Sup Forums
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Comics #932
Would you an astral projection Sup Forums?
DC Superhero girls
Why is Buttercup, Butterbuff and Tanned?
Animation smears thread
Is season 4 worth watching? I've heard some bad things about it
Far side thread
Which Disney era is the best era?
>Cade (Wahlberg) befriends teenage inventor Izzy (Isabella Moner) and meets Sir Edmund Burton (Anthony Hopkins)...
IDW Hasbro Universe Mega-Storytime
Sooooo how long until Mr.Enter bitches about this episode?
We'll never get amazon starfire
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Filename thread
ITT : Unsolved Sup Forums mysteries
Why does Marvel intentionally sabotage themselves?
Confess Your Sins
Happy Father's day, Sup Forums!
How do you like your new waifu, Sup Forums
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Exactly how powerful are these niggas, really?
POWA Volume 3 - Riviere
What's Sup Forums's opinion on Veggie Tales? I used to love them as a kid
Marvel equivalent to this kino?
The state of cartoon natwork
Why the worst artists are always bald?
How does Sup Forums feel about evil women?
ITT: Characters that got away with everything
Where can I read Dredd easily and for free?
Robert Crumb
Venom confirmed as part of Homecoming and as such larger MCU
Injustice is just as dark, in tone and in aesthetics, as the DCU films...
Why, I do believe it's time for early Silver Age comics!
What are some cartoons where the animation and the art improve over time?
Press S to spit on Miles grave
IDW Hasbro Universe Mega-Storytime
Was Carol Danvers a mistake?
Cartoons that you were forced to watch because there was going to have something good right after
So, after fucking Mary Jane, will Johnny fuck Peter's sister as well? What a good friend
/hyw/ - How's Your Webcomic? #378
Sup Forums dance thread
Let's get smug Sup Forums. Post characters being smug
Why is Rick so depressed?
Feige and Amy Pascal announcing their engagement and also that Venom's on the MCU
Latchkey kingdom thread
VENOM is in MCU Amy Pascal says, Feige says otherwise
What other characters would come close to Hawkman's backstory fuckery if you had to describe their history?
Ever After High
Well, Sup Forums? Has Superman turned heel or will he be the shining beacon of hope we all want him to be?
Holiday Lanterns: Fathers' Day Edition
Sup Forums said the character is bad but it's actually good
Would you read a comic about someone getting an Orange lantern ring, and then trying to be a hero?
PAD's Hulk run part 2/?
Another clear pair ends in "no way fag"
IDW Hasbro Universe Mega-Storytime
Latest Secret Empire Bingo
Star vs worry
ITT Sup Forums material that your dad likes
Sunday Superman thread. Let's bask in the warm glow of Kal-El and think about how Superman has enriched all our lives
What are some Sup Forums females who wear fully covering costumes? No face or hair showing...
What is wrong with this design exactly?
ITT : We talk about Korean cartoon
IDW Hasbro Universe Mega-Storytime
May 2017 Comic Book Sales Report - Top 100's
Discuss: Camp Camp
When it comes to procreation, men are essential, but for pleasure, not necessary
IDW Hasbro Universe Mega-Storytime
How do we improve Flash and save him from mediocrity?
/CTG/ Channel-tans General
Sup Forums Mandela effects
Do I have a story for you
Why does anybody care about any X-Man other than Wolverine...
Hey Lois, remember that time I raped Casca
It's pretty obvious who Batman will side with, right?
What is the best cartoon ever and why is it Steven Universe?
Who are Sup Forums's thirstiest girls?
Niche comics
Smiles you want to protect
Voltron: Legendary Defender
I really want padparadscha to be assistant to a news reporter and the news reporter won't fire her because she's too...
So my friend thinks that Supergirl is a better character and waifu than Black Canary
Toonami General #7
Toonami General #6
On the second issue and is she essentially Marvel's Harley Quinn?
Justice League
Toonami General #5
/ReDesign Thread/
OKKO! Let's be Heroes! thread. I fucking love this show. Talk about it
Destroying a stupid meme cloud that was gassing minorities to death makes you Hitler
Your cartoon waifu will come to life
Without mentioning Snyder at all past this point...
Toonami General #4
Accept it Sup Forums
What are some webcomics that smart people would enjoy?
Toonami General #3
First reaction to Spiderman Homecoming:
Non-Sup Forums properties that would be better as Sup Forums?
Do the cars fug in this world?
What should DC do with this character?
Toonami General #2
Double King / Felix Colgrave
Was Sausage Party AT LEAST funny?
Preacher Storytime part 10 The end
Show makes its 5000th anime/jojo reference
RIP Stephen Furst
Is she best pony?
Penn Zero: Part-Time Hero
Shockwave says: happiness is logical
ITT: Cancelled Sup Forums related projects
How come there's no MLP threads right now?
Why the fuck is Wonder Woman: Spirit of Truth so fucking expensive?
Western characters drawn by japanese artists
It's been six months since Monty Oum died
Worm Web Serial Thread #2
What exactly was wrong with him?
Wonder Woman by John Byrne Part 7
Now look at this Vambre, that I just found!
He was the best thing to happen to capeshit movies
ITT: characters who were only written well once
So the Premiere was today did anybody watch it?
I just found out that my favorite Sandman arc is the most universally hated one by fans. Why? I love A Game of You
ITT: animation smears
Preacher Storytime part 9
Moon Knight Complete Storytime Part 6
ITT: Worst Sup Forums best friends
Critter Coven
Toonami General #1
Sup Forums vehicle that could exist in real life
What do you guys think of Joss Whedon and his contributions to Sup Forums media?
Spider-man (1967) Fiddler on the Loose
Sexy comic character thread
So what does her crotch look like?
ITT: Favorite Racebends
PAD's Hulk run Part 1/?
Long gone gulch
I didn't think they were going to follow up on that
Does Sup Forums like dick tracy?
When does South Park become better?
What would Dale think of Alex Jones?
More Dares
Writefag thread
Can we have a thread to discuss movies that have slipped under the radar through the years...
What are some good-great Marvel events and runs...
DeviantArt Cringe
Courage the Cowardly Dog Deep Lore
Billy Dilley's Super-Duper Subterranean Summer
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics and Cartoons
Project: Multiverse Comics
Niels & Gang storytime because fuck you
The black one is mine
What did Sugar mean by this?
Post ugly fashion while others guess a good superhero and/or supervillain name and backstory for them
Did Miniseries REALLY "save" AT?
Filename Thread
Can someone explain Reverse-Flash to me? So this dude is just as powerful as the Flash, oftentimes more powerful...
Preacher storytime part 8
The cartoon you want to create will get picked up for only a 12 episode season
IDW Hasbro Universe Mega-Storytime
Those couples who must be canon status quo
Tfw your not excited for your favorite superhero's film because they casted an ugly no-eyebrow having neanderthal troll...
What is the biggest example of a comic company disrespecting their hero or fanbase?
Metropolis is actually really weird looking
Who's the bigger hack, Sup Forums?
"AAAAY MI GENTES, it's me...
Yfw mistrial
Continuing the Wally Wood Storytime!!!
Is there anyone who's really a fan of Veronica? I think she's a massive spoiled cunt...
Why are Black people so underrepresented in Sup Forums media...
Give me a name for an oc comic book character and i'll draw them in MS Paint
Cavemen Avengers?! Axel...
Shelf Recent Purchases Buyfag Thread
Thousands of years and distinct races still exist
How does Luffy win? My autism needs to know
Who can beat The Flash?
Preacher Storytime part 7
IDW Hasbro Universe Mega-Storytime
Am I the only one that liked this show as a teen?
Is this only example of LGBT done right in western animation
Is this a good ship?
Go to convention expecting to meet people
Today is Wally Woods birthday...
Kung Fu Panda 2
You can't give any reasonable objective reasons to hate nuCarol
They call me... Yellow-Skinned Wacky Man!
Why, I do believe it's time for Star Trek... and Green Lantern‽
GAYS?! In MY Sup Forums?!
Since it's ending soon in 2018
Hank family thread
Weekend Sup Forums creation thread
Was she an improvement over her Space Jam version?
We could've had a Marvel cartoon universe with the interconnectivity of the DCAU
Why does Reddit love her?
Star vs the forces of NEW PROMO
What's the consensus on this asshole? Was he a quality villain or is my nostalgia off the charts?
Lost his mom
You are in your room at the computer, when- BAM! Superman comes crashing through your roof. He is messed up really...
3x3 Thread
IDW Hasbro Universe Mega-Storytime
Whedon's proposed Wonder Woman script
Boo hoo I am petty
Cars 3 is out. Anyone seen it yet, thoughts?
I have no reason to stay in Smallville
Spider-man Homecoming memes
Menage a 3
Are there any comic reviewers out there who actually talk about something other than capeshit or manga?
Cheesecake thread breast edition
Is Barry really never coming back? Is Wally permanently the new Flash now?
IDW Hasbro Universe Mega-Storytime
It's an episode about c-lister capes with names nobody remembers
Hasn’t history proven that Marx’s vision of an egalitarian utopia is unattainable...
Loneliness + alienation + fear + despair + self-worth ÷ mockery ÷ condemnation ÷ misunderstanding × guilt × shame...
/CTG/ Channel-tans General
What does Sup Forums think of Inspector Gadget?
What are the chances of Transformers The last knight turning out to be kino?
The Crow was such a good movie, why can't we have comic movies like that anymore...
Uncanny Avengers Annual #1 Storytime
Cheryl Blossom storytime, continued from >>93261741
Zack Snyder
This got sad. Why are they doing this to me?
How lesbo is too lesbo Sup Forums?
Guillermo Del Toro makes a live-action movie based on the last cartoon you watched or comic you read
American Dragon wasn't exactly the best show...
ITT: Post your best covers
Legend Quest
The Best of Cheryl Blossom
Adventure Time, Hey Arnold and Steven Universe banned for being homosexual propaganda
Post Sup Forums Manwhores
It's the best episode of Adventure Time
Kill Six Billion Demons
Has cosmic marvel been the one good constant throughtout the decades from Marvel?
Any fans of Jem? Cartoon, comics, whatever
Can this be a thing?
Wolverine Claws debate
What a massacre
What are the worst canon ships?
Fictional restaurants you would eat at
Ben 10 thread!
What do you guys think of Plagueofgripes' work?
Overhyped normie bait thread
Dirty Dan
Is Uncle a more powerful magic user then anyone in the Harry Potter Universe?
What earth is zoom a good guy and played by tim allen?
Why is cuckoldry so popular in adult cartoons nowadays?
Who is your favorite comic? Mine is Jerry Seinfeld
Wonder Woman
So gingers are evil, right? These movies both had evil super gingers
Disney parks thread
Which company has the better universe and characters?
Thanks Sup Forums. I really enjoy this community, the people who storytime to the people who make senseless posts
Boondocks Mini Mart shootout
Is this the best cartoon ever made?
Verbally abuses John
Preacher Storytime part 6
Meanwhile, at the hall of doom
"Aint no thing like me cept' me."
Hey Snyder, I've got an idea. It's pretty fucking revolutionary
The "I Don't Know, I Kinda Liked It" Thread
Motherrrrrr, you had me
The entire world, asides from the USA, gets Sonic Boom on Netflix
What's your waifu's alignment?
Megamind 2 never ever
/dpg/ - Danny Phantom Marathon Thread #22
Fuck, Marry, Kill, Ignore
JSA Storytime: X-Statix
Medusa thread
User! I've come from the year 2025...
Thanks for ruining a decent character Marvel
Preacher Storytime part 5
This is Aya of the Green Lantern Corps. Say something nice to her!
Voltron Legendary Defender
I hope it's a hot boy!
Spider-Man: Homecoming tracking opens at 90-108 million
Recommend me a cartoon
Elsa blue dress is simply the best, period
Storytime of IMPERIOUS REX:
Let's play a game
What ever happened to that Secret of NIMH CGI remake?
Disney Hate
Crossover Thread
What's his best work?
15 Ways Teen Titans Is Better Than Young Justice
Reminder that we could've gotten a twelve forever or infinity train miniseries instead of this shit
Reaction image thread. Does anyone have smug aquamarine?
Why do females in these show do look more human than their male counterparts?
If the Emperor had a Text-To-Speech Device: Episode 25
It's obvious who they should crossover with next
Dealing with the devil
IDW Hasbro Universe Mega-Storytime
Cartoon Recommendation
Reminder that Dr Manhattan could have killed both Ozymandias and Rorschach, destroyed the fortress...
Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy
Mandates From SEGA To Archie Comics
"This Is What Superheroes Would Look Like With Realistic Bodies"
30% of our global TV audience is boys
What is the best Batman cartoon?
Superheroes with REALISTIC bodies
What will the 2020s be like Sup Forums?
I think we should have a Princess Marco thread
New Legacy details
DARK DAYS: THE CASTING #1 first look
Unaired Episode of "Powerless" guest-starring Adam West
Raven Thread
TMNT thread
What was his fucking problem?
Spot the Faker
IDW Hasbro Universe Mega-Storytime
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics and Cartoons
Ashi Appreciation thread
ITT: Things Sup Forums will not accept even though it's true
This is Randy Stair, transgender brony who shot 3 people, and now the face of Sup Forums
So This Is Basically Danny Phantom (ft. Butch Hartman)
Does continuity and lore make a cartoon inherently better?
Previous Thread:
Will they ever top this kino Death battle?
Cars 3
What Sup Forumsgirl resembles your gf the most?
Would you become a supervillian if it meant being caught by your favorite hero?
What are your favourite Z-List batman villains Sup Forums?
When will Hollywood make a mainstream adult animated movie that is ether a action movie or a hard drama?
Why don't I like Ultimate Spider-Man?
Why, I do believe it's time for Doctor Who!
This guy offers to give you whatever you want in exchange for half your remaining life spawn
Project: Multiverse Comics
Bcb - Bittersweet Candy Bowl
Would you trust him?
Wikihow thread?
Sup Forums shits on a book
Poppy O'Possum Update
Can we agree
Has he ever been wrong?
Camp Camp Season 2 Premier
Why is he so perfect?
How will the movie justify her hideous body suit?
ITT: Only the best newspaper funnies
ITT: frontal views of characters
Mera looks so beautiful. Thank you based Sejic!
Can do everything a spider can
May 2017 Comic Book Sales Report - Top 10's (Fixed)
Post ships you know are kind odd but still love
Artist goes out of their way to portray a healthy lesbian relationship
Megg, Mog & Owl
DC preparing for new format push
Wow was a giant CG cloud monster the best they could come up with?
Gwenpool is CUTE
If you were hired by DC or Marvel, would you rather write for an established character/team...
Which fanbase is worse?
Why is eska the best avatar grill?
Who was in the wrong in this episode?
50s Flyer Aesthetic
Why is Pixar no longer trying?
Find a flaw
I'll just leave this here
How is he NOT a better Batman when he KILLS all those pedophiles, serial killers, terrorists...
Mr. Turner looking directly at Cosmo and Wanda
/lit/ person here
What does Sup Forums think of starro?
Characters that can beat any other fictional character
All-New Guardians of the Galaxy #4 Preview
Metal one-shots coming from September through November!
I really fucking hate these trendy, in your face...
This is Iris West, star of CW's "The Flash."
Post your best /not retcon/s
So Sup Forums, I want to start reading spider-man (never have) what runs would you guys recommend...
This is Tony Stark, creator of the Spider-Man costume and, one could argue, Spider-Man himself
When and how did this show become so much better than all the other Seth Shit?
CATALYST PRIME - Spring 2017 Storytime
Invincible Iron Man #8 Preview
Gunnerkrigg court
What is his name again?
Ms. Marvel
Steven Universe
Cold never bothers her
Loonatics Unleashed
The two guys that made Don't Hug Me I'm Scared are making a Gumball episode
Sup Forums raves about a book
ITT: Women of color
Tropes you hate
So what's wonder woman's weakness these days? I thought it was bondage...
Mordecai thread
This chump is gonna get a Rebirth solo before Wally, Shazam, the JSA, Legion of Superheroes...
Sup Forums stuff you were irrationally scared of
You know, it's really funny. I know superhero films are better now, (debatable with the Spider-Man films)...
Why do some things attract the furry audience (Zootopia, Lauren Faust Show) while others do not (Sing...
Continuing the storytime of It Hurts!! from earlier
How does this realistically end Sup Forums?
Oh so that's where Jackie Lynn Thomas went
Heathcliff plays catch with his dad
Penny is ICE COLD
At what point did you realize love is dead, Sup Forums?
And Ashley leaves us with a weekend cliffhanger on whether she just killed her husbando to prove us all wrong or...
Betty and Veronica swimsuit dump continues, now featuring more swimsuits
Why aren't you reading Thanos?
Hottest marvel heroine
ITT: shows only you remember
I liked it
Was it abuse?
What would be a legit reason for superman to turn evil?
What makes an anime and what makes a cartoon Sup Forums?
Husband thread
Death Battle actually gets it right for once
Futurama good/bad?
Batman and Superman are fucking dead and Brainiac is trying to take Cities
Is Starfire a coded Black girl?
The Bright Knight storytime
I never kill because I wouldn't know when to stop myself!
Is it fair to say that Batman's No Kill rule, is what lead to all the death, wars...
Did John Lasseter ever recover from this?
Most interesting Marvel character?
I'm sure glad I remember so many Newground flash animations
Forgot to check Sup Forums on the 13th
Betty & Veronica Swimsuit Special dump, because I have nothing better to do with my time
Desenhista que Pensa thread
Why does She-Thing get no love from Marvel
This was 100x darker than Lars' "death"
How is it that this one song, is better than anything that Frozen shat out? In fact this movie is leagues better...
Has there ever been a good looking Pop figure?
Cars 3 is the best movie opening this week
Hanazuki Thread
JSA Storytime: X-Statix
Dr. Simon Hurt
Remember when Hayley went to a refugee camp and got fat?
Previous Thread:
Why is the X-fanbase so annoying?
What is with modern writers and going full edgelord with Penguin? Are they just overcompensating for his goofy...
Steven Universe gets an unnecesary amount of dislike around here
What went wrong?
Post what you're working on
What's that issue of Iron Man where Stark gets trapped by his suit on an island because it's in love with him or...
Billy Dilley
Jessica Cruz: Green Lantern
Johns and Whedon on JL reshoots
I fucking love The Critic I have fond memories of watching it with my older brother
So we know Atom, Raiden and Black Manta, but who are the remaining three?
War of Jokes and Riddles
Would you, Sup Forums?
One of the oldest capeshit characters
Peter should be a billionaire hes so smart!
Spider-Man Movies
Was there more cartoon shows about African-Americans?
Homer, I can't believe you are receiving cable without paying for it...
Luna loud confirmed gay!
The Loud House
So wait a sec
Was this racist?
Which Lantern ring does Chris become a wielder of?
Stupid and Odd Questions Thread
Inhumans shooting down a plane filled with mutants for the pettiest reason
Kate Spencer AKA Manhunter is back over in GA
AMERICA #4 Preview
What is with people trying to self-insert themselves into whatever medium their working on?
DA comic storytime: Daemon Part 2
It's a "no justice, villain wins and gets the girl, and protagonist is publicly humiliated beyond redemption" episode
Aww gees Lois this is worse than that one time we were on a bootleg flashlight app
Which Disney princess would you like most to cum inside?
Best cartoon intro ever made?
So I finally read this
Am I alone in liking Adam Strange's nu52 costume?
There are people who actually believe season 3 is coming
Is this gonna be the next big cartoon of the decade...
Goodbye Christopher Robin
How is DC Rebirth so fucking good?
How can we stop CalArts? Seriously
So is crossing over with yourself still a crossover?
Who did it better?
Were things really that bad under fire lord Ozai?
Ideas for fixing Iron Man
Alright Sup Forums, let's do a game. I write an idea for a comic book story, and everyone expands upon the idea
Why is Emma so dedicated to Scott now...
Project: Multiverse Comics
Gf wants to be Early Harley Quinn
Name 3 shows other than Jackie Chan Adventures
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics and Cartoons
You can only pick one to be your personal, mind-controlled servant
Manifest Destiny #29 Storytime
Well, what did?
ITT: BEST Sup Forums-related costumes/outfits of all time
Is it really that racist and insensitive?
Literally WTF is up with this noodle anatomy shit
Terra a cute
Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite
In one episode, Lars became a much better character than Connie ever was
Green Valley Storytime
Confirmation that Adam West did finish recording for second "Batman '66" animated film
There was at least one thing you liked from the show, right Sup Forums ?
Ava's Demon
Harley Quinn
Reaction images
Name a more worthless waste of a power ring
It Hurts!! Storytime Part 2
John Carpenters The Thing is now in the last Sup Forums related thing you read/watched and has already infected a few...
This is Masada.She has growth powers that make her immensely strong and tough
The Foolish Samurai Cut
This is Kamala, she got cucked by a fat girl, her best friend hates her guts and hero is a psychopath
ITT:Pure Marriage Material
Kenya bans Loud House, LOK, Hey Arnold, SU, and Adventure Time for promoting homosexual behavior...
Welp, after over 10 years, they finally did it
Oh look, he's talking about us
I'll just leave this here
Christine/Christian Weston Chandler (creator of the Sonichu comic) has made another TV appearance
Which Sup Forums character has the tightess ass?
Why don't superheroines end up naked anymore?
Gotham Academy: Second Semester #10
Worm Web Serial Thread
This was actually canon
It Hurts!! Storytime Part 1
ITT: Cartoons only you have watched
Cars 1 gets way too much shit
The weird VHS you had thread
Does anyone even like this shitty dyke besides tumblr?
Even the fucking nips understand long hair Carol is better
"The Book of Life 2" in production, "Kung Fu Space Punch" Also coming soon
What does Sup Forums think of scarecrow?
Future of 3D cartoons
Why did the Regular Show shorts for the final season have the budget of a nuPPG episode? fucking christ man
What if Star vs. was just a Scott Pilgrim fanfic?
Could a Kingdom Hearts cartoon work?
Justice League of Gods and Monsters: Mexican Superman Storytime
What's Sup Forums's opinion on Pearl?
Did Ashi really ruin the show like Sup Forums says...
Pixar thread
What went wrong?
Breaking the 4th wall
If Steven's spit heals, and his tears resurrect, what do his other bodily fluids do?
CBR Cringe
Agents of Shield discussion thread
Give us your flesh. We demand it
Who'd win in a dogfight
Is Kenan the only diversity character done right? Why are Miles, Kamala, Black Wally, Cho, new Quasar so terrible?
I wish for a Wonder Woman movie
ITT: Shows were the antagonist is by far the best character
This manchild is killing DCEU like Feige killed MCU
ITT We speculate what the next Marvel Games will/should be
Why did Timmys dad hate him?
So now that the dust has settled, who can beat the Flash in a race?
Just shush and quietly fap to the incoming R34 of this character
Well, Sup Forums, the jerk store called, they're running out of you!
Thinly veiled vidya thread
IT: Episodes That Fucked You Up
Implying Peggy Carter would bang string bean Steve Rogers
What Race is the Water tribe?
Dumbing of Age
How does this character make you feel Sup Forums?
Just barely caught up with SvTFOE. Holy damn I love this show! What do y'all think will happen in the movie??
Wonder Woman by John Byrne Part 6
That episode when Pharaoh Bob enslaved the entire student body to build a giant mud pyramid and the teachers didn't do...
So does Sup Forums like this? I saw the first 6 episodes and I enjoyed it...
"A double McSpanky with fries and a Flurp. That'll be $6.53. And $3.47 will be your change."
Lines that were delivered perfectly
Be honest
Mods dont know pepe is from a comic
So was it a good comic?
So who think we need this villain because I think the feminist would like to get her back now. or am I wrong?
And this is the little bottle that did the whole trick
Is this a Calvin & Hobbes thread or an /ss/ thread?
Star vs Pure Poetry
Stop ruining my mutants
What was his name again?
Secret Empire United - "shocking" revelation at the end
Suicide Squad #19 Storytime
Bikini Bottom Online
I thought the Hulk was a screeching autist?
Official Win-O'-Thread #2
If you kill your enemies, they win
Bendis is taken off everything and put on Captain Marvel...
I'm still mad
Why does a ten year old wear yoga pants?
Is there any good cartoon funko pops Sup Forums?
Did it deserve its popularity?
Bug! The Adventures of Forager #2 Storytime
The World's Worst Superhero Team
Gravity Fails
Ok that episode was fucking weird
Amazing Spider-Man: Renew your vows Storytime
Webcomic Tiers
Just finished reading this and HOLY SHIT did it subvert my expectations
Why is she such a violent dumdum?
We're getting an episode of Gumball with puppets done by the DHMIS people
Black guy shits on America #3
Something that kinda amused me when watching "Guardians Of the Galaxy volume 2...
Post Sup Forums fathers who think their kids are failures
Injustice: Sub Zero Edition
I just finished watching all episodes of Chip & Dale Rescue Rangers
Sup Forums do you like white girls or prefer brown ones?
Hello, my name is Drew Pickles, and I am very, very, very, very gay
Deadpool 32 storytime
Anyone else prefer Otto over Peter?
Rosianna Rabbit
Which one is more racist?
Chart thread
Why is Sup Forums laughing at this?
So I may become a foster parent to some estranged family, one boy and one girl
DeviantArt Cringe
Peru vs The forces of Evil
So, which one is the better series?
What the fuck bros?
When were you when poppy was kill?
Take me somewhere expensive, Pete
Bait statement about Steven Universe
ITT: we make our own capeshit setting
Is this accurate?
Does whatever a spider can
Any readers of Boom's/higgin's run of power rangers here...
Gwen is my favorite character
Weird drawing habits
Tails Gets Trolled
Billy Zane cast as Legends of Tomorrow villain... PT Barnum
Fox has formalized plans for Dark Phoenix, the next installment of the X-Men franchise. This all just happened...
Ms. Marvel #19 storytime
*The Jumbo Battle Begins*
Library of Congress Starts Inducting Webcomics
*blocks your path*
Warm Fuzzies
Drawfag Comics
Captain America lost Final Justice in Infinite
Does this comic have a point...
Did he ruin the character?
DC-Looney Tunes 100-Page Spectacular Storytime
Kim Reaper #3
What's the point of reading western comics when every event gets retconned and deaths have no emotional weight because...
"Call Girl" is fucking hilarious
Supergirl #10 Storytime
So what was Hank's preferred steak? Ribeye? Sirloin? T-bone? Filet mignon?
If Wakanda doesn't sell vibranium, it doesn't conquer its neighbors, and it tries to be isolationist all the time...
You are charged with making a series of Fantastic Four movies. What is your pitch to revive this dead franchise?
Sup Forums General Drawthread
Batgirl and the Birds of Prey
To be honest, this is why I love the X-Men. They always push the envelope...
Why, I do believe it's time for Doctor Who!
Bcb - Bittersweet Candy Bowl
This is public domain in 1.5 years
What did you think of Aladdin the series Sup Forums?
/ourgirl/ storytime
Cartoon has a bullying episode
Red Hood and the Outlaws #11 Storytime
No Plans For Fantastic Four In MCU
How would you fix this faggot's character?
ITT: characters that are literally you
So how many naked pictures of them did Jerry have?
Ducktales intro is up and it's premiering on August 12th with a 24 hour marathon of the hour long premiere movie
Really makes you think
Martian Manhunter-Marvin the Martian Special Storytime
Peter, my yoga class tonight got cancelled. Can you be a sweetheart and help your dear old aunt stretch?
Cartoons not intended specifically for adults that adults should watch
Legion of Super Heroes-Bugs Bunny Special Storytime
SuperWoman #11 Storytine
Ben Reilly - Scarlet Spider storytime since no one else has done it yet
Feel bad man
Captain America: Sam Wilson #23 storytime
How was there not a better way
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics and Cartoons
Star vs the squad
Who is the scariest superhero ?
Venom #151 Storytime
Yes T'Challa is smarter than Tony Stark. He's implied to be in Hickman's Avengers...
Webseries Thread
One-off character the writers intended simply as a plot device and had no plans to ever use again
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Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...