Lanterfag here, what can you tell me about the Nova corps Marvelfags, how do they compare ?

Lanterfag here, what can you tell me about the Nova corps Marvelfags, how do they compare ?

They're dead. They're all dead.

They're not nearly as cool as the Lanterns. I wish Marvel had a good GL equivalent.

They brought them back actually.

Novacorps got annihilated during... Annihilation. As it stands it's just Rich and Sam at the moment.

As an institution they suck crackling Kirby balls. But I suppose that's part of the charm, even if the diehards'll never cop to it.

The novacorps have been destroyed a bunch of times now, they were wiped out by Nebula once, they're not really good at the whole staying alive thing.

There's another one that exists soley to be more like the one in the movie now.
Apparently, the secret Wars family is coming into 616 sometime soon.
I'm not that fond of all these other versions popping up just so Rich can't be a one man operation.

They're back, again. We don't know how. But now they seem to be less Red-Gold-and-Blue-Lanterns and more Space Cops with ships and guns and shit. in the movie.

When you give them a space ship, that's an extra action figure you can sell.

Same reason why Batman and Ironman are so popular. Lots of gadgets and suits.

No kid is gonna think those losers from the movie were cool and want toys of them.
Rich himself sold pretty well when he got a toy.

Blue Beetle is basically the DC version of Nova.

In what ways are Ted Kord and Richard Rider similar?

Just in terms of their role and usefulness on teams.

Also, Jaime and Sam are similar.

I don't know a whole lot about Ted, but Rich usually finds himself in leadership positions.
Sam's role on teams is that he's just there. He was absent in about half of New Warriors, and usually just stands in the background for ANAD Avengers and Champions

they were both dead and replaced by some Hispanic kid

then resurrected and teamed up with their replacement in a poor selling ongoing

That couldn't be more inaccurate if it tried.

Ted Beetle is basically a less popular Spidey.

Jaime Beetle is closer to Darkhawk if anything. Uses a mysterious relic to get powers, turns out it's an alien weapon that takes control of the host for nefarious goals.

Don't forget Rael Rider, for the four of us that cared about Guardians 3000.

>dat synergy
Just like Space Pirate Yondu, who's now in the comics and looks more like a Kree than a Centaurian so I'm not convinced.

They're the equivalent in the sense that their purpose is law enforcement on a cosmic scale. Quasar has the same power as Lanterns
I personally think Rich himself is cooler than the Lanterns, but that's just me.
One thing I hate is that now people seem to think that when Rich takes his helmet off, his powers turn off because that's how it works for Sam and the lanterns.

I'm not sure if Rael exists anymore since Secret Wars rewrote whatever Marvel feels like.
I would have liked to know more about her. Like, who her ancestor was.

If these fucks were part of the Emotional Spectrum, what bit do you think they'd represent?

I'd say Despair but honestly that's pretty representative of the average lives of the Greens too.

Are we pretending the novas didn't use ships in the comics beforehand? Also I'm pretty sure Rich still has most if not all of the Nova Force so that would explain why the new guys aren't powered up.

No, the Novas did use ships and all, but they also used to fly through space with the Nova power.

The current ones haven't been shown to have any power yet.

But you're right about the Nova Force. The Worldmind is even trapped in the Cancerverse. That may be the reason they're just mall guards with shinny helmets now.

Is OP an edit? No way marvel would make funny dialogue like that in current year

>My adult self went crazy and died.

How did Cyclops go crazy?

It's legit. It's from one of Marvel's only good books, so of course it's been cancelled for low sales.

Speaking of Lanterns, since Green Lanterns are supposed to be all about willpower how good are they at resisting telepathy ?

...champions is one of marvel's best books?

Fuck no, it's from Nova.

Nova Corps need a cartoon, focusing on cosmic adventures between Rich and Sam, with Cosmo as your typical quirky pet. Then start pushing them hard on comics. Its the only way.

he was the only one with common sense and pragmatism in the Marvel Universe.

Good Lord. Marvel needs to stop shitting on Rightclops.

He used too much logic for the shitty excuse of writers Marvel currently has.

That's a terrible idea. As much as readers don't like Sam in comics, his cartoon version had even worse reception.
What they should do, if the Annihilation rumors for GotG season 2 are true, is let Rich establish himself and show that not all Novas are annoying little shit. If it goes well, then see if Sam can have a place along side him.