It's a magical world, Hobbes ol buddy. Let's never work again...

It's a magical world, Hobbes ol buddy. Let's never work again, become a recluse and refuse to speak to our millions of fans.

Other urls found in this thread:

The countless artists inspired by our work? Fuck em. Got ours.

Go home, Goldstein.

Go home, Goldstein.

>I never read what Watterson wrote about his experience of being a comic strip artist and so have no understanding of why he has no interest in making more
>Also fuck him for wanting to keep his private life private


Did Kelly write that? I sense the bitterness of the old guy.

You think they fucked when he hit puberty?
I bet they experimented a little at least.


Your shill bot on the fritz there, ezra?

Why do people always try to bring down such a wholesome newspaper comic?

Here's something heartwarming.

Let Bill Waterson be who he wants to be. There's no use getting angry about it.

>Donald Trump
Why cant media be about fun and not politics and idealogies

This was made in 2011 though

Because Flump can't be allowed to obtain the scoops. Also fuck white people.

>talking shit at people who imply refusing to jew out is bad

Yes, of course, WE'RE the shills.


>refuse to speak to our millions of fans.
Awww, poor baby. The world is not at your command.

He went out at the top of his game, instead of just going through the motions for years, as too many do.

read no sequiter

That was the last strip retard.

the fuck? calvin hated suzie. they wouldn't wind up together.



*grabs your throat*


Look, independent of his politics, are you saying you wouldn't be scared of an giant oompa loompa in your closet because I'd be fucking terrified

He's also got some serious allegations about how he treats young women against him, and regardless of whether that's true or not, a kid could still be scared by the idea of it
But let's be honest. It's just because he was rich, eccentric, and well-known enough to be part of the joke

I thought it was being ironic.

you mean it's supposed to be serious? calvin and hobbes never talked about politics ever, so it's pretty unfaithful adaptation.

It's not impossible. Watterson said that Calvin may have a crush on Susie.

Some of the earlier strips were pretty blatant about it.

I'm sort of worried what will happen to the rights after Watterson dies - has he ever talked about his family's plans?

Even though he hasn't done comics in decades, and never did merch, his family's probably well off. I don't think they'll sell out the second he dies.

I only worry about millionaires if they have nice tits.

It's a magical world, Hobbes. Let's fixate on and blame our retired heroes for not doing the work that we're not doing.

Context, what's up with people being upset with the Calvin and Hobbes guy?

I'm not worried about his family. I just want to know if I'm going to see some awful Netflix C&H cartoon in a decade.

At the height of the strip's popularity, the creator arbitrarily decided to quit and wrote a scathing condemnation of his fans. He then disappeared. Not a single public appearance in the last 20 years.

When I was a kid, I had a theory that Hobbes represented all his "positive" feelings towards Suzie, leaving Calvin to act like a jerk towards her. When Calvin's alone, he actually acts somewhat decently around her.

Thats not even true.
He was popular, but it wasn't the height of his popularity. He only ever complained about people treating his art like shit. And he's shown up I believe twice since then

Made in 2011. Back then, Trump was more famous for being an arrogant blowhard/mutated pumpkin And he didn't have Sup Forums acting as TIDF.

if more people did that the world would be a better place.
retiring at 45 should be mandatory.

I don't remember this "scathing condemnation of his fans". Do you have some kind of source?
Either way, he doesn't owe people anything. If he wants a quiet life in privacy, he should be allowed to have it. There was nothing wrong with ending the strip when he felt the time was right, instead of taking the risk of running the comic into the ground.
Also, the guy has resurfaced every once in a while. Even if he doesn't tend to show up in front of cameras, he's sporadically drawn and written stuff after Calvin & Hobbes ended.

Let's just say it was antisemitic in nature.

I'm sure you'd be all to happy to cite your sources.

does it even matter? who gives a single shit about some comic strip artist giving interviews?

what if it's a good cartoon?

>this generation is so shitty that it thinks that living a quiet life instead of posting on Twitter all day is something to condemn

>That month long storyline about Spaceman Spiff annihilating the planet of Jewtopia.
Jesus Christ, Watterson.

Don't ever criticize my president again

8 more years, cucks

>Paging Dr. Freud
Zhow diz tiger iz man's animalistic zide, ja? Der tiger vishes to engage itz' baser instinct ash der king of de jongle.

Der boy, Calvin iz man's rational side, hoo rejects earthly pleasure und argues vit his animal side daily. Calvin iz even und victim of his animal zide as he iz pounced by der tiger or his animal zide constantly. Yet Calvin plays vit dis tiger, showing he is willing to submit to und basic instincts.

Ve alsho ze dat Suzie even looks like Calvin's mother.

Tell me und morr about your childhood user...

>that strip where Hobbes was mauling blacks during the civil rights movement

Well that and he looks like a monster that would live in a closet.

>It's a magical world, user ol' buddy. Let's pretend like any particular content creator owes us a goddamned thing. Our interest in their work were obviously philanthropic and altruistic, and not driven by a purely self-serving desire for entertainment!

Eat shit, fuccboi. Be happy for what Watterson shared with the world.

>The strip where Stupendous Man gathered up all of the Mexicans and threw them into the sun.
Went too far for me, desu.

Yes, Kelly is a caricaturist for The Onion. Excellent work, Sherlock.

He's a free man, he can do whatever the hell he wanted. He was tired of writing the comic, so he stopped.

Do you have any idea how much work goes into making a daily comic strip like that, dealing with the editiors, doing all the storyboarding, art, etc? You practically never get a vacation. I don't blame the guy for wanting a break.

Plus he went out on a high note and didn't run it into the ground, which is more than can be said for something like garfield.


because politicans hate fun
being a politican should be illegal desu
you wanna be a politician fuck off to atlantis

Why isn't Watterson allowed to just retire in private?

He finished his work, what further obligation does he have?


Trump was a public figure long before his political career, sorry you're new to the planet

I'm pretty sure there's a few more than that.

Same reason people ship Zim with Gaz.

At least it didn't end like Don Martin's work for MAD did...

This pleases me

It was a condemnation of the Universal Press Syndicate, with which he already had a terrible relationship (the 10th Anniversary book goes fairly in-depth into why if you care). Basically, everyone besides Watterson saw dollar signs and wanted to pimp the characters a la Garfield/Peanuts (Hobbes selling life insurance, a kids' cartoon, the works). Watterson made the classic mistake of taking something near and dear to his heart and basically signing nearly all of his creative control over it to people who didn't understand the intrinsic value of his art and what made it special in the first place.