Why is Rick so depressed?

Why is Rick so depressed?

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The Szechuan sauce.

Literally this

because s3 isn't out yet

Is the Szechuan sauce the elixir that will allow him to accomplish time travel and save his wife and daughter from a fatal explosion in that one timeline?

he know's he's a character in a show and that he is not a member of base reality

He simply knows too much and it causes an existential pain which he's unable to overcome.

>wife left him
>hated by nearly everyone
>pushes away the few who tolerate/love him
>surrounded by morons to varying degrees


Shut the fuck up you massive faggot.
This is the most retarded shit I've seen all day, I could still make that claim if I'd fucking spelunked in the sewers behind a 'tard school.
How much lead were you given to lick up on as a child to make you this much of a disappointment?

because he's in a shitty show with a shitty fandom that constantly draws him fucking is own grandson