Lockjaw Comic Coming In August


>We already knew that Ryan North and Gustavo Duarte would have a two page Lockjaw story in each issue of Inhumans: Once And Future Kings. But that it seems is not enough.

>We mentioned two years ago that Marvel was registering “Lockjaw” as a trademark.

>And in August, Marvel will be publishing Lockjaw: Dog Days #1.

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They gonna finally definitively answer if he was an Inhuman dog or an Inhuman person before gaining the ability to teleport? Because that shit bothers me sometimes.

Who the fuck would want to read this?

>Who the fuck would want to read this?

They'll probably market it to the same audience as Moon Girl & Devil Dinosaur.

Watch it get a scholastic deal by the end of the year.

Kids, maybe? I remember they had a Pet Avengers miniseries back when Marvel Adventures was a thing.

I hate Marvel. I really do.

>I remember they had a Pet Avengers miniseries

It actually did well enough that it got 2 sequels and a digital comic spinoff.

>Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers
>Tails of the Pet Avengers
>Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers Unleashed
>Avengers vs. Pet Avengers

>Moon Girl & Devil Dinosaur
But isn't that series about her giving lectures about being enlightened and superior to queer college students?
What kid under the age of 16 would want to read that?

Fuck you North for leaving Jughead for this

All of the Inhumans fans.

In sure he's very excited about it.

That's the big problem though. They seem to just throw whatever character they can into a lead comic and from there they rely on past franchises to crossover in hopes that someone who liked the old work would pick it up.

This method has been failing for years and I don't see lockjaw turning the tables.

Ok. I have to ask. How can you do an ongoing series about a character that can't speak or communicate with people?

Marvel: Why aren't our books selling?
[Continues to release books no one asked for that will be cancelled 12 issues in.]

A smart writer could make that work. Marvel does not have smart writers though.

Good one.

Didn't some female super hero eat this guys ass?

That's in America, not her ongoing

This wouldn't be the first Lockjaw comic. Usually, it's "Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers." The fact that we haven't gotten a new Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers ongoing has been one of the biggest failings of their inhumans push.

Can the Pet Avengers talk? One non talking character on a team with others that can talk is one thing but only someone that can't talk is different.


They just talk to each other. You know, like any other property about animals going on adventures.

The Inhumans push seems to be doing one obvious miniseries that they pretend isn't a miniseries for each of the core Inhumans characters, but Karnak suffered lengthy delays. Black Bolt is happening right now, and Lockjaw is up next.

We will probably get Medusa and Maximus before Crystal, Gorgon or Triton, since they're getting pushed more.

I see. I'm still curious in how a series about a character that talk or communicate would be done.
That doesn't really answer any questions.

But user we're already getting the Maximus mini-series.

>EVER getting a mini-series

He communicates in the international language of violence.

Why is Triton the lame one? He has a cool design, and you can do "outsider amongst outsiders" stories with him, as well as the obvious underwater-guy stuff.

And Marvel have given miniseries to worse characters, and ones even less people care about.

No it isnt, its just a book about a smart little girl and a dinosaur. No retarded SJW or mademup genders, what you are talking about happened in the America book.

The books people are asking for are also getting cancelled.

Why can't they just make him Kamala's dog that sometimes helps out the Inhumans when he's not busy getting belly scratches?

She sure as shit takes care of him more than any previous Inhumans ever did.

I mean. They also have a gate, who used to be a man. And when said gate dared to get himself a new body, they dropped him in the middle of nowhere.
Only to run to him for help when shit hit the fan with X-Men.

Surprisingly good. Especially when you treat Medusa and her zonder squad as what they are, mass murdering villians on the run. This is like Nazis fleeing to Brazil.

if you're gonna hate something, read it first so you don't look like an idiot

that goes for everybody who calls her a mary sue when in her ongoing she's a fuck up and everybody hates her

do you ever wonder if lockjaw likes to teleport into random houses to take a shit, only to teleport away just as the owner walks in?

Why do you think Maria Hill wanted the teleportation-blocking shield installed?

I want to know more about this.

Fuck, I forgot that guy existed. He's just a fucking face in the sand on a beach somewhere.

More people have probably only read the character from her appearances in IVX and Monsters Unleashed, where she shows up and solves everything in minutes.

Or they are just annoyed by Marvel declaring her to be more intelligent than Reed, Doom, Stark, T'Challa, etc, because they say so. And she solved some puzzle, which conclusively proves how much better she is.

Lockjaw is literally Pluto of Inhumans.
>Dog among antropomorphic animals
>Unclear if it's a pet or a disabled person
>Treated as a pet, but by horrible, horrible people, for whom it woul be totally in character to treat a mong as a pet.

maria hill does not know what she's getting into

nobody can housetrain lockjaw, not even the thing

do you ever wonder if lockjaw likes to teleport into a random houses to take a beef hamburger

If this isn't the plot of the Lockjaw comic, it should be.

Yeah. Even after he helped them during IvX.

>Ryan North
not content with ruining Squirrel-Girl, is he?

thanos tried to train lockjaw

and like all others thanos failed

Kinda proves that Lockjaw isn't a dog.

why? because he can shoot beams and teleport?

that's like saying spider-man isn't a man because he can stick to walls

He isn't a man. He's a menace.

>He's a menace

someone finally sees things my way

dogs have no morals, no sense of right and wrong, and no logic

nobody can predict where he will strike next

Or is he a threat?

>Only the strongest of the minds
What the fuck else do you need?

Is Lockjaw /ourdog/?

perhaps, but he's also the best chance we have

>doubting the mental fortitude of the Pupper Supreme

I rather have THAT again than just Lockjaw the comic.

I bet it will have more issues than Nova.

>Comic about Lockjaw shitting in Maria Hill's house

I'm sickened but I'd read it.

I've seen the pic posted here a couple times. Hopefully someone will post it again.

It's from Ennis' Red Rover Charlie, and that's neither a female nor a superhero.

I am, thanks user

What audience?

He really does look like a disabled person more than a dog

>neo-Sup Forums doesn't remember pet sidekicks or even the Pet Avengers


I could have been interested in this, but not with North.


>Doesn't know comics with silent protagonists

I want newfags to leave

People who like animals?


Why do you assume that lockjaw will be a good book?

Not everyone who has an interest in things want to fuck them. Do you think everyone who works at a zoo is into bestiality? Don't be a faggot.

>Do you think everyone who works at a zoo is into bestiality?

I didn't say it was going to be. The casual I responded to was incredulous as to how a silent protagonist could work when there are plenty of examples out there. Why do you assume it's going to be a bad one?

Because it's written by Ryan North

Do you want to fuck the subject of your employment?

Do you think Dinosaur Comics is bad?

I member. But this is Marvel STILL trying to push the Inhumans meme. It should be ignored like it deserves to be.


Then you have shit taste.

Yes, but I don't know how.

Says you, who likes Ryan North.

Could it perhaps be because the writers themselves are shit?

Inhumans as replacements for the X-Men is fucking awful and a waste of time. But a book of Lockjaw doing dog things would have been written before the Inhumans push.

yes actually

And it would be good. Now, it's going to be bad, because of the push. None of the inhumans books were good. Ms Marvel was something of an exception, but it was more of an avengers book than anything.

>I don't like thing
>you have shit taste
> no u!

Kek The level of intellect from Sup Forumsntrarians

>Sophisticated adult
Yes, we are discussing art here. High quality art, sir

You're making a statement then moving goalposts within one post. You could say the same thing about this being more of a Pet Avengers type book. I don't see this tying into the wannabe X-Men bullshit that is Nuhumans.

You don't see it, because you don't try to see things My Way. You put no effort into understanding the problem.

Yes, stories about silent protagonists can be art.

High Quality Art
It will go down in history of comic books.

Or you're just being reactionary towards a book with loose connections to things you don't like when history has shown that you can have good and bad books within the same franchise.

>more of an avengers book than anything.
It's like you didn't even read the book user. She had more involvement with Inhumans in her first volume than anything in the second which literally just Tony showing up occasionally. Plus it sold better.

Yes, and also because I am soured on marvel.
They could publish the best thing in the universe, but I would hate it, and the hatred makes me feel good.

Kek someone disagrees with you and you revert to ironic shitposting. Nice

Don't laugh at comic book art.

Well then you're missing out because there are good Marvel books being put out.

I'm laughing at you being a faggot.

Nah. I don't need them in my life.

Don't laugh at me being a faggot


Enough with the cyberbullying.

But user