Legion of Super-Heroes

Alright, for the ten or so LoSH fans on Sup Forums, let's have a thread. Usual topics.
>Favorite Legionnaires
>Favorite iteration
>Favorite villains
>Favorite stories
>Preferred creative team for eventual relaunch

>Why were Brainy and the Founders in Injustice 2? DLC?
>Why hasn't DC tried to get the Legion into theaters to capitalize on the success of the GotG films?

Other urls found in this thread:


>>Why hasn't DC tried to get the Legion into theaters to capitalize on the success of the GotG films?
Because the Legion of Superheroes is incredibly dated. They're like... when middle-aged moms who've never followed superheros try to imagine what a superteam is like, they come up with the Legion of Superheroes.
"They all live in a super-headquarters in a futuristic city and every one of them has a single power. And they have club rings and...."

It doesn't matter how well the subject matter is done, the subject itself is a dealkiller.

How are "Superheroes in spaaaaace" a dated concept? If anything, the cape movie boom that audiences are just fine with kitsch, especially with the GotG films. None of the elements you described seem like anything that the public would reject. And besides, the reason the Legion has stuck around for so long was due to the strong characterization, well crafted storylines, and independence from the main DCU allowing for greater creative freedom, not because of surface elements. If people rejected media based on that, superhero movies wouldn't be a thing in the first place.

They're still trying to "build" their cinematic universe. You're not allowed to do anything fun unless you've built up to it with 40 movies now.

Besides, Legion really wouldn't work as a movie. The appeal is in the large cast of characters and watching them grow.

True enough, the sheer number of characters would be better suited to a TV series. A movie would likely end up focusing on a core group of five, with the others being glorified cameos.

For the record, said group would undoubtedly be Imra, Garth, Rokk, Querl, and probably Tinya. They're the most recognizable outside of the fan base. Granted, a series would likely also default to this group as the main cast, but at least in a serialized work, there's more room to have the others swap in and out as needed.

The DCEU is pretty goddamn tiny at the moment, and I don't think DC are brave enough to throw one of their less well known properties out there before they've established something larger. In particular not a more cosmic one after they fucked up the GL movie so badly.

Also, not related at all but in the presumed future relaunch I kinda want to see a remake of the Dark Circle arc from the reboot run, but with more impact on Brainy and the world's perception of him. Because it's one of those arcs that has some great potential but got caught up in the high speed and lack of consequences of the reboot era, and if handled differently it could really serve as a part of a strong character arc for him.


The Dark Circle thing could possibly work if Brainiac 4 had a better motivation than "I WANT TO FEEEEL!". They really dropped the ball one.

Though honestly, I can't think of anything that would'nt have made them a rehash of the White Triangle. Even if Momniac were a coluan supremacist or something, it would've only been a minor variation of that storyline.

I mean, her having no feelings is a pretty large part of it since it's caused by Vril II selling her soul to Neron (which pretty much destroyed her whole life).

The organisation itself does feel a little generic, yeah, but I think that could be fixed by focusing more on the Dox family's infighting than terrorism in general. They're screwed up enough that it wouldn't feel out of place for her to be seeking revenge on all of her other relatives in some twisted version of justice.

I keep forgetting that was totally Vril's fault, the smug fuck.

And yeah, I could see her wanting to beat up the other Doxs, since the only good seed is Querl, and even he does shady bullshit from time to time. It'd also be nice to see her "redeemed" or something, if only to see her try and fail to be a good mom since she's literally a sociopath and thus does not feel things.

As for the Dark Circle, they never really resonated at all with fans. They simply lack a strong identity or even a clear goal. Some shit about wanting to break up the UP, but there's not much of reason given.

LoSH needs to be TV not movie, but I don't trust the current DC tv people much. Well I would trust it if someone like the iZombie people got it but you just know it would be Berlanti given he has Supergirl and Flash already and both franchises have LoSH ties, so fuck that.

I've recently started reading LoSH and, after having tried a bit with the original enjoyably silly silver age stories with Superboy or Supergirl and the "Superboy and the LoSH" period, I think I've settled with the LoSH v3 series
Is there some great story from the previous period that I should not miss?

I've been trying to get into LOSH, where do I start?

Please don't bother relaunching this shit until a writer with some compelling Sci-Fi/Space Opera material can be found.

"Teenie superheroes fight the same 5 villlains/groups while struggling to date one another" has been played out completely.

Then again this is Rebirth: Re-Wrapping Tired Material, so anything is possible.

The 1994 reboot.

So, a LoSH TV show basically just be formatted like Star Trek, but with a rotating cast, yeah?

Colu doesn't seem to have the death sentence or any idea how to handle prisoners so them "redeeming" her by poking around in her brain a little and pretending that she's alright and should be around the son she hates sounds like a pretty plausible outcome.

The Circle itself isn't of much use without her fucking around with it, yeah. Breaking up the UP is like the most common villain group goal in LoSH, so if it's not going to be associated with B4 they might as well not use them at all or merge them with some other group.

It's easiest to start with either the first or second reboot versions of the team because those runs are more collected and less confusing than the original run (and the continuation of the original run that launched in the mid 2000s). But if you want to take a look at the original run you should read "The Great Darkness Saga" which is their most famous story.

Otherwise you can start reading the first reboot from issue #61 of volume 4 of Legion of Super-Heroes or the trade "Legionnaires Book One" that came out a little while ago. There's also an older trade called "The Beginning of Tomorrow" which also collects the beginning of that run except not quite as many issues, but it might be cheaper. After that you will have to wait, torrent or use comixology because the rest isn't collected.

If you want to start with the second reboot, the threeboot, you should be able to start with the first issue of volume five or the trade "Teenage Revolution". This run is fully collected in trades, I think the second one is called "Death of a Dream" and then it turns into "Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes" for a while.

Don't start with the n52 run, it's bad and confusing. And the n52 Legion Lost run is even worse so don't even look at it.

>Favorite Legionnaires
Dream Girl. Karate Kid. Timber Wolf. Phantom Girl.
>Favorite iteration
Golden age.
>Favorite villains
Otto Orion + the Fatal Five
>Favorite stories
Both Otto Orion stories. Him and his son. The one where Chameleon Kid tries to get laid. The Timberwolf one was neat. Also Matter Lads was pretty sad.
>Preferred creative team for eventual relaunch
Tom King + Chris Samnee

>Silly costumes
>Horde of attractive teens
>Dating each other
>Canon LGBT characters

It's made for the CW

>the son she hates
She doesn't hate him. She feels absolutely nothing towards him, and that's the interesting part. She's dissociative, and sees other people more like they were just things that walk around and talk, including her own child. It's be quite fascinating to see them interact, and how she does all the typical mom things, but because that's what's expected rather than out of maternal instinct.

Give the Dark Circle a different goal. I don't know what, but something other than breaking up the UP. Hell, turn it around and have them embrace interplanetary cooperation, since they themselves are highly diverse anyway. They could be a crime syndicate that's powerful precisely because they're goddamn everywhere and are of so many backgrounds that they're hard to track.

Would agree that it's not a good starting place, but new 52 isn't bad until the last arc or so. The Academy kids coming over to the main book actually helped it a lot.

from an old thread:
>You could start from the beginning and marathon through but if you need a little help with some starting points/suggestions (there have been a couple of LoSH torrents around but I don't have a link)

>Silver age: Adventure Comics #346
>Bronze age: LoSH v2 #283
>Five Years Later (you'll want to read it with context of the earlier stuff though): LoSH v4 #1
>90s Reboot (first proper reboot): LoSH v4 #0, Legionnaires #0, LoSH v4 #62, Legionnaires #19, LoSH v4 #63, etc (they stop crisscrossing directly after like an arc or two but they'll crossover again at times as well)
>DnA run: LoSH v4 #122, Legionnaires #79, LoSH v4 #123, Legionnaires #80 then Legion Lost (you could start with Legion Lost on its own but the context helps)
>Threeboot (second proper reboot): v5 #1
>Retroboot (sort of an unboot): mainly just the Johns arcs (JLA/JSA Lightning Saga, Superman and the LoSH, Final Crisis Lo3W)
>Other cool things: Star Trek crossover, Morrison's Action run, Superboy's Legion Elseworld
>Not exactly LoSH but you should read it: L.E.G.I.O.N. and R.E.B.E.L.S.

>5YL gets shitty when Giffen leaves. Threeboot gets shitty when Waid and Bedard leave. Retroboot get shitty/mediocre when Johns leaves.

>There's a ton of minis that aren't listed that are ok, Mon-El had an ongoing and was pretty involved in New Krypton, etc. But I assume once you get a taste for things you'll probably read them anyway. I probably forgot something obvious.

Speaking of the Academy kids, Chemical Kid was totally crushing on Element Lad, yes? I'm not delusional? Cause given the way he acted, there's no way Van Halen wasn't blasting in his head whenever Jan-sensei was around.

I've read very little LoSH (half of Great Darkness Saga, the Earth-Man Arc, Legionnaires #0, Legion of Three Worlds) but I'll try to answer. I also liked Justice League 3k and I'm sad that it's dead.
>Blok, Dream Girl, Saturn Girl
>don't know yet
>Legionnaires #0, Legionnaires and LoSH Legends of the Dead Earth Annuals, Legionnaires and LoSH One Million
>not informed enough to make an opinion

Dreamy supreme waifu

Ah, yeah, bad wording on my part.

That would actually be pretty cool and something that could actually establish them as a real threat. Make them one of those organisations that's everywhere, doing their thing at every level of society while barely leaving any tracks behind. Maybe even include a agenda side of it where they are pushing for a more globalised galaxy because it makes their work easier. And use that to tell some stories that are less punching and more head work, spying and detective work and what not on the Legion's part.



I could see it, but it seemed more like a hero worship thing to me to parallel what Mysa and Glorith had.

Legion folder leftover from some requests:

I still say it's impressive that she has not had even one awful rendition. Even her worst, Reboot, just made her a little ditzy.

Eh, let's call it ambiguous.

>Retroboot Glorith
We're never going to find out what the hell her deal was, are we?


I will never understand why in the fuck everyone was giving Nura all manner of shit during her stint as leader. She was a fine leader, and pretty much made no real mistakes. Ever time something went to shit on a mission she led, it was because someone else (usually Jan, the salty twat) undermining her. She led them to victory against Darkseid for fucks sake! Hell, her decision to recruit Mysa was instrumental in resolving that crisis.

Y'all niggas hatin' for absolutely no reason. Goddamn.

In an alternate timeline, this guy is my favourite Legionnaire!

>Favorite Legionnaires
Wildfire, Quislet, Tellus, Blok, & Cham. The very nonhuman ones always stuck out to me for some reason. Not too say i don't love a ton of 'em.
>Favorite iteration
Classic Giffen & Levitz era, doesn't get better than that imho.
>Favorite villains
I like the Dominators and Khunds as a concept, moreso than execution. Having a vast external threat to the UP works nicely.
>Favorite stories
Great Darkness Saga, Superman and the Legion, outside of these two the things that stick out most to me are character arcs like wildfire and dawnstar's relationship, Mon-El and Shady, Blok and Mysa, Timber Wolf and Ayla... okay maybe the relationships in particular jut out to me.
>Preferred creative team for eventual relaunch
Honestly as much as i hated his run on Avengers, i'd give it to Hickman. It might not be exactly what i'd do with the group, but he's a big name with big ideas and we could use someone who'd break the mold (even if i can already tell half his run would be slobbering on Brainy's dick)


Something that always bothered me about Garth. How did Ayla's disguise work, and for as long as it did? Yes, they're twins, but unless they're both androgynous enough to look identical despite being of different sexes, I'm not seeing how this would work.


I remember hearing that apparently she WASN'T just a new version of the existing Glorith though.

Garth isn't drawn as particularly androgynous ever so yeah, no clue. Can't recall it being mentioned anywhere either

I'm guessing it was some kind of fandom backlash thing at the time, like the fans didn't respect her so the narrative played off it to prove them wrong and show she was good? That's the only thing I can think of at least.

>>Preferred creative team for eventual relaunch
Jon Rivera and Pasqual Ferry

I always figured reincarnation or something.

May Ayla conveniently caught the sex-change virus for a bit. And by the way, I love that this is an actual thing in-universe. COMIC BOOKS!

it's like that Disney movie Motocrossed

Holy shit, someone else remembered that was a thing?

sup bros


> How did Ayla's disguise work, and for as long as it did?

future technology

Seriously, was there actually a point to the Injustice cameo? Or does NRS assume that knowing a thing exists is impressive somehow?

It was a pretty good way to explain why Brainiac was fighting himself imo, which I guess is what they were aiming for

it was made for tv kino

relevant to our interests:

The Legion of Super-Heroes, including Live Wire, Cosmic Boy, Saturn Girl, Chameleon, Brainiac 5.1, Apparition and more, are faced with protecting the United Planets from the worst threats in the universe—but even they aren’t prepared for the Blight invading from the darkest region of space! Collects LEGIONNAIRES #78-81, LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES #122-125 and LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES SECRET FILES #2.
On sale SEPTEMBER 20 • 224 pg, FC, $24.99 US

I pre-ordered at while ago. Really hoping it actually gets released this time around.

And while we're on the topic, my copy of Legionnaires Book One came in a week or two ago. It's really big and really pretty.

I've fallen behind on everything that I probably need to sit down and prioritize. I think a silver age omnibus came out recently too that I need since the only thing I have from that era is the Ferro Lad collection and whatever is in the 50th anniversary book.

You're good, the silver age omni isn't coming out until August.

There's also a Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes HC that's coming out in a little more than a month, but those four seem to be the only LoSH books that are one the horizon right now.

>for the ten or so LoSH fans

That's mean.

True though.

>Favorite iteration
LOSH vol 3 - 5YL when Giffen leaves

>Favorite Legionnaires
Shadow Lass
>Favorite iteration
>Favorite villains
Emerald Empress
>Favorite stories
Most of Shooter's first run; Most of Levitz's first run
>Preferred creative team for eventual relaunch
Not sure a relaunch would work, but I'd like to see what Brubaker or Strazynski would do with the concept.

Black and white showcase collections. Reboot is mostly good too . post crisis is good but suffers from trying to explain itself in the new status quo. Avoid threeboot, well Supergirl and threeboot is okay, the rest is trash

Sensor Girl without shoulder pads is heresy.

Don't rub it in.

It really does suck though, the Legion used to be a big name, but one too many instances of continuity shenanigans turned everyone off. Dammit all.

Threeboot was a mistake. Only good part was Dreamy/Brainy.

Should have just skipped right ahead to Retroboot if they were going to do anything.


Why did cartoon network never air the LOSH cartoon,it wouldve made a great fit on both toonami and you are here

Threeboot was pretty pointless on top of everything. Reboot was doing fine, and anything that could be seen as clusterfucky was clearly on its way to being dealt with in upcoming stories. And I for one would've liked to see where they were going with some of this stuff, especially the newly established role of Shikari's people in the UP.

But instead, we got a way too serious Codename: Kids Next Door type of thing that had some interesting ideas, but mostly not good execution. And then Shooter took over, only proving why editors should stick to editing and stay away from writing.

I really really liked the Threeboot when I was a kid. Never came back to it. The idea of "utopia" causing problems due being culturally stagnant is pretty cool. I liked how they were just big old comic book nerds too with their own giant collection of old comics.

I think it would have worked best as an Elseworlds, which is probably why they retconned it into one. But you can't flip flop around with the continuity like that.

Looks stupid

You look stupid!

But Christina Aguilera said I'm beautiful no matter what they say

It also needed a more comedic tone, since it's a might difficult to take the whole kids vs adults thing seriously. Especially when it's written by a middle aged man who's totally down with what the hip and happening kids are into these days. Seriously, Waid, knock it off.

I don't get this meme. Why do people want a Legion dating sim? That sounds like a terrible idea.

Because the Legion is chockfull of waifus and husbandos?

and dating sims suck

Pour vous