>mediocre performance from godot
>tries to take itself seriously while having a bunch of jokes at the same time
>couldn't decide between being a superhero movie or a war movie so became a meld of both but neither part was done well
>insists upon itself too much for a movie with an entirely cliche presentation
>editing was below par, especially in fight scenes with all the "epic" slowdowns,
>presents Diana as stupid and impulsive (lol why can't I kill a guy who may or may not be Ares in the middle of a crowded room during a party in a castle in enemy territory?), not a very good feminist role model if you ask me
>humanitarian aspect of her character takes a back seat
>it not subtle or nuanced
>it tasteless and lukewarm
>but it alright
Mediocre performance from godot
Other urls found in this thread:
Just like my Marbel films. :3
See Sup Forums, these are the idiot shit posters that rag on MoS, BvS, and now WW
I never saw any of the others.
>Giving OP replies
>giving OP (You)'s
>tries to take itself seriously while having a bunch of jokes at the same time
"The movie can't be serious if it has jokes in it."
>they don't even call her Wonder Woman
Jesup DC just give up even when you rip off based marvel for your shirt movies you still duck it all up
Thank Feige JUSTass League is going to be a massive bomb and this nightmare will be over
The presence of jokes isn't the issue, it's their emphasis and oversaturation. Many scenes in the movie have a joke in nearly every other line or some goofy thing happening every five seconds. Some scenes seem as if they were extended just to throw in more jokes.
But let's be honest, even if there was no humor at all it'd still be difficult to take seriously.
For me it was mainly Gadot throughout the entire movie killing the mood.
And personally I wish they had done the competition to determine who takes Steve back. Or at least hadn't taken the position of oh he can never leave. Other than that I didn't think it was so bad.
Oh, and some problem with the action scenes.
>but it alright
It's not bad, but it's really not good either.
save your money people
watch it online
you've been warned
Wonder Woman could do no wrong the entire movie, when she was told not to do something and did it anyways it still worked out great for her.
Superman hasn't done a great job at the jesus thing in the past movies and they try to replace him with Diana?
Probably another case of pussy-whipped writers afraid to give faults to a female character.
this so much
>>tries to take itself seriously while having a bunch of jokes at the same time
Wow, where the fuck were you when Marvel did this FOR A WHOLE FUCKING DECADE YOU HYPOCRITE PIECE OF SHIT?!?!
Nah, those people are glad that WW is so much better than the shit from the rest of the DCEU.
If anything, looks more like a snydercuck tier criticism.
Well, they made a superhero kinda act like a superhero for once.
>Marvel fanboy called out for obvious double standards
>nu-uh this is Snyder's doing!!! (that card always works)
>waiting for Gadot
she might as well be wearing a magic bubble of plot armor outside of the injury on the beach Diana did not get injured at all when charging through hails of gunfire, maybe its the fault of trying to keep the rating down but a superhero is kind of pointless if the plot moves to accommodate them rather than them move for the plot, like why did ares show up to talk to Diana then, at the very end, especially if his plan would have succeeded through peace he could have waited but no they had to make a big boss battle and the god who killed all the others was defeated by a DemiGod
I had decent hopes for this movie, the reviews were looking pretty solid.
I go see it and... well, its better than BvS but lets face it, thats a pretty fucking low bar to set.
Its not the edited mess that Suicide Squad was so I'll put Wondy above at least those two.
I think the best comparison is Wonder Woman and the Man of Steel movie. Now, MoS was flawed but its biggest flaw was that it just didnt quite capture the flavor of Supes. Wondy does a better job here, I never felt that the movie Wondy was off-track from the comic Wondy we've known for decades, but admittedly her characterization in the comics has been all over the place as well. But nothing in the WW movie really struck me as outright going against the grain of the character, like making a superman movie into a disaster porn.
The WW pacing was a hot mess, the action sequences weren't that interesting and lingered way too long, the slo-mo effects are uninteresting. The final CGI battle was uninspired, at least I kinda enjoyed watching Supes and Zod fighting, the Diana-Ares battle was as mundane as you could possibly make two children of Zeus battling be.
In the end I score WW about where MoS landed.
BvS - 3 stars of 10
Squad - 4
MoS - 5.5
Wondy - 5.5
Not equal, they both do some things better, some things worse, but the ultimate payoff for the viewer? Comes close to reaching the 6-star threshold but doesn't quite make it.
After reading all the reviews that made it sound like a solid 7 to 8 movie... all I can imagine is it being from the soft-sexism of lowered expectations, these people wanted a female superhero movie so bad that they unconsciously graded on a curve. This ain't an 8 movie. It ain't bad, its no BvS shitbucket, but its not that good either.
Wonder Woman is Captain America 1 was half the charm but slightly better pacing
I wanted to hate this movie. I hate the actress, I don't particularly like the character, I hate Chris Pine. But fuck, it was a good movie. Gotta give credit where it's due. It was good.
Excuse me. I only crap on MoS, BvS, and SS. I thought WW was fantastic which is why I've already seen it twice, am planning on seeing it thrice, and have defending it in more than a few threads this week.
MCucks working overtime i see.
Please, there's no need to such accusations!
Yeah man. I remember all those quips that we getting dropped during No Man's Land and the Ares fight. Totally took me out of it, and then during the calmer moments when humor might be more appropriate, Steve and Diana just sat there scowling at the camera for 5 minutes apiece. Completely ridiculous.
You are either retarded, or autistic,
and should be ashamed of yourself. You movie had humor during appropriate times,
carried itself with seriousness when appropriate, and respected it's tones better than any other DCEU movie or arguably Marvel movie has.
Greetings from Gal.
Oh hey, Sup Forumsabbies and Sup Forumsermins still wanting company wars shit.
Not even giving ya a (you), you're just that predictable.
Best girl. Completely turned be around with WW.
Would follow into Palestine and put down Palestinians with if she asked me to/10
>silly boys spend 2 years fighting over no mans land with no progress
>strong female steps up and gets pinned down until her silly boys flank and take the heat off her
This. This is how I best describe it overall
This one is real.
www facebook com/GalGadot/videos/10155338671303926/
Those movies had heart. There's a difference.
Are you saying Wonder Woman didn't have heart?
>mediocre performance from godot
I thought she was very sweet. She may not look the role, but I thought she had the character spot on for what this movie needed to be.
>tries to take itself seriously while having a bunch of jokes at the same time
A bunch of jokes? I can think of maybe two. You're bullshitting here.
>couldn't decide between being a superhero movie or a war movie so became a meld of both but neither part was done well
It didn't 'become' both, it was both. 'Superhero' is not a genre or even a tone, Einstein.
>insists upon itself too much for a movie with an entirely cliche presentation
The fuck does this even mean?
>editing was below par, especially in fight scenes with all the "epic" slowdowns,
They looked fine to me. Where did you go to film school?
>presents Diana as stupid and impulsive (lol why can't I kill a guy who may or may not be Ares in the middle of a crowded room during a party in a castle in enemy territory?), not a very good feminist role model if you ask me
Stupid? You mean naive? It was a fish out of water story, you dolt. The movie never claims that Diana is a feminist role model. You're pressing an agenda here that doesn't exist in the movie.
>humanitarian aspect of her character takes a back seat
How? She spends the entire movie talking about how she's on a mission to save mankind.
>it not subtle or nuanced
You expected a movie called 'Wonder Woman' to be subtle and nuanced?
>it tasteless and lukewarm
What does that even mean?
>but it alright
Fuck you.
She didn't do anything, she's still a terrible actress.
Patty Jenkins did everything.
>gets pinned down
why does this even happen, she's literally invulnerable
I got the same feeling from wonder woman that I got from some of the marvel movies I liked. Maybe it's because no one tried to fuck with anything and just made a wonder woman movie.
>Thor 2 is good because it have a heart
Marvelcucks actually believe this.
Maybe you should watch the movie and have all your questions answered.
No she isn't. She took a bullet and got her arm messed up. It healed fast, but she wouldn't want to just take thousands of bullets to the face.
Remember when Wonder Woman was in danger? Like when they shot bullets are her invulnerable body and shield? Or when there was a sniper in the tower that she just flew into and demolished? Or maybe when she walked straight through Doctor Poison's gas? Or when she fought Ares who himself told her that she was a weapon that was made to kill gods?
I sure was on the edge of my seat seeing her go through all this conflict.
>Patty Jenkins did everything
Starting with getting a better performance out of Gal than anyone else has been able to?
I'm not saying she deserves awards for her performance, but compared to this, her Diana was more nuanced, and natural than anything else I recall having seen her in.
And as for everything else, you're giving credit to the director? Holy shit, man! You should have warned me before tossing me a take that hot. I could have burnt my hands with it. It's almost like Jenkins already has sore shoulders from all the pats on the back she's been getting for the past week.
You can make the same with Captain America, Iron Man or Thor.
>she took a bullet and got her arm messed up
>but a building falling on her is no problem
>and Ares tossing her across an airstrip doesn't cause a single injury
The only superhero film where a hero has even been in physical danger is the Dark Knight Rises.
Yes, mediocre actors can do better with a proper director.
Look at Peter Jackson, how he grabed mostly literally-who's for LOTR, and they did a fine job.
>she's literally invulnerable
>antiope literally died from a bullet
let me guess, you have just watched the webms
>it insists upon itself
>assuming that Diana is the same as any of the other amazons
let me guess, you just want to defend this movie and you haven't watched it either
So how are we disagreeing again? Really seems like we're on the same page, man.
Captain America was basically dead at the end of Winter Soldier if Bucky didn't drag him out of the water. At no point was Diana even close to death or even unconsciousness.
So, are DC movies held to a higher standard compared to the MCU?
What i'm saying is that Gaddot is still a terrible actress.
i know rite
it's almost like her full potential gets realized more and more over the course of the film. Almost as if her true power had been hidden from her and she was just begging to develop it. I wonder if this is part of a little tweest at the end of the movie.
>why did ares show up to talk to Diana then
Because he wanted her to join him? Wasn't the dialogue clear enough?
Oh so she is invulnerable then? but she just didn't realize it? Amazing!
And how about that realization coming from the fact that the villain of the movie literally spells out for her that she is the only thing in the entire world that can kill him. How convenient!
>n-no you see our movies are good but only when you compare them to other movies
>stop pointing out flaws in them! they are better than these other movies!!
>she was invulnerable the whole time
She wasn't though.
>that realization coming from the fact that the villain of the movie literally spells out for her
Actually it comes from love
Except it clearly doesn't. She uses the lightning that Ares shoots at her to reflect back at him. Love has literally nothing to do with it.
She was MADE TO KILL GODS. If she couldn't kill Ares, she would be fucking useless.
>These flaws are only a problem when the movies are from this universe.
>They aren't a problem if the universe is different.
And that may be. With proper direction, classes, and work, actors can get better however, and I would still maintain, while not Earth shattering, her performance as Diana was a step up for her as a performer...at least in my opinion. I went into that movie expecting dogshit, and for her to be the worst part of it, and maybe she wasn't the best, but she didn't ruin every scene she was in, which is what I was expecting, so I'm willing to give her the credit I feel she deserves for minimally being adequate in Wonder Woman.
>DC movie is shit
>yeah but the Marvel movie is shit too
so you agree that this movie is also shit?
>Except it clearly doesn't
What triggered her into god mode was seeing her boytoy die
>please do not go into the world to kill our only threat my invincible god killing daughter
so we are going to complete ignore she had these powers at the start of the movie when she was training with the amazons?
>so you agree that this movie is also shit?
Nope. I liked the movie very much, thank you. I also like the majority of the MCU. I just find funny that flaws that have been in the genre since the first "Iron Man" are a problem only now with WW.
But you are probably a Sup Forumsirgin who liked the piece of trash that is "Iron JUST".
>people actually think Ares died
You idiots probably also believed Superman died in BvS.
They show a glimpse of it once. The rest is in increments until the end where now she has speed and flight.
Bruh, it's figuratively Superman v Wonder Woman. They may be on the same power level, or closer to one another than Bruce is, but Diana knows how to use it better which is why she can typically school Clark.
Hippolyta was worried her inexperienced daughter would get rekt by Ares because he had been alive longer and knew how to use his godhood more effectively than she would have at any point before leaving Themyscira despite her being a god.
>mfw post-1990 superhero movies
It's all so much wasted potential.
All clonic, all formulaic, protagonist never in danger, not actual consequences unless the movie is the origin story, all estructured to lead up to team ups.
It's so money-minded taht it's just sad.
As someone who doesn't give a shit about comics and is neither a dc nor marvel fanboy, wonder woman was as good as any marvel movie. About time warner got their shit together.
>wonder woman was as good as any marvel movie
So, actually a terrible movie, following the same structure all these movies follow, but with Wonder Woman?
Duck off phone poster cancer.
>people don't know that WWI was the poison pill that dictated global foreign policy for the century that followed it and/or missed when he said that the armistice he crafted would be impossible for all parties to follow long term and that at some point someone would break it and war would begin anew because of mankind's darker natures.
You don't need to be alive for a chain of dominoes to fall as long as you push the first one before you die.
Don't you think that Marvel movies have more "heart", fellow?
What, did you think a superhero movie was gonna break new ground or something? I thought people watched these things to see their favorite characters adapted in decent to pretty good movies.
>(a few minutes later) Ok, I was just being stupid. You have to go, it's your call and I can't stop you.
Something that never happened in any of Superman's new movies. Even in BvS, with Jonathan dead, Martha told him maybe he shouldn't do shit for anybody.
It was okay with Dark Knight, Iron Man and Captain America, but it's growing stale, they follow the same, predictable structure.
About time they start doing SOMETHING instead of repeating the same plot that we've seen 20 times already.
>they follow the same, predictable structure
Kinda like comics, eh?
In comics is understandable since they've been going on for 70 years, but the current fad began only 10 years ago, and they have yet to develop a new plot.
can't be a rip off. WW was good. it didn't have a title drop or homage to the original WW costume to go "see how silly this is?"
>the current fad began only 10 years ago, and they have yet to develop a new plot.
Exactly, it's only been a decade and these movies still make money. There's no reason for anyone to try and shake things up because not enough people care. Wonder woman is the first successful dc hero movie in a while and it's not doing anything special besides just being a good wonder woman movie.
>"see how silly this is?"
It adds "heart" to the movie.
If they have some respect for these movies then maybe it's about time they think about doing something new, a new plot.
The fact that a movie is considered a success because it properly copies a tiring formula is just sad.
None of these movies have "heart" or "soul", they are factory-made movies where 50 year old execs have far more input in the script than the director or writer.
They have so much hold over these movies that it doesn't matter who directs it, they all end up feeling the same, and directors are incapable of adding personality, or their own style to them.
Once the normalfag masses catch up to decades of comic storylines maybe you'll see something different. Until then get used to watching retellings of your favorite justice league stories on the big screen.
>None of these movies have "heart" or "soul"
Not all of them but some do, wonder woman being one. It helps there's no product placement to remind you you're just a dumb goy to the producers. Now that I think about it, WW had a little of it. That one part where Trevor's secretary explained to Diana the wonders of tampax brand tampons really took me out of the movie.
Snyder wrote and produced ww so fuck off
It's not about product placement, although it is something that makes the movie feel cheap, is about the heroes always following the exact same arcs over and over, and generally having no growth whatsoever outside their origin movies where they always learn to stop being brats and to use their powers, aside from Captain America and Superman who are already always "mature".
I don't see how one could like WW but not MoS, at least from an ideological standpoint.
Easy. The characters have different individual characteristics and ideologies, and one movie adheres to their character's and portrays them more respectfully?
>The characters have different individual characteristics and ideologies, and one movie adheres to their character's and portrays them more respectfully?
That applies just as much to MoS though.
MoS is by far the most respectful to his truth Superman movie out there.
Daily reminder that Clark gives up his powers to be with Lois in the Donner movie.
I'm just glad she didn't wear pants.
You're entitled to your opinion. I've spent years debating that movie. I'm not doing it again, especially since I finally have a DC movie I adore that makes me happy to think about which every other of the DCEU has failed to do.
I'm simply saying it is possible to not like the majority of the DCEU without feeling that way about all of it, in fact, I'd be more inclined to argue that following Wonder Woman, you're going to be more likely to find people that like part of the DCEU while disliking at least one of part of it.
Whatever brotha. You're the one missing out.
A lot of review criticized it's ending. I don't know what critics expected from a comic movie, but apparently a battle with the bad guy was unexpected or unwanted.
So how else could it have ended?
>A lot of review criticized it's ending.
Because of the Snyder hate meme. The ending is great. Ares in full armor is great.
>insists upon itself too much