is like that thing homophobes say, that there's no such thing as homosexuality -- it's just that the person hasn't met the right one.

yeah but gays ride kinseys sick all the time so aren't they technically right?

Uh, the Kinsey Scale doesn't say "you're not actually gay, you just haven't found the right one." The Kinsey Scale is a measure of sexuality, basically measuring just how straight or gay you are. You can be 100% straight, 100% gay, or somewhere in between.

Alright, strap into your anime-mindsets and get ready for psudo-Japan.
There's this city that is protected by an order of 5 magical middle-to-high school girls who fight their normal supernatural threat. Two of the girls in the group are in a sexual relationship and they're the two oldest. One is a seemingly graceful rich lady that's actually a huge pervert that gropes all the girls. The other is the athletic princely tomboy type who is never seen in a skirt, her costume doesn't even have one. The other three are the Leader who is probably bi (enjoys the groping and squeals at the two's romance) but has a guy love interest and will never love a woman the way she does him. Another is Rei-clone loli who may or may not be a robot/alien. The last is the shy pushover one with glasses and the biggest tits who is most likely to burn everything if she snaps.
Now, the story takes place in what would be their second season. After a uniform and power upgrade, they defeat the villains of the first season and change locations because their first city blew up in the final battle.
A new villains group appears and the magical girls set out to fight them but, this new city houses generations of gangs, yakuza, and typical high-school delinquents. The city people just see the villains and and the girls as two new rival gangs and fight both.
Now, the young leader of the top yakuza-clan type gang just inherited it from his dead dad who was killed on a visit to the city in the first season. Most of the population was evacuated and it was assumed the city was caused by some normal not-magical-girls accident, but the clan knows it was them because of surveillance reasons. If anyone else knew, they were keeping shut about it.

This clan has got it out for the magical girls and do everything they can to take them down. The leader is a hot tough guy who was planning on fighting his dad for the top anyway. He's tough and serious but doesn't believe in love because he had a thing for small cute girls who always rejected his advances back in school. He has a normal job as a mascot character simply because he thinks children are adorable and they love the mascot he plays. He meets the prince lesbinin in her normal identity at a park and they become friends but thinks she's a man because she mentions her girlfriend a lot.
Now on the delinquent side of things, one guy stands on top of all the other schools in the city. He defeated them but rather than take them all under his care after defeat and establish peace he left them in charge of their own business just because he enjoys the carnage of the schools fighting each other to a bloody pulp rather than peace united under him. In otome-games he'd be the mischievous fun one who's always smiling and having a good time. He never even wanted to be the leader of his own school gang, just enjoyed fighting. Has an odd fetish for blood but not death/gore. He meets the graceful lesbinin as a transfer student in his school and takes interest in her after an embarrassing incident she doesn't know he knows about. She used to go to an all-girl school and planned to transfer to another one but ended up in a co-ed one by mistake.
And thus ends the extent of my writing skills. Both girls end up falling for the guys and deny it until their relationship falls apart from stress and mistrust. The magical girl group adds in new members who don't matter and there are more gangs that ply a role in breaking down the magical girl team.In the end the magical girl team collapses because the power of friendship busted.Without fighting the main villain before going separate ways the world seems doomed.
Until the super sentai group from somewhere come in and save the day.

Ever heard of a Lug?

> bisexuals don't exist and you're either gay or straight

> sexuality doesn't exist and you're either procreating to carry on your genes or wasting your time until you die with no one to remember you

Oh god please let this happen here.

Would she go with someone from the batfamily, another superhero, or some random schmuck?

I would guess that lesbians and gays feel that it would put them back a bit. They're already struggling to show their sexuality is something you can't change and something like that should shit film Gigli in current year would piss so many people off.

Also think about corrective rape.

Why so serious Batwoman?

lul but na,
I think it'd be incredibly awesome if she hooked up with one of the Robins.

Get some bat milf going on.

Maybe a transgender person.

this is the premise of one of my Frozen fanfics


I have two data points. Both of which have biological children.

>No one has ever gone straight after going gay in the comics. Hopefully Iceman will be the first.
As if.. give it a couple of years and he will turn out bi.
"but Bobby.. Aren't you attracted to guys and not girls?"
"Lol can't I be both?"

I Wouldn't go as far as making a Lesbian character straight, Just making them bi i guess.

Sexuality isnt a spectrum

Ow, whattacutelilpen>BANG!!!

Leto is worse because of how unfocused he was. As shitty as YJ Joker was, it was just another Edgy Serial Killer interpretation. Leto was like watching nine people trying to focus-test their ideal version of the character.

>well he has to be an edgelord murderer because that's still hot after Ledger
>but he should also be a crime lord gangster like Hamill
>but he dresses like a modern blinged-out gangster
>but he also philosophises about being an "idea" since Ledger did that a lot
>but he's also one half of a Bonnie and Clyde romance with Harley
>but he should also tell jokes? maybe?

It's too much stuff at once. i know this will unleash the comic fans who will go "BUT THAT'S JUST LIKE THE COMICS" but there's a reason why you don't try and condense 70 years of multiple interpretations of one character into a single version. If he's a little bit of everything he comes out as a lot of nothing.

And it doesn't help that Leto is a fucking terrible actor.



When Bendis used Jean to "oust" Bobby he made sure to say he was "all the way gay" and not bi, she can tell because she read his mind, you see.

Isn't that essentially what most writers have done to Diana now? Raised on an island getting it on with other amazons until she gets the Steve Trevor dick

I like this, I want to read this. Porn is also good idea.

Fucking Bendis

what a cute dog


This. A lot of girls in college experiment and claim to be lesbians but as soon as they graduate they grow up and get married to some well of Guy.

Orientation play is the kink of sophisticated humans.