So shut up about Samurai Jack for two minutes and let's talk about Invincible

So shut up about Samurai Jack for two minutes and let's talk about Invincible.

First the movie: Where should it start, where should it stop? They only have 2 hours. They absolutely need to get omni man killing the not-justice league in, but after that where would be a good place to stop? Should it end with a sequel bait? Also how many of the blonde haired blue eyed characters will get DIVERSIFIED? Expect Amber to be a hot latina or black girl. Who should play Cecil? And so on.

Also the comic: What's gonna happen when they get to Earth? Will the comic end with Mark's death? Otherwise Kirkman will need a time skip since Mark will outlive every human character in the cast due to being a Viltrumite. What comic book trope will kirkman pull out to end it all? He hasn't done the "villain reveals mark's secret identity to everyone trope. With Cecil gone it could go down.

If anyone wants to get into it here's a link storytime/username/murderanon/page/2/

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man of murder wont get far, any hero that kills his villains is just bound to run out of material. whats his challenge? we all know that sooner or later he will just kill the bad guy. the only way this works is if man of murder is killed by his enemy.

>villain reveals mark's secret identity to everyone trope
And what would even happen? Anyone who even remotely mtters to him is either: A viltrumite or protected by a viltrumite. The only one who has the ability to hurt those close to him is the very villain that already knows his identity.

Speaking of which, can we get a scan of the huge final fight against Freddy?

>So shut up about Samurai Jack for two minutes and let's talk about Invincible.

Okay. Robert Kirkman is a fat fag who's always writing himself into a corner and needs cheap melodrama to force character development.

Fun thread, op.

I'd rather have an omni-man movie leading into an invincible sequel. In the comics, I could not feel anything during Omniman's betrayal, because, he was pretty much a non-character. A piece of scenery at best.

Which one are you talking about? Thragg is still alive, there isn't a final fight yet.

the last big fight he was in starts here

Alan,Eve,Mark and the Alliance just started the big fight on Thragg's world. Thragg called in all of his kids. I didn't get a look at the pages afterwards but it looked like this was the last fight.


And yet Invincible will go down as one of the best comics ever made when it ends soon. How does that feel user? Must feel pretty bad huh.

>And yet Invincible will go down as one of the best comics ever made when it ends soon.

Who are you trying to kid, Rob. You or me?

I honestly don't want a movie. i can't imagine them doing anything that would capture all the little things that make Invincible really interesting in the space of one or several movies.

Kirkman is pretty good at the unexpected. My bet is that Robot has whipped earth into a well oiled machine that ultimately fends off the invasion somewhat easier than expected. Mark has to confront the truth that Robot was technically right even though his methods were unforgiveable. Robot comes out of one of his suits to embrace Mark as a friend but then Best Tiger kills him.

>Kirkman is pretty good at the unexpected.

Walking Dead begs to differ.

I'd agree. Many fans wanted an animated series, as it can go on for several seasons and really capture the small stuff in the comics without rushing or changing/omitting a lot. Kirkman probably wanted to prove himself with movies now that he's "conquered" television with TWD, the bastard.

Robot has his orbital stations around Earth. Since the Coalition's army will arrive first, I wonder how Mark will explain and convince him to help. It'd be funny if he just flat out refuses to help, puts up a shield around earth and leaves the coalition army to themselves

I meant specifically in regards to Invincible, but touche.

But then you have Viltrumitesas a whole, whom last I heard were still loyal to Omni. And Anissa who is the mother of Marks son. We've already seen that living on earth softened up a few of them emotionally, by now they just about all have to be feeling the effects, right? I don't think most of them would just sit inside a bubble while their king was getting overwhelmed. Shit, maybe they have started a super group compose of earth affected Vitrumites by now.

I enjoyed it up until the first trade after the second compendium. After the big space war it began to meander and I dropped it. Did it get better after that?

Rip Torn as Cecil

It would have had it ended a couple of volumes earlier. Invincible did some pretty cool things but everything in the past couple of years feels so damn boring.

The only reason I'm still reading is to see if Mark gets to meet his kid.

>My bet is that Robot has whipped earth into a well oiled machine that ultimately fends off the invasion somewhat easier than expected

Why do people keep saying this?

He's a benevolent philosopher king who turns into autistic screeching despot the second things don't go his way. Sure, Earth's probably going to be better off when Mark gets there, but we will definitely see some of the cracks in the regime that will bring about its eventual downfall

>written by The Walking Dead man
>movie produced by Seth Rogen & (((Evan Goldberg)))

What is the point of putting Goldberg in the triple parentheses when they're both jews?

>we're getting an Invincible movie and not a cartoon show
Fuck this gay Earth.

I feel as though weed man's name stands out well enough on its own where it would just be redundant.

I'd end it with after his dad goes bad.

Bad dad should be the end of the first act honestly
That's kind of what made the series start getting awesome, the movie needs to get to it and go well beyond it

Either his dad going bad will be the main plot of the second half or something sinister being up with him will be the hook for the sequel. While I'd love for the latter to be the case and to let them build the first film, I'm doubtful it would make a successful film.

I'd like for it to end with him either: Fighting his dad as the big bad, with the whole movie being a "who killed the guardians of the globe" vibe and then out of nowhere his dad revealing himself
Or maybe even after that, with a fight with that old guy, ending in the same bloody way, and having him shown locked up in a post credits scene or something, the thing in this would be having the Viltrumites as this mysterious shit

Has mark become a super saiyan yet?

Have you even read invincible

Invincible is trash.

people always say this, but I felt there was always something going on enough to make you wanna read the next issue. what really killed some people were the long delays and erratic schedule later on. when a new issue is story timed there's always someone who pops in and says "hey I stopped reading when X happened, should I pick it back up?" I think if you hand someone all 144 issues that will be done of invincible and they read it, no one would say it is boring.

there's literally only a handful of heroes that oppose him, everyone is already on board. it will literally take a viltrume invasion (the first ever) that is coming up to give robot's rebels a chance to dethrone him because everyone else is already on bored with 100% peace time.

I've been re reading the whole thing in preparation for the last 8 issues left and I can tell you between the intro and mark's dad going rogue there's fuck all that's interesting about the world. literally just day to day high school stuff and the teen team.

omniman going into space should happen with about 20 minutes left in the movie. show the fall out, wind it down a bit, show cecil getting mark on board, maybe a few missions with him, leave mark looking up into space sad and his mom going through her alcoholic phase. sequel bait could be nolan arriving at the bug planet.

again this would make a great mid/season finale if it were a show. sucks we'd have to wait for a WHOLE OTHER MOVIE to get made (if we're lucky) to see the new guardians of the globe, and all the other interesting stuff.

I disagree. I think that if you were to end the movie with Mark fighting his dad it would give it an edge over other superhero movies. Why? Several reasons:
-It presents the viewer with a different world than the one from Marvel or DC, a world already populated by superheroes.
-It allows the movie to take a more relaxed and casual approach to storytelling during its first half. We start with Mark Grayson, regular teenager aside from the fact that he's the son of the world's greatest hero, and then he gets his powers, starts getting into the whole superhero business and stops a bad guy (the dude that turned people into bombs). This kind of storytelling is pretty much unheard of in origin movies, since most of them share the same structure, Invincible can turn it in its head, we get the basic set-up out of the way early and then what? That's where the fun begins.
-It allows the writers to flesh out the original Guardians of the Globe and make us care about their death, at the very least in a "oh shit" factor. Show them doing stuff alongside Omni-Man, saving the world, sharing some banter. Hell, they can even meet Mark in this version of the story so you can tie it into his story.
-Finally, the final fight against Omni-Man would mess around with so many conventions of the superhero movie genre, especially if you set up Nolan as Mark's mentor. It makes you think a bigger bad will show up and Nolan will die, leaving Mark as Earth's next greatest hero, but nope, the big bad IS the mentor, and now the rookie has to somehow fight him off.

But anyway, that's what I think they should do, they probably won't, but it's fun to speculate.

Movie wont have the budget to make it good

Are you saying we're gonna have CW Supergirl-tier flight scenes?

You wish.

You jest, but those flying scenes were quite good for the time. The plane rescue is still the highlight of the film.

I think we both agree that the fight should be near the end, I just don't see at what point you think it should end, exactly. If the credits roll the second nolan leaves to fly away into space that would be the definition of anti climatic and non-comic readers would go "huh?! that's it?" I think showing what happens next on earth is important, specially the leak of the voice tapes.

It should end with the reveal about his illigitimate alien baby half-brother.