Raven Thread


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At least post more than one picture if you want to start a thread OP

Fair point



To this day I don't understand why raven wears what looks like a reporpused japanese school swimsuit, but who cares

Another one?
I wonder if that spammer will appear again

Anybody knows where I can read the rebirth raven miniseries?

The ride never ends.


Let us hope so



Does Ravenravenraven still do requests around here?

Let's wait and see.



where is my ravenxdamien ships you furry faggots.

Love the "I' feel pretty " expression

>wanting worst ship


i'm fine with raven x starfire,not with the furryboy.
i thought the new animation would start some new drawings.




Let's find out, RRR we summon you! If you feel like it could you make pic related with beast boy and Raven?

That is an extremely lewd image.





As long as it doesn't contain nudity rrr is happy

I think


Kek, technically canon





Holy shit, seconding



Their honeymoon must have been...interesting



Damn, now I won't be able to see her outfit the same way again.

She took a highschool swimsuit and added a cape






so raven threads nowadays are just people dumping their own 1TB folder of raven pics?

Hmm, could be the lewdest raven Image spawned from this threads, if R3 does it

>51 replies
>41 Images, pretty much all reposted
>6 posters





lol hard pass


I dig it

Seeing how this thread is dying I will still contribute. Here's a couple of images that have been posted on her before.

Low angle POV shots of Raven are the best
Especially when giantess/shrinking is involved

Now these may not be brand new, however...

Something coming along. Someone asked for Raven. I will post the completed version later... not here though. Blue board.

my nigga

But I will try to contribute as best as I can despite the restrictions

I can appreciate a giantess, not so much the shrinking.

Ah yes, Rainbow-Flyer. A woman of fine taste.

Damn, user... That's a nice one!

Why is raven so fat

Great pic

>I can appreciate a giantess, not so much the shrinking.
Eh, I prefer shrinking cause it tends to lean more toward interaction with the shrunk one

Why are you such a faggot?

Thank you! It's from a game our game division just completed.

She is a healthy girl that eats waffles all day.

Too much meditating, not enough jogging.


I actually wouldn't mind RRR doing OC by depicting Damien in TT's art style.
Getting boobhatted by Raven.

Quick, someone find that post that describes their eldritch sex life.

Nah pretty sure it only involved raven in a schoolgirl outfit and BB being an octopus

I really would like to see this.

Also, sauce?

Dude, there was an actual post here where someone pointed out how they were both shapeshifters. Their sex lives take on actually mindblowing proportions.

Download it

This explains why Mad Mod stuck her in gym class.

Could someone storytime them?


Lucky Starfire
Jinx version when?

These threads are slowly turning into an /aco/ cancer.

The striping of that outfit always makes me think of a Shin Megaten boss.

that's my fetish

where do you post stuff that can't be posted on a blueboard?

Hey I found these archived threads that storytimed the whole miniseries.

Issue 1 of 6

Issue 2 of 6

Issue 3 of 6

Issue 4 of 6

Issue 5 of 6

Issue 6 of 6

I'll do some new color stuff at some point.

That's by far my FAVORITE picture of Raven.
The size of the ass, the demeanor/resentment of her size, her outfit...

how about more Terra or Star?

Would you be interested in coloring this in?

You got it.

I'm going to make a thread for my stuff on /aco/ in a bit. The image should be completed sometime this weekend or Monday.

I also post the pin ups on my website, tumblr, patreon, all with the same name as my trip.



There's a pretty bad wind storm going on right now so here it is for now.

She usually wore a long, flowing dress in the comic. Animating the dress-leg interactions every time Raven would move was supposedly such a daunting prospect that they cut it down to a leotard. Also fanservice-related viewership draw, presumably, but no one has actually admitted that to my knowledge.

I get that Raven Threads are a thing on Sup Forums but I kind of wish we could have Teen Titans threads, which were actually thinly veiled Raven Threads but with some Terra/Star/etc thrown in for variety. An endless sea of gray and blue makes for a repetitive thread.

It's pretty good. Cheers user and stay safe.