
Why didn't you save his smile?

How are my Pymfags doing?

>Spencer brought up the slap

but he brought it up as commentary on WHY it's always brought up. He called Tony out on doing worse (but left out the really bad stuff) and said that it's a problem with Marvel always bringing up that one event.

Even Lang gives him the respect he deserves inb4 no one cares about Lang

>The only likable character in Secret Empire is an unhinged Hank Pym fused to Ultron, who is shat on by everybody else and likley wont appear again.

I get its supposed to be dark, but can't Spencer give us someone to root for? Sam's a quitter, AI Tony's an asshole, The Resistance are the Champions, Hydracap's becoming more of a poorly disguised Nazi by the day and everyone else is kept separate from the plot through Space walls and Dark Dimension New York.

I dunno, i'm actually rooting for hydracap

And thats indicative of how badly Spencer's writing the story.

I haven't been following up the story, when and how hank become one with his evil robot son ? What happened and is this ultron with half of his father's personal or the other way around ;

Lang was the most polite, diplomatic and smartest person in that room.

He also treated Hank with respect and was sincere.

That is why he got the cosmic cube shard and Pymtron didn't let Hydra Cap and his team hurt Scott and his.

In Rage of Ultron, Remender's last Marvel story and maybe his greatest, Hank and Ultron merge. Starfox uses his love powers to force Pymtron to love himself and since neither Ultron nor Pym is capable of self lover they fly off and turn off.

Now it's not known who's in control but it seems like a bit of both.

The issue itself was a nice highlight for Lang in general

Lang vs O'Graddy had some cool panels