I have no reason to stay in Smallville

I have no reason to stay in Smallville.


Literally the gayest thing I've ever watched online

And yes, I have actually seen gay porn


You have me.

what about hot gay sex with Clark in the old barn

*pant* WHAT'D I MISS?

Am i autistic if the one thing that pisses me off about Smallville is that clark doesn't fly until the very end of the show?

I... I can't resist... she's so damn cute...

I started to get angry about the flying in s2.


Same problem with the costume, but to a lesser degree.

>clark doesn't fly
That's good. He's so OP even without fly powers.

He was basically stronk Flash with heat vision.


Best Smallvile waifu.



i guess


My heart can't take it.

do what now

This is why we get the needless hostility and paranoia between Superheroes, because no one's ready for a setting where they're Superfriends.