Anyone else think that by trying to be more mature LoK came off as being more childish than ATLA in some respects...

Anyone else think that by trying to be more mature LoK came off as being more childish than ATLA in some respects? Not that this was even close to being the main problem, but I think LoK related material would do better with a higher rating on Netflix or some shit.
Post shit that would be cool but impossible to do because of the rating.
>Bolin having a nervous breakdown because he was forced to use lavabending on people

This has been discussed a million times, nobody even disagrees anymore really. Try something new.

>Emotionally dead Earth Republic President Bolin comes into conflict with Korra

God damn I wish I could and/or draw.

>Bolin having a nervous breakdown because he was forced to use lavabending on people
Just like my AO3 fanfics!

What's with the rampant Bolin hateboners(sadistboners?) lately?

I want to see him suffer.

Not creepy at all...

Best boy.

More Bolin webms?

>Anyone else think that by trying to be more mature LoK came off as being more childish than ATLA in some respects?

Same thing that happened to the last two Harry Potter books really.


Lavabending can't really be used on people cause it's a kids show, makes it almost useless. Kinda like when Sokka got his sword.

Any good fics with bolin?


as retarded as it sounds, i wish after the "order of fucked up physical and mental disorders" was introduced with their SUPR1337SKILLZ, their skills were beaten or mimicked by benders working together

i feel like the korra team wasnt as unified as the aang team and having them pull a captain planet with 2 elements to do a new bending neither could on their own would have been nice

but no, everyone lava metal and lightning bends, cause its totes magotes cool for kids

What's it about?

Mako's apparent death leads to a downward spiral that just keeps getting worse and worse.
Includes brain damaged Bolin and Korra's indecision over Bolin's stupid sexiness.

Also, I don't know if lavabending is a war crime or not, but it fucking should be.

He'd have my vote.

What's his stance on gun control?