Spiderman: Home-coming final trailer


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This should've been the only trailer and not that one whrre it tells you the whole movie.

60 percent on RT

ah, it's not a spider-man movie without him webbing two giants things trying to fall apart and being pulled out in a jesus pose

My boy Spidey is here to rock the world! Fuck the haters! It'll be the first oscar winning MCU!

Make Mine Marvel!

lol who gives a shit about that hollywood elite circlejerk?

Sounds like something and academy awardless studio would say

Why does Sup Forums have it out for this movie? I sort of get the "Too much Iron Man" argument, but it makes sense in-universe. I could imagine Tony, being his age and not having any kids might see Peter as sort of his prodigy, a young tech genius and aspiring superhero. If Tony could engineer himself a kid, it'd be Peter.

It's cool if he likes Peter, but it's shitty of him to let him stay poor. Give the kid some scholarships or something like that

That'd mean telling Aunt May.

fuck off with your shit spam

Teach a man to fish.

Well, he IS a smart kid. Giving him full scholarship to Harvard or some other expensive place is nothing to Tony and it wouldn't even be a waste anyway.

>DCucks now cite Oscars in their company wars threads
>Even though the committee admits they hardly watch any of the movies outside best picture nominees
>Even though Best Makeup is a participation trophy
>Even though the only thing that award says is "this one WB movie had good makeup"
>Even though BvS was nominated for multiple Razzies that same year
>Even though the LEGO Batman movie had several jokes about how shitty the DCEU is

He might, Peter's just not college age yet.

It'll be fun enough, I think, but it also looks super by-the-numbers and safe.
The trailers revealed basically the entire movie, so it'd REALLY surprise me if this turns out to be better than Guardians 2 or Ragnarok.

At the very least, the score is shaping up to be pretty phenomenal (assuming this is anything to go off of): twitter.com/m_giacchino/status/865664095084662785

>Teach a man to become something that inherently requires alot of financial resources
>Not give him access to those resources

Seems legit

So lemme see if I've got this straight:
>Sony decides to reboot Spider-Man with Andrew Garfield to combat the MCU
>It fails horribly
>They consider everything from a third reboot to bringing back Toby MacGuire
>North Korea hackers reveal company emails, "what if Spidey did a tough mudder", "millennials are very into this "EDM" music", "let's give Spider-Man a Snapchat"
>Eventually decide to try selling the rights back to Marvel for 4 billion fucking dollars (ie. the same amount Disney paid for all of Lucasfilm)
>Disney laughs their collective asses off, works out a deal where Spider-Man is under shared ownership
>He can be in the MCU, Sony gets a cut of the take
>Homecoming is months away
>Sony reveals that they're actually attempting to trick Marvel into shelling out the 4 bil for the rights
>They'll allow Spidey to be in the MCU until after Infinity War, then yank him back and demand more money
>If Marvel doesn't comply, they'll just make their own Spider-Man Cinematic Universe
>The first film will be a standalone Venom movie that is entirely disconnected from Spider-Man
>Other projects include Sinister Six, Black Cat, and Silver Sable, all without any connection to Spider-Man
>The Sony Spider-Man Cinematic Universe (Spider-Man not included)
>Sony Pictures sees massive layoffs because they can't stop releasing flops like Ghostbusters
>The literal future of the studio seems to rely on The Emoji Movie doing gangbusters
So how bad is this going to end for Sony?
I don't wanna get my hopes up, but I feel like we could finally see them go under if this summer goes well.

Peter just needs to pull himself by his bootstraps and work hard for himself. It's not like Tony is just making it rain on any of the other Avengers. He's already helping out Peter plenty.

>implying the emoji movie isn't going to gross well over a billion


that's a billion

>Someone announced it was cancelled on April Fool's Day
>Literally everyone under the age of 16 thought it was true
Kids have no interest in seeing it, user.
MAYBE the little little kids, but nowhere near the same audience as something like Captain Underpants or The LEGO Movie.

They released the trailer like a week ago and it was the laughing stock of the net for like two days before being soundly forgotten.

Peter is Tony's ideal child. Like, he engineers a kid for himself, but while no one's looking, he "accidentally" nudges a vial of Steve into the mix. And that's how you get Peter Parker, with all the best traits of Tony Stark and Steve Rogers.

Only 2 things from this movie, that Keaton's Vulture lives to join the Sinister Six, and that we loose Michelle and get MJ next movie

>demand more money

They can't demand more money. They're gonna receive ALL of the money that the Spider-Man film makes. The deals was that Sony gets all of the profits for all Spider-Man solo films, and in exchange Marvel gets to use Spider-Man in their universe while reaping all the of the profits from the non-Spider-Man films.

Hell I'd even be fine with Michelle hanging around, so long as she's 1) a fun character and 2) not MJ.

>MJ before Gwen


>Take the money from Homecoming
>Let him be in Infinity War
>"Okay, see ya"
That's basically what they explained they were doing. Some executive (might have been Pascal) mentioned how "we MIGHT be open to negotiating if they want to make more Spider-Man movies", essentially playing it off like Homecoming was a one-off experiment and not a multi-picture deal like literally everyone else thought it was.

They're trying to pull a fast one and I can only assume that Venom will crash and burn soon after they get buttfucked by Marvel's legal team.

>Emoji Movie comes out just after Homecoming, Planet of the Apes, and Dunkirk
>Comes out just before The Dark Tower
>First trailer was released literally a month before it hits theaters
Stick a fork in em, they're done.

So Peter has two daddies.

But user, MJ was being pushed by Aunt May since she first met with Aunt Anna.

I really, REALLY want them to do well as a Studio, if only because in principal Disney needs competition and monopolies are a fast way to become stagnant, as we've been seeing over the last couple of years.

The only problem is that Disney very much doesn't have that competition because the other studios are retarded.

Im sick of the Gwen fad, she only exists to get her neck broken

And pump out a pair of little Goblins.

Well that's at least one scene that's well executed.

Sony's never been competition for the MCU.
If anything, Fox is shaping up to be their biggest competitor, if only because they're willing to go darker and more experimental than Disney (no matter how good the MCU output is this year, it won't top Logan).

Hell, even the DCEU is better at competing with Marvel than Sony is. Let Sony die so at least properties like Venom and Spidey will end up with a studio that knows how to use them. Marvel might be a bit formulaic, but you know no one at Disney would ever consider making Spider-Man into a skateboarding EDM DJ who posts #NBD on his fleek snapchat.

So what's the point of this trailer, exactly?
We've already seen all this before, it's given us nothing new.
Why wasn't this the only trailer?
Why did we get one that spoiled the whole movie?

Because Sony is a comically incompetent studio who literally has no idea what they're doing with Spider-Man.

But if Sony dies, who will fund my weeaboo video games?

Pretty sure they'd just sell off the movie making parts and keep their electronics separate since that's the only division that's been making money in recent years.

Well, obviously.
I can get behind a trailer that spoils the whole movie, that's been a thing for decades.
It's more that I don't understand what purpose this trailer has.
It's nothing new, it uses the same footage AND music.
I'm baffled by the fact that they thought this was worth the bandwidth to upload.

Oh, SONY is doing fine. Sony PICTURES, on the other hand, is even more of a trash fire than usual at the moment. Nothing of value would be lost if they went under.

>and in exchange Marvel gets to use Spider-Man in their universe while reaping all the of the profits from the non-Spider-Man films.
And merchandising rights.
No wonder Tony got a new suit.

Wait, SONY'S making that Emoji movie? I keep seeing posters for it but I never really bothered looking up close.

God, I was wondering who was stupid enough to make something like that. That about explains it.

This one is cut differently, it features like 20 seconds of an entire scene, uncut. It's also angled on Peter's teenager life. Also no Iron Man.
The trailer we previously saw was cut like a regular action trailer with jumpcuts and explosions everywhewre and mostly featured action scnes. And like most modern trailer it spoiled an act and a half and people who think it spoiled everything are getting a stupid "twist" coming their way.

There's never only one trailer these days.

I imagine both trailers are aimed at different audiences somehow because they're quite different.

Tony always gets a new suit.

You guys are aware the final trailer is only coming tomorrow, right?

M8 talk about Spiderman u mong

Still more Oscars than the MCU, shill

This chick is loving it

Shills get paid, you do it for free

>have spider sense
>can't tell when your fat mouth breathing friend is 5 feet away from you

Doesn't that literally happen in Civil War? Tony gives Peter a full ride through High School.

Spider sense only warns him about threats. Fat ned is not a threat.

This is Spider-Man 101

To be fair, spider sense does whatever it wants and over the decades it's been buffed and nerfed several times until they finally decided ti establish rules on how it works.



Michelle Juana.

Just accept it

I hope it burns harder than Fantastic Four if so.

Why do I even need to go see it in theaters when they basically put the whole movie on YouTube?

Apparently the rule for Spider Sense in the MCU is that his senses get dialed up to 11 when he's in a fight, and that's why he has the special goggles and lenses.

i don't get this argument. why does the whole movie win an oscar for the people who did makeup? the revenant didn't win an oscar- leo dicaprio did. in my eyes, suicide squad didn't win an oscar, alessandro bertolazzi, giorgio gregorini and christopher nelson did

Suddenly I'm reminded of an argument I had with some other anons after they made Tony actually adopted in the comics or something. They were saying the reason it was dumb (and it was!) was
>How could Tony still be a super-genius if he was adopted!?

How did Skwad even get an Oscar? What's so technically advanced or admirable about clowns?

Are you forgetting the guy made out of makeup?

The Academy are hilariously out of touch. Show them an elaborate effect and they assume it's CG. Show them Suicide Squad, they see people wearing lots of makeup. They think, "Well, that's gotta be the winner! They have the MOST makeup!"

Don't know whether to laugh or cry.

Only retarded babies are given up for adoption. This is a fact.

Because Tonky Stank is a cunt

There was nothing new in that. Is that even an official trailer? It seems like youtubers cut this shit together sometimes.

I don't remember it being an average adoption story though lol

'but im nothing without my suit'
remember how much spider-man embodies that sentiment?

It makes sense, doesn't mean I don't like it. RDJ may be their biggest star but there's no reason they need to make him the single most important thing in the MCU. Him creating Ultron pissed me off enough, making him Spiderman's mentor and having him make literally all of Peter's equipment outside of his web-shooters is way too fucking much. There's no need to detract from Peter/Spider-Man in order to fellate RDJ some more.

>there's no reason they need to make him the single most important thing in the MCU
He is canonically the most famous superhero in this universe and he lives right next door to Spider-Man.

>making him Spiderman's mentor
Peter would probably seek out a mentor anyway. This is a world where superheroes already exist and Spider-Man wants to be among them, ie., being an Avenger. So he'd probably wanna get close to one of them first in order for that to happen, and Tony would make the most sense, especially now that half the team is in dispose.

>There's no need to detract from Peter/Spider-Man in order to fellate RDJ some more.
Putting Tony in a movie is not the same as wanking him. Both AoU and CW made him out as a total cunt.

I'm not saying you're not allowed to dislike this, but your reasons are bullshit.

Wait what?? So all the Homecomig profit will go to Sony? Thats fucked up how was that a good deal again?

Marvel gets all the merch sales money which is way more.

i had no idea. i guess thats how show business works then.

The lack of hype is really something.

5 hours and only 70 comments Jesus!

yeah looks alright

Stop memeing. People either hate or are indifferent with it. Its a bomb waiting to happen.

Zero hype for this

People dont like high school movies anymore

Another Spider-Man reboot? It's still not sticking for easily confused casual audiences

Bad special effects still this late

>People either hate or are indifferent with it.
That actually could not matter less. Parents will take kids to see it in order to shut them up.

Stop fucking whining.

Hype doesn't start for MCU movies until a couple weeks ahead of release.

What bro?

>Graduated from high school early on in the run
>Even when in highschool, Peter got a job right after Uncle Ben's death and the money coming in greatly helped to support him and Aunt May
>Taking responsibility for your mistakes and actions to set things right

Spider-Man was never about highschool, it was always about adulthood.

kids don't give a shit about emojis.

>Spider-Man was never about highschool
Except when it was.

Yeah but Ultimate is gay

You're gay

Fuuuuck youuuu

But Sony is getting the videogame as a PS4 exclusive.

Did you not see the picture in the OP? He makes his own suit and fights against Vulture anyway.

PS4 Spidey looks to be the only good thing to come out of the Marvel/Sony deal. I'm decently hyped for it.

>Putting Tony in a movie is not the same as wanking him. Both AoU and CW made him out as a total cunt.
Like I said, it's fucking retarded that Tony has made literally all but one of Spiderman's gadgets. I can understand the suit, but everything else after that is pushing it. My question is, why couldn't Peter have made these things himself? It makes it seem like he's become too reliant on Tony and he can't make anything for himself despite his character traditionally having built up his success without another hero's help. Tony being Peter's mentor doesn't bother me too much, giving him way too much involvement in Peter's early superhero career and actually being the creator of most of Spider-Man's iconic gadgets is what really bothers me.

>My question is, why couldn't Peter have made these things himself?
He did. He had everything he needed, but Tony had more resources. He didn't invent anything Peter needed, he just upgraded it.

Yes. actually. Peter self doubts like crazy.

Iron Man 4 is looking great, I hope that they keep "No Punching Allowed" Lad's scenes to a minimum though.

>He didn't invent anything Peter needed, he just upgraded it.
Again, why did it have to be Tony? Why couldn't Peter had made a prototype and Tony just provided him with a more expensive version? The web wings? Completely Tony's creation. The spider signal? Completely Tony's creation. The suit? Outside of the design, completely Tony's creation. The spider drone? Completely Tony's creation. Keep in mind that all this shit was actually made by Peter in the comics. It makes me wonder what else Tony will make for Peter or if Peter will ever invent anything other than the web-shooters which thus far is the only thing he has created by himself. It detracts from Peter's intelligence and ingenuity that he has to rely on Tony to make gadgets for him. Not only that, but now they're having Spider-Man's villains be basically Iron Man villains. For Christ's sake, the Vulture is yet another evil businessman/inventor who wants revenge on Tony. Can you at least agree that they're going at least a tiny bit too far in weaving Iron Man into Spider-Man's history?

>Again, why did it have to be Tony?





A central part of Peter's character is that he's a smart cookie and is able to do a lot with the meager resources available to him. Hell, the movie didn't even bother to say that Tony just gave Peter access to his labs or some bullshit, Tony just straight up made them.

>poor people can't survive without leeching off the success of billionaires.
Take this defending of class warfare bullshit somewhere else. There are plenty of poor people who manage to dig themselves out without having to be dependent on other people's money. It used to be called hard work and determination. Shouldn't a super hero movie be full of hope and optimism?

>Outside of the design, completely Tony's creation
Even most of the design. Everything that makes Spider-Man's costume unique from other characters' was added by Tony.