How do you think he spent his last minute of existing before he vanished...

How do you think he spent his last minute of existing before he vanished? Let's assume that the future timeline remained existing and only Aku vanished, fist of all. Was he panicking? Accepting? Vengeful against the army?

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I'm sure after the "oh no", he looked around the pit of hate at all those assembled against him, looking at their grins of triumph, and sank back into his throne in despair, watching as he began to turn transparent.

He has already killed most of the army by that point. Probably while the Scotsman insulted him.


It took many months between killing past Aku and Ashi disappearing, judging by the fact that the wedding guests had to travel halfway around the world to get there.

Maybe Future Aku kept existing too?

>Let's assume that the future timeline remained existing and only Aku vanished
That's not possible.

If Aku didn't exist, nothing that was caused by him existed, and nothing that was influenced by him would have been the same. Not just from the moment Ashi and Jack went to the past, but every single thing that happened from the moment Aku sent Jack to the future.

Doesn't matter anyway because changing the past is inherently self-contradictory.

That's why infinite Earths time travel is best time travel.

Jeez, I watched the last 3 episodes today. What the fuck happened to make them so horrible compared to the rest?

>infinite Earths """time""" travel
You can never go to your own history so it's not really time travel.

>OP sets a basic premise for the purpose of thread to direct the discussion away from potential plot holes
>discussion immediately turns to plot holes and not what OP was asking about

time travel is fucking gay

why couldn't Jack just kill Aku in the future and stay in the future so this fucking spergy time travel talk wouldn't invest the whole fucking board??
fuck you Genndy

Spent it sing Sinatra, of course.


I was expecting him to time travel himself, maybe breaking into Ashi's wormhole and fight Jack.

plot holes galore my friend

your headcanons

I'm not sure he has the ability to time travel himself.

But if Ashi can do so, and Ashi has Aku's powers, Aku must be able to time travel, yes?

But Ashi also "never existed" yet people still remembered her and Jack was still in the past.
We know that it's not a perfect stable time loop because Jack created a second timeline in the last episode so maybe the two can coexist.

He said that he destroyed all the time portals, so maybe that also meant he removed his own ability to time travel just in case Jack somehow found a way to control him.

Samurai Jack time travel seems to work in a way that you can only travel to a time in which you don't already exist, hence why future Jack appeared after past Jack was flung into the future

Personally I think in the finale Aku should have gotten some kind of power up, like maybe his six daughters died but their power was added to his so now he can take Jack and Ashi on even when both are fighting him- but Jack and Ashi go to the past so he's fucked anyway

>we know that jack created a second timeline

Things you want to have happened=/=things that happened

>you can only travel to a time in which you don't already exist
So why didn't Aku go back to the point after Jack defeated him in the past?
Or is the change of time very fast?

most likely something similar to that justice league episode, with Aku yelling in despair while his domain vanishes and a bright future townsville starts appearing around him. End shot with the Scotsman fading away while saying "Thanks Laddie."
Fuck now I want to draw that.

Yes because the prime timeline is the bad future with Aku as the ruler but if you see the last episode you'll notice that Jack kind of went back to the past.

Should have gone the Chrono Trigger route and kill him outside of time.

Or Aku should have gone back in time to stop Jack from killing Past Aku.

We still don't know what happened and looks like we have to wait for Genndy's commentary but my take is that whatever happened it's for the best. No matter which version of time travel the show supports it was a good ending. Perhaps this is why we didn't get a glimpse of the good future because Jack didn't either but we all know it worked.

Scotsman probably started laughing his ass off.

There is this that I sorta had a part in making

Does he have a twitter or some other way to contact him?

I wouldn't say the ending was a disappointment, but I really didn't think it would be so...basic and superficial. Not letting us see how the future develops without Aku was a huge flaw.

Because he was already dead, you fucking idiot.

It still sucks Aku died. I wish he could have called truce with Jack and then he fucked off to destroy another universe.

Feels bad to watch the first three episodes and compare it to how the show turned out.

Jack wouldn't let that happen.

Seems about right.
Everyone who decided to go and save Jack also saw the broadcast which stated that Jack was trying to erase the evil future.
The fact that they still went to save him implies that they were willing to die or be erased in order to create a better future.

Apparently Izzy from the Pizza party podcast is gonna try and recut all the season 5 episodes into one big movie. It'll be interesting to see if they actually flow well into each other.

Recuts are OK. Changing the ending is not.

The ending is fine to me so I wouldn't want it changed, but I do kinda want an epilogue showing what old Jack does in the past and what new Jack sees after he gets launched into the good future.

I like to imagine him packing his bags, putting on some hat and going on a beach.
spending his last moments doing nothing and being himself while world around him turned into better and brighter place and him reacting "UGH." then "poof", vanished.

>he's not trying to escape being erased, he just wants to be comfy when it happens

Why didn't Aku go back in time too?

just finished the last episode, holy shit that was disappointing and rushed and anti-climactic

they could fleshed out the final confrontation across 3 episodes and it woulda had WAAAAAAY more impact. and that whole line from ashi "oh hey jack if aku never ruled the future i wouldn't have been born lol bye" was just god awful

i mean that's the obvious conclusion of them going back to the past but holy shit what a hamfisted way to bring it up

Because Genndy is a hack and he wanted to get the show over with instead of giving it a logical ending.

Probably removed that ability from himself when he destroyed all the time portals just in case jack managed to take control of him.

We all do, regardless of our opinion on the ending.

he forgot

Do we know if there was actually a change in the amount of episodes in the season?

If time travel made any sense, Aku would have ceased to exist the second Jack went through the portal.

>Aku, you got Aku powers!
>GASP, I do!!

>>The story was originally just going to be a ~90 minute theatrical film, and it absolutely would have just been Ashi: The Movie.

He removed the power from himself, but that doesn't mean his daughter wouldn't inherit the remnants of it (depending on whether he destroyed all the time portals before or after giving his essence to the cult)

that's cool. I might focus more of on the reference of the Justice League episode.

After "oh no" the futureverse vanished.

He didn't died because jack killing aku in the past created alternate timeline
therefore Aku realised that he's not only going to die, but he also got rid of Jack forever.

Did anyone else think Jack was going to free Aku somehow near the end to get his waifu back?

>He removed the power from himself

>people can't understand back to the future levels of time travel

>Not letting us see how the future develops without Aku was a huge flaw.
I think that was the idea. Not showing us a bright future, just the hope and promise of a bright future. That's one of the ways I interpret the field of cherry tress at the end.

I remember the post this was inspired by.

Glad somebody drew it.

Was aku stronger in the future?

kinda seemed that way desu

I assume so

Or else it would just make more sense to kill Aku in the future

Not him. But that would make as a hell of a good episode twist, where jack defeats aku and only to reveal Aku handicapped that feature from him. Sort of like amputating an infected limb

>Aku must be able to time travel, yes?
Has Aku ever -tried- to time travel though? He may have the ability, but never thought to do so.

Why didn't he ever use time travel in the first four seasons to go back and try a fight over and over again until Jack died? Watch for the singular moment where Jack pulls a win out of his ass and influence it?

It's because Aku is kind of dumb. He's a splinter of a formless, natureless evil given human sentience by magic.

>aw fuck what do i do again.

Second episode Aku is mining some kind of gem that amplify his powers.

So it is likely that Aku does get stronger with time on the future by many other means.

Jack tried it at every opportunity that he had, but after the gangster episode he started teleporting his fortress around.

Because he'd die in the past as well.

Because that would be logical

It seems time travel rules are somewhat strict in Jacks reality.

You cant time travel to a time where you are already present