Mediocre performance from godot

It's not bad, but it's really not good either.

save your money people

watch it online

you've been warned

Wonder Woman could do no wrong the entire movie, when she was told not to do something and did it anyways it still worked out great for her.

Superman hasn't done a great job at the jesus thing in the past movies and they try to replace him with Diana?

Probably another case of pussy-whipped writers afraid to give faults to a female character.

this so much

>>tries to take itself seriously while having a bunch of jokes at the same time
Wow, where the fuck were you when Marvel did this FOR A WHOLE FUCKING DECADE YOU HYPOCRITE PIECE OF SHIT?!?!

Nah, those people are glad that WW is so much better than the shit from the rest of the DCEU.

If anything, looks more like a snydercuck tier criticism.

Well, they made a superhero kinda act like a superhero for once.

>Marvel fanboy called out for obvious double standards
>nu-uh this is Snyder's doing!!! (that card always works)

>waiting for Gadot