It's been forever since we had the last one of these. Recommend, Rate, and tell me why my taste is shit.
3x3 Thread
>half of these aren't even Sup Forums related
I enjoyed all the stuff there I recognize. What's the one with the kid in the bowl cut?
Did someone say 3x3?
Mob Psycho 100, made by the same guy who did One Punch Man in the upper left
Please stop posting this garbage image
They looked similar.
I digged OPM, I'll give Mob Psycho a watch.
>The Batman
>Not Batman: The Animated Series
Filename is wrong.
>TMNT 2003
Nigga why? It's not bad, but in your top 9, really?
Mob Psycho 100, its by the same guy that made one punch man and its probably his best work, the anime has great animation (animation, the artstyle allows better animation but it might be rough looking becouse One can't draw) but its good, its really good.