How true is pic related?

How true is pic related?

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Pretty true, I'd say.

i wish this was made by dobson

Even a broken clock is right twice a day. It's not so much words of wisdom as it is common sense.

No, Evil Dobson should have made it.

>that panel where she's pissed at him

guess she didn't want it hard enough.

She's angry at herself

>No, Evil Dobson should have made it.
Isn't Evil Dobson supposed to be skilled?

Exactly. Why wish for bad things?

can someone post the unedited version with hitler

My parents fucking hated it when I drew anything

>went to art school anyway
>Works in the industry any damn way

They still hate it and I don't care. I do what makes me happy.

>gets constant encouragement and winds up like george lucas, here no one challenges you or questions you
>never improve


>dad says it's shit, so she works extra hard to prove him wrong and do it more just to spite him

honestly, he's a good dad. no one ever got ahead in life being encouraged.

I mean, it happens, if you've got a good enough drive and the talent, plus all the hours of hard work, then yeah it happens.

The thing is, what happens when you've done all that, but no studio wants your shitty idea anyways? What's the message there? You tried, you did the work, you just had a really shitty idea.

What we're missing here is the part where people give criticism, and she improves through that, instead we're lead to believe that she had this one and done idea that everybody in the whole fucking world loved.

Also fuck Katy Perry.

Well it's you
Are you are presuming that if the person can be discouraged then he doesnt really want it and should rather kill himself?

Kevin Smith's quote is pretty reasonable advice but I think it's bringing out some insecurities in this narrow-minded cartoonist.

Someone should edit it to be more realistic. The one who gets criticized ends up becoming a doctor and making fat bank, and the one who gets non-stop praise ends up drawing freaky fetish porn for weirdos on DA for minimum wage.

>Also fuck Katy Perry.

fuck I laughed way more than I should've



The quote says, "encourage," not, "coddle." The quote isn't even about the artist but rather the people around them.

I became a librarian for the same goddamn reasons. Dad said it wouldn't make enough money, that I should go to the coal mines where they make fifty dollars and hour(Yes, he really fucking believes this, even after I've pointed out that it's not true and that, at most, the fucking foreman makes 30 dollars an hour.). Nevermind the fact that he had to stop doing that because he kept having trouble breathing down there and almost died on two occasions, sitting around helping kids find books isn't a real job.

Now he has stay at home with me because all those years in the mines fucked up his lungs and he can't live by himself. Doesn't matter I actually own my own goddamn house, he still makes comments about how I should've become a miner like him, because 25 bucks an hour isn't good money apparently.


look at how there was no improvement in the drawing. its not being just positive or just negative. just be honest and give credit where credit is due.

Villainous is a great success story

I'm forced to wonder what sort of pathetic loser had their life saved by a fucking Katy Perry song. Or how retarded the artist must be to think anyone would ever see anything deep in generic pop tripe.

Does anyone have the version where she brings her teacher to the mural of a muscular horse furry saying "I love being STRONG"?

That last panel should've been the girl browsing 4chin

why do they use dewey decimal system? it's retarded.

>dyed streak of hair
WTF sterotypical much??

You try getting rid of something that like 90% of the country uses.

false 95% of the time

there is nothing wrong with steering your child into a more pragmatic direction when it comes to career choices. That being said there are better ways to do it than is shown in that picture

someone make an edit with naked kevin smith jerking it

more than it should be

i was never outright discouraged to be an artist but i always got the "how are you going to pay bills" speech.

being afraid that I wouldnt be able to make money doing the thing I love caused me to waste years trying to find something I hated but would pay bills. but I realize now Im going to struggle to get by no matter what so I may as well follow my dreams

but I wasted a lot of time and caused myself a lot of heartache because I let people tell me it would either be too hard or wouldnt work out.

good on you user

I hope you make it, what ever that may mean for you/

>The one who gets criticized ends up becoming a doctor and making fat bank
Are you retard?

>becoming a doctor

by doctor do you mean alcoholic and mentally ill?

Is there a webcomic more pretentious than Zenpencils?

so you see? it didn't even matter if they encouraged you or not. you do what you want.

Zen pencils is a fucking moron who has immense trouble understanding very basic quotes.
Sometimes he gets them wrong on purpose simply to support his retarded fucking views.

it's katy ferry, user.
can't you even read?

I think The Oatmeal might be more obnoxious to me.

>quoting kevin smith

I love how they quote Kevin Smith on this like it doesn't reflect horribly on their point. If your point is that criticism isn't healthy for art then maybe you shouldn't cite the prime example of what happens when artists get lazy and stop caring.

B-but, if the quote fits my personal world view then it HAS to be true and inspiring.


sinfest is donwright delusional

Never see threads about the Oatmeal
It's either Assigned Male or Vegventures.

High Expectations Asian Father is right

get your ass back to studying a STEM subject

and for the love of god, do not colour your hair

Also the fact that they keep using Miyazaki as the avatar of creativity in the face of those evil hateful critics who keep bothering the nice artists. The man is a perfectionist who has a very strong idea of what art is and will demolish anyone who fails to live up to his standards.



poor guy was anally annihilated.


Miyazaki did have a point about this guy doing something with no clear idea regarding what he wanted to achieve.


It's depressing to think some people really are so neurotic that they think advertisers are making ads just to laugh at everyone who looks at them.

I don't think that's what it was saying. I think it meant they're laughing at you because they think you can't do anything about it.

Thanks for posting this. More people need to stop and think about what advertising really is, and how grotesquely offensive its infiltration of practically every facet of everyday life really is.

Where I live there's a beer company that's been putting up advertising in the form of faux-Banksy style graffiti. At some point I should get round to covering up the company logo so all that's left just looks like unoriginal vandalism.

what's wrong with being vegan?


>I get it

Nothing really, as long as you don't become preachy about it.

Nothing really, but a small minority of vegans can be obnoxious or have a superiority complex about it, so people demonize everyone in the group. It happens with pretty much every group of people who do or think something that people can come up with a reason to dislike.

She's not really wrong.

>"Your a bad person because you eat meat" the comic

Jesus get some McDonald's calm down

Is this popular?

It's shit.

most things are

I mean it's obvious bias and reeks of superiority complex, I just meant that justification made sense. I eat meat though I still think slaughtering animals for it is wrong. But I'm not going to pretend it's not just because I'm too lazy to do anything about it.

All of it's just that parrody comic of:

A: I support the author's view, I am calm and reasonable.

It just doesn't seems real, there's no self awareness at all.

you'll notice that most things are like that

>because I'm too lazy to do anything about it.
what about stop eating them, I don't think that's too hard

Absolutely autistic

Aren't neurotic people like this the reason that guy held employees hostages at a Dominos restaurant?

This vegan fag is right you know, but I don't get upset that some people fight dogs, or that some places eat dog, I understand the unecessary cruelty that animals go through to become my food.
So I'm not going to judge others for what I'm guilty of unlike some other fags.
>umm, delioucs bacon, delicious beef
>what some people eat dogs, how terrible, how could they
Pure stupidity.

Well, I also hate the taste of pretty much every vegetable and am incredibly poor, so It's either meat or pasta and lots of cheap or easy food has meat in it.

>They never asked for your permission
Imagine being so beta about advertisements "bullying" you but at the same time having this obnoxious pretentiousness about how they owe you stuff.
I can almost taste the liberal arts degree through this one

>Literally every comic is a minor variation of I AM VERY SILLY
This would be funny if it wasn't meant to be taken seriously.

Banksy himself uses a derivative style and has monetized his work.

Imagine being so beta about advertisements that you defend them online


I think you ran to the most insane conclusion based on what was said

I'd say it's 20% true

It's really just people that take life way too fucking seriously. The companies don't give a shit about people, neither do the models, they just want you to buy their stuff.

Maybe lower depending on how very few people actually manage to get their own personal creation to appear on screen and then made into pop culture.

But it is a fun picture to imagine for people who want to go into that industry I suppose.

I mean I hate to make it sound like POOR GIANT EVIL CORPORATIONS but why do they owe you shit? For looking at their crap? You only have to pay them if you intend to make money of their shit. Nothings stopping you from using all their shit to not make money.
And even then there's several ways around that.

I disagree, since criticism is far more valuable than just lapping up anything an artist produces.

Yeah, same, though I'm in the middle of it right now.

Everyone told me I wouldn't become anything unless I studied tech. And now I'm almost done with uni and it's still the wrong choice but it's too late to turn back.

The worst part is that about halfway through the same people who pressured me into it started saying that they never would have expected me to study tech...

As you read this, a fly is crawling across the unblinking eye of a starving African child. It will be the last sensation he ever feels.

but seeing advertisements a lot is pretty bad too I guess

STEM is full of pitfalls and dead-end choices that no one tells you about until it's too late. That's not even getting into the subfields that can be rendered worthless while you're in the middle of learning them.

Miyazaki also hates the concept of war and anime in general, He fucking loathes giant robot shit, He probably hates rap, and He's always fucking angry. Like, always. I've never not seen an interview with him where he wasn't at least stern for a large portion of it.

The Zen Pencils comics where he appears are like the authors private imagined version of Miyazaki. Some kind of weird fetishized completely different version of him that the creator wishes Miyazaki was like, because it supports his view of the world, but not reality.

Encouragement is not good enough. The road to hell is paved with good intentions and all that. Besides morale, you need skill, either through your background or through effort. You also need a platform from where to launch from, again likely from your background and less likely through effort this time. You also need fine knowledge of the medium and good eye, all effort this time around and encouragement can act against this by inflating your ego and making you impervious to criticism(see : Dobson) .

And even if you have all that, there's still the x factor. Luck, fortune, being able to resonate with audiences in a meaningful profound constant and perhaps more important timely way(thousands of forgotten gems that were ahead of their time, failed to resonate with their audiences and remain to this day as cult classics), being able to find a good enough sponsor who will employ you like a korean animator slave and reap the fat of the profits(and in this fucked up world, that is still GOOD). And then you have to wait till the bitch stars align just right so the reviews of the final product aren't marred by your image, the image of your sponsor or even have their thunder stolen by another competing product or a damn war or a tornado or whathaveyou social sensation flavor of the nanosecond.

Encouragement is not warranty of success, or even of a finished product. See Patreon.

The Dinomites is a fucking dumb shallow idea derivative of a dime a dozen children shows


You can encourage people all you want, but if they don't dedicate time to perfecting their art, then no amount of encouragement will do anything. But you also have to have guts, especially when people say you're shit, to preserver, correct your course, and make something of yourself.

These people thing someone is magically fall out of the sky and dub them the next big thing.

I fucking cut myself on this edge

I should probably point out I mean this specific comic, mostly.

It is treason then.

>first word of acronym is variation of the acronym
That's cheating. Also "art" didn't make that robot, fucking engineers did.

>sound weaponization
it's rhymes are so awful they are offensive? or does he just chimp out and scream really really hard? might be an interesting weapon that, loud nigra demoralizing tactics.

His opinion of what is and isn't art is very broad. (He considers standup art?) I wouldn't be surprised if he considered engineering art, if only to win that specific argument.

Seeing this comic and the major theme of this one next to the Dinomites one, I really have to question how averse to criticism the Zen Pencils guy is? Like, his art isn't honestly that bad, it's okay. There's some stuff about it I don't care for that he could easily improve, but it's not 23 year old autist making Sonic OC art bad. But did he have a really bad experience or something? Did he have a strict art teacher in college or whatever? I'm sincerely curious, because it seems like he lumps all criticism into a pile along side metaphorically murdering people with Kaiju. He must really resent critics.


When he actually uses it, he literally just picks one song out of a list (guess all the other forms of music that they spent time recording weren't worth it!) and shoots music at the monster. I think he meant for it to be SO GOOD THE TROLLS COULDN'T HELP BUT SUCCUMB TO IT, but it actually just looks so bad the monster has to puke.

I am a carnivorous primate and i rely on a steady supply of lesser forms of life to sustain myself