Why is Marvel so afraid to have their women dress like this? Why is DC Based enough to not care?

Why is Marvel so afraid to have their women dress like this? Why is DC Based enough to not care?

Boobs are sexist, disgusting things, only misogynists would want to see

I mean, this is hella covered up compared to the buttfloss she used to wear.

DC knows what female readers want. That's why cosplayers like Harley Quinn, WW, Poison Ivy, etc.

Because Marvel is run by people who think women should cover up their bodies.

Also Muh Daughter Role model. "There were a lot of reasons to change the costume. One big one was that I wanted my daughter to be able to dress up as Captain Marvel. (4)"

Why did Johns have to ruin Fatality?

why is Fatality never in Injustice
it just makes sense

Marvel has the same amount as DC has dressed like that active.

user Dc has also changed some female costumes to cover up more. Carol's Sapphire costume is pretty conservative same with Vixen's there are some that weren't changed. Are there no more sexy clothes for Marvel women anymore? I mean Storm went back to her leotard thing didn't she?

i mean that one happens to be comparatively modest, but you can't pretend for a moment that all their female hero outfits are ridiculously tacky. Marvel just wants to keep up with the times and not have their characters look like discount strippers.


PTSD from endless SJW abuse.

thats a pre52 design, post is a different story. everyones got modern more conservative outfits, same with marvel; look at blackcat now

Hmm yes let's look at her now.

Marvel comics is full of writers who think women aren't actually women. Basically the feminist nonsense of the last 50 years have taken the female identity and changed it into something it isn't. Now stupidity reigns.

At least the marvel cinematic universe had the intelligence to make Ironman's first act a male fantasy, exactly what comic books were and are supposed to be.

why is Marvel afraid to have their women dress like they're extras from a 70s tv scifi pilot that never got picked up?

geez OP i dunno


Tumblr go back

the last time i saw Felicia in a comic was Silk and she still dressed in the cats eyes top, what is that from?

Mine's more recent.

Powerman and Iron Fist. Various recent issues.

>keep up with the times
The 19th century is long past, user.

There was a conviction throughout the 90's that TnA was what was really keeping women away from comics. I heard it all the time, even from the guy that ran my lcs. I kind of bought into it.
As it turns out, they weren't goimg to nuy comics anyway,,and it was just one of about a million vodoo theories, several of which are still running their course at Marvel.

Should have put up a picture of peeg.