Harmon is killing the show.

Dan Harmon is a hack

Harmon is ruining the show and Justin is letting it happen

Oh well, they're just going to learn the hard way that equal opportunity doesn't mean equal outcome.


Now is there a racial balance? Do we have one of every race? Is there a balance of handicapped people? Is there a religious balance?

We need to know, it's important, it's 2017! We need to have one of every color of the rainbow if we really want to get the best stories for this show!

>It's a Sup Forums thread!

Fucking summerfags

balance of what? not comedians and script writers, people who worked in the field for decades and new graduates? people who come from different states or countries and civilians?

the answer is just never good enough for me to say "half men and half women = better product". I'm sure the workplace is probably more fun, and that leads to better work. And if that's the case then fine

doesn't that just mean more Summer/Beth episodes? That seems fine to me.

S3E1 was very good, so I hope the rest of the season is around that level of quality.

>show is popular so it's Sup Forums
>political post so it's Sup Forums
Fucking fags

If you go back and watch community, it's literally the same shit as Rick and Morty. If you want to see the future of the show, just watch it. You'll start to notice weird hijinks, thin characterization, all of it, copy and paste.

>I'm sure the workplace is probably more fun

Have you ever worked with women? Not what I'd call fun.

Anyhow, I agree with your sentiment.

One day someone who's "striving for or demanding diversity" is going to end up going down the list like that and they'll realize just how retarded they sound.

>literal yellow-face

>hiring the best isn't important
>MEMES are important!!

>religious balance

not necessary, the only thing you need are more minorities like muslims and buddhists. No fundamentalists though, because they're gross!

>summer sanchez
>jerry is such a beta that he took beth's surname


I'm starting to convince myself I should quit having anything to do with entertainment and pick a hobby that doesn't get me brain cancer. I should collect stamps or something.

You could pick an entertainment-based job which is all filled with back-patting liberals, a trade-job where you'll be in debt $100k for at least a decade, a labor job which is practically non-existent now-a-days, a government based job where you'll want to commit suicide after a year from boredom, or just rob a bank.

I'm so tired of this shit I might turn to manga, it might be terrible in its own way but at least it's safe from all the SJW shit. Eurocomics are going down that route too.


No, Sup Forums is here to stay.

You are such a pathetic fucking child. I can't imagine being so insecure, immature and threatened by representation in an industry. You are a weak little person and you will remain very lonely.

Racial balance would have to mean that most of the room is Indian/Chinese.

No, that would be accurate racial representation, as in what is accurate to the population of the planet.

Racial balance would mean one of each person.

>one of every color of the rainbow

So they are stating quite clearly they have been hiring based on gender
which is quite illegal
someone call the EEOC

I will withhold any and all judgement until I actually see the season.

>bu-bu-buh women are taking our jobs and they aren't funny and they are taking OUR JOBS and I"M A STRAWMAN ARGUMENT
yeah but also fuck you. What goes on behind the scenes isn't necessarily your concern. they could fire the entirety of the female writing staff or everyone who is blonde and as long as the quality remains we're good.
If the quality drops, then you have the right to turn on the show.


I just don't understand the logic behind feeling compelled to hire people based on their ethnicity when equality's main point is that everyone should be treated the same

If I'm running a company and this Jewish Native American gay dwarf with vitiligo proves to be the most qualified for the job, I'll hire him without a problem. Shouldn't minorities be opposed to any form of discrimination?

>I just don't understand the logic behind feeling compelled to hire people based on their ethnicity when equality's main point is that everyone should be treated the same

It's not even like, government which is supposed to represent the people. It's a fucking cartoon show it's not like our tax money is going to it who the fuck cares.

If guys didn't have such trouble impressing a weak gender who is mentally inferior, they would've feel so insulted when people called them a virgin or beta because it would simply be untrue.